
Sacralization vertebra

Sacralization vertebra is the anomaly of the spinal column congenital nature and it is characterized by a fusion of the l5 vertebra with the sacrum. This fusion may be partial or complete.

The sanctification refers to the vices, which are called transitional lumbar-sacral vertebra. Diagnosis of this defect is difficult, since it rarely causes symptoms.

Sacralization vertebra called pathology, in which there is a reduction of the vertebrae in the lumbar. This anomaly is the complete opposite of globalizatsii. Quite often sacralization of l5 vertebra is not seen as a single disease, it is accompanied by other malformations of the spine. According to statistics, the sacralization diagnosed in men more often – 15%, and 7% of women.

What is this sanctification? When this occurs, the shortening of the spinous process, which in this condition rests on the sacrum, there are situations when it merges with the scallop. Because of these changes there is a change in space through which pass the nerve roots. These holes can and do abyss or did they turn into such sacral.


As sacralization is a congenital anomaly, it is the main cause of this pathology are the diseases that arise in the period of intrauterine development of the embryo. And the ones that are able to disrupt the bookmark points of ossification.

Doctors say that the cause is often a genetic predisposition. That is, parents who have sacralization, often children are born with the same pathology.

Another causes of sacralization can be:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • spondylosis;
  • spondiloarthrosis;
  • injuries, bruises;
  • fractures.

Also trigger the development of pathology can and other diseases of the spine chronic.


Sacralization vertebra for a long period of time shows no signs and therefore can not diagnose. But usually the first symptoms a person feels under excessive loads. This frequent bending and lifting of heavy loads. Also symptoms with colds.

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  • Pain in the lumbar spine and the pain may spread to the buttocks and down the legs.
  • The reduction or even loss of sensation of the skin in the hips and lower back.
  • Limit physical activity while the torso twists.
  • Reduced mobility of the spine.
  • Pain can worsen with prolonged stay in the one position of the body, for example, prolonged standing.

Sometimes people confuse these symptoms with degenerative disc disease.

There are also signs of pathology that a person can notice. For this you need to stand up straight and keep your heels together, socks breed apart. Then you need to reach the floor with your fingers. If people can’t reach the floor and the distance from the toes is significant, we can assume that has the given pathology.


There are several types of sacralization, and they are divided into 2 forms – unilateral and bilateral.


  • Bone sanctification. With this type the body of the intervertebral disc is completely absent or is rudimentary.
  1. Two – way- fusion of both transverse processes of vertebra l5 and the lateral mass of the sacrum.
  2. Unilateral – one fusion of the transverse process with the lateral mass of the sacrum, and on the opposite side is manifested in the fusion of cartilage, but it may be that the fusion on this side and no transverse process is free.
  • Cartilage sanctification. This is a condition in which the intervertebral disk already has a rudimentary appearance.
  1. Two – way- fusion cartilage (synchondroses) is observed on both sides, they are connected with a lateral mass of the sacrum.
  2. Unilateral – synchondroses diagnosed with only one hand, and on the other seam no.
  • The joint sanctification. In this case, the intervertebral disc is, but it is smaller and the mobility of the segments are normal.
  1. Two way – in this case transverse processes look like abnormal joints, called neoarthrosis, they connect to the sacrum.
  2. Unilateral – newartriot there is only one side, the other free.

The fusion can be complete or partial. Full coalescence is a position where the segments l5 and s1 are connected. Partial – when spliced handles or appendages. Doctors distinguish more deep coalescence, wherein l5 is part of the sacrum.

About sanctification

Diagnosed also about forms of sacralization. This form appears due to various pathologies, localized in the lumbar. Also often about sanctification is accompanied by ossification of the ligaments.

This pathology occurs in people of older age group.

While sacralization causes the development of diseases and injuries of the spine:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • fracture of the vertebral column in the lumbar;
  • spondiloarthrosis;
  • lumbar spondylosis.

Methods that are able to diagnose the sacralization vertebra are radiography and computed tomography. The most often used instrumental method is x-ray. In the picture the lumbar-sacral spine can count the number of vertebrae, and so determines the nature of the pathology: sacralization or globalizacija. Even in the photo are the kinds form the splice.

With the help of x-ray can diagnose that the intervertebral disc is truncated, and also reduced the segment, which is transitive. Spinous process is also smaller.

X-rays will help the doctor to determine the sanctification of true or false. If it is false, it will be seen ossification the ligaments between the vertebrae.


Medical therapy the patient is administered if the pathology shows symptoms. Conservative treatment usually consists in application of physiotherapy.

Among them:

  • applique paraffin;
  • electrophoresis, sometimes severe pain even use novocaine;
  • the ultrasound procedure;
  • massage;
  • physiotherapy.

Also apply blockade with novocaine and a corticosteroid if pain is strong. Such patients is recommended after primary therapy Spa treatment. Some time should wear special orthopedic corset.

Can prescribed drugs of the group of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or other painkillers, but only if necessary. The sacralization of vertebrae is sometimes treated with surgery. It is prescribed for severe pain, which are not under the influence of conservative treatment.

The operation in this case is carried out trauma and spine. The purpose of this operation is the removal of the transverse process, which is movable connection with the sacrum, also doctors use during surgery bone graft.

After surgical treatment you need to recover with physical therapy and medications antibacterial and analgesic types.

The consequences

The consequences of this disease can be quite unpleasant and cause discomfort. Such an anomaly, as sacralization vertebra can cause degenerative changes of the intervertebral discs of the type in the upper spine.

Also because of this pathology in the lumbosacral spine is excessive load. And the most frequent violation is the scoliosis, especially in children.

When the development of the impact compresses the nerve roots, is a syndrome “a horse tail”.

One thought on “Sacralization vertebra

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