Discos is an inflammatory disease that affects the region of the intervertebral disc. It is a degenerative pathology that appears when metabolic disorders of the spine. The main symptom is pain, and the treatment requires a comprehensive approach.
Most often pathology develops in those who are actively engaged in heavy physical labor. Usually diagnosed in the lower back to the spine has to withstand severe stress.
On the second place by frequency – cervical spine, which is associated with constant dynamic loads. Thoracic suffers less often, and this is due to the fact that there’s no heavy load, and here the spine has minimal movement.
The progression of the disease without treatment, leads to the fact that it is spreading to other vertebrae. Also affected, ligaments, joints, bone tissue. Eventually develops osteoarthritis.
Risk factors
Disks intervertebral disk most often occurs at high or uneven load, which is on the spine. By precipitating factors include trauma, and pinholes in the spine. They are especially dangerous when left without attention and treatment.
Other reasons for the development of discose include:
- Excessive and permanent dynamic loads.
- Heredity, especially various genetic diseases of the spine, which can be inherited.
- Physical exhaustion after prolonged stress.
- Excess of normal body mass.
- Spinal deformity in scoliosis or kyphosis.
- The presence of circulatory disorders in the intervertebral disc.
- Slowing of metabolic processes.
How does
Signs discose not have any specificity without more research correct diagnosis can be very difficult. Observable symptoms may appear in other diseases of the back.
The disease can occur in three ways: acute, chronic and recurrent. And the symptoms often begin to appear when weight lifting.
Among the manifestations of the inflammatory process should be noted:
- Pain in the lumbar, which give to the sciatic nerve.
- Permanent forced position of the body. The manifestations of scoliosis is becoming more noticeable.
- Pain as inflammation becomes more and more noticeable. It becomes especially strong after a long load on the back, for example, prolonged sitting or standing, and also while in the same position.
- The pain often radiates to the thigh or buttocks, and can reach up to the calf or foot.
Most often, these symptoms manifest in the lower back. Radicular symptoms, and numbness, associated with the compression of the vertebral artery.
Sometimes the disease may affect the neck, but this is quite rare. In this case also be no specific symptoms, and all of them will resemble the manifestations of banal osteochondrosis.
The major manifestations should be considered:
- Pain in the neck.
- Shooting pains in the hands, which appear when moving the head.
- Paresis or paralysis of the arms, which occur when hernias of large size.
- Partial loss of sensation.
Also this condition can cause headaches, dizziness, visual disturbances and hearing loss.
How to get rid of
Treatment should be carried out in several directions. First, it is necessary to improve the metabolic processes in the spine. Second, to normalize circulation and reduce the pressure on the disc. But it is also necessary to recover the depreciation, the ability of the spine and prevent progression of the disease.
Basic drugs you should consider analgesics, and with their inefficiency – blockade with novocaine and vitamin b 12. If a strong inflammation corticosteroids are applied.
For painful muscle tension are appointed by muscle relaxants – baclofen mydocalm or. To improve the microcirculation of the blood are used trental and nicotinic acid. After acute inflammation will be removed, used physiotherapy ultrasound, electrophoresis, laser treatment, magnetic therapy. Also, good effect gives acupuncture, apitherapy, hirudotherapy.
Along with the conventional methods, it is possible to use traditional methods of treatment, massage with ointments, which have a warming effect, compresses from plants, honey rubbing.