
The symptoms and treatment of shoulder periarthritis

Frozen shoulder is a dangerous pathology that provokes degenerative changes in the shoulder joint and the tissues around it. If you do not take the time any action can lead to serious consequences including disability. It is therefore very important to correctly identify the symptoms of humeroscapular periarthritis and to start effective therapy.

The main symptoms of humeroscapular periarthritis

Symptoms of humeroscapular periarthritis varies depending on the form of the pathological state. The disease may be simple, acute and chronic in nature.

Simple form

The easiest form of shoulder arthritis. It is quite easy to therapeutic interventions and has the following clinical picture:

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  • mild soreness in the shoulder area, which is manifested only in the movement;
  • the increase in discomfort when lifting the upper limb or when rotational motion;
  • the limitations of action by hand, the inability to retract it back.

A simple form of the pathological condition lasts 2-4 weeks. Usually the patient does not take minor symptoms and do not go to health facility for diagnosis. This has a negative effect on the flow of humeroscapular periarthritis and he goes into an acute form.

The acute form

The acute form of humeroscapular periarthritis may result from untreated diseases simple character. And also be formed as a separate pathology. It lasts a few weeks or months.

For it is characteristic of such signs:

  • almost no possibility of rotating by hand, but it is safe to move forward without the occurrence of unpleasant sensations;
  • the pain is sharp and spreads to the neck and throughout the arm;
  • pain increases during night time;
  • on the outside of the shoulder, there is swelling;
  • the deterioration of health in General (headaches, lack of sleep, etc.);
  • maybe a little temperature to rise.

If you do not take any action, the acute periarthritis spills over into the chronic form.

The chronic form

For such forms of humeroscapular periarthritis characterized by the following clinical manifestations:

  • pain moderate, practically do not cause discomfort;
  • at night time there is a ache in the neck area, which prevents sleep;
  • with a careless hand movements there is a sharp, sharp pain.

The chronic form of the shoulder may last for several months or even years. If you run a pathological condition that can develop capsulitis (“frozen shoulder”). As a result, the joint loses mobility.

Ankylosing form

Ankylosing form (capsulitis) – the final stage of humeroscapular periarthritis. In certain situations it may occur as an independent disease without going through the previously described stages.

In this type of humeroscapular periarthritis following symptoms occur:

  1. Discomfort in the shoulder and dull, aching. It is manifested not for a long time. When you try to move the hand, the effect of the pain increases.
  2. The shoulder joint is practically loses its mobility. The hand does not rise above the horizontal position. It will not retract back. It is impossible to twist around its own axis.
  3. The tissue around the tendons considerably condensed. It is well noticeable on palpation.
  4. In some situations, pain may be absent, but the immobility of the joint is maintained.

Frozen shoulder must be treated in the initial stages. Than the neglect of its form, the harder amenable to therapeutic interventions.

Methods therapeutic activities

A doctor who deals with the treatment of humeroscapular periarthritis is a surgeon or a neurologist. To eliminate any possible form of pathological condition. But what she’s neglected, the more time and effort it would take. Therapeutic measures aimed at elimination of the reasons for the formation of humeroscapular periarthritis and its clinical picture.

In the initial stages of the development of the disease responding to therapy at home with exercises and folk remedies. In more advanced cases, a comprehensive treatment. Glenohumeral arthritis eliminated drugs, physiotherapy methods. For especially heavy patients recommended surgical impact.

Conservative therapy

Drug therapy of humeroscapular periarthritis begins with the application of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Aspirin, Voltaren, Diclofenac). In a simple form of pathological States receiving these drugs is quite. However, you should take into account that they adversely affect the work of the digestive system. Patients with abnormalities of the gastrointestinal tract, they are contraindicated. Such patients assigned to Celecoxib, Nimesulide, Movalis. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are not intended for continuous treatment.

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To eliminate the inflammatory process in the joint and tissues around it, with scapulohumeral periarthritis appointed special ointment drugs NSAIDs group. In addition, you can be discharged hot compresses with Bischofite, Dimexidum.

For the relief of pain at the scapulohumeral periarthritis, performed blockade novocaine. You also need to do a periarticular injection of corticosteroid medicines. In a synovial bag or a tendon is introduced tandem hormone anesthetic. The course of injections is 2-3 treatments. Such a method of treatment according to statistical data, helps 80% of patients with scapulohumeral periarthritis by.


Used in combination with conservative therapy can significantly improve the patient’s condition and contribute to his speedy recovery. Such events reinforce the effect of drugs on the patient. Methods of physical therapy are selected individually for each. Depending on the shape of humeroscapular periarthritis, speed of development, the condition of the patient.

Can be assigned by the following methods:

  1. Laser therapy. This treatment is based on the effects of laser light on the damaged area. It prevents the development of inflammation. Improves the circulation of blood fluid. Restores damaged tissue.
  2. Ultrasonic therapy. The procedure is performed with ultrasound waves, which have a positive effect on the diseased tissue at the cellular level. Such treatment reduces or eliminates pain syndrome. Restores damaged tissue. Normalizes metabolic process.
  3. Magnetotherapy. This method is based on the use of special magnets in relation to the damaged area. Improves joint mobility. Strengthens the protective functions of the immune system.
  4. Hirudotherapy. This procedure using leeches. Normalizes blood circulation. Improves elasticity of blood vessels. Reduces the inflammatory process in the joint and tissues around it.
  5. Mud. This therapeutic treatment is done in spas or in special medical institutions. Mud warms the damaged joint. Supplies it with essential nutrients.

Such physiotherapeutic methods have a number of contraindications:

  • allergic reactions-acute;
  • individual intolerance of the procedure;
  • the presence of infectious, respiratory diseases;
  • damage to the skin;
  • severe pathological condition of the heart, recent myocardial infarction;
  • the period of gestation.

Can be assigned to manual therapy. This method is based on the effects of Dr on biologically active points. Is popular among patients with scapulohumeral periarthritis.

Helps in pathological state of the joints acupressure. During the session, the impact on the affected area is done locally. By the procedure eliminates spasms. The joint returns to mobility. Also with scapulohumeral periarthritis can be assigned massage cupping.

Wellness exercises

Thanks to physical therapy at scapulohumeral periarthritis, you can achieve the following effect:

  • to strengthen muscle tissue;
  • to restore the function of ligaments and tendons;
  • to normalize the current of blood fluid to the inflamed areas;
  • to restore mobility of the joint.

Special training is assigned after the conducted therapeutic measures aimed at elimination of the inflammatory process. Some exercises will not be able to cure the disease. A comprehensive approach is necessary.

Exercise is not recommended to start your own at home. The first few months of classes must be conducted under the supervision of a qualified physiotherapist. Otherwise you can only harm your health. The scheme of the classes must be approved by your doctor. After exercise will be worked out, with the permission of a specialist, they can be run independently without external control.

Exercises can be performed in different positions:

  • lying on the floor or ceiling;
  • sitting on a special bench or on a chair with a backrest;
  • standing at the wall or without support.

The following shells:

  • stick;
  • balls;
  • mild dumbbells;
  • elastic resistance bands.

The number of classes is determined by a specialist. Usually workouts begin with 2-3 activities per week. After some time, the doctor translates the patient’s regular daily activities.

There are a number of rules that must be followed when performing exercises:

  • the initial load should take into account the degree of humeroscapular periarthritis and age category of patient;
  • the load increase is gradual;
  • exercises must be done daily at the same time;
  • the movements are performed smoothly, without jerks;
  • exercises should not cause pain in scapulohumeral periarthritis (if it occurs, you need to tell the doctor or physiotherapist);
  • exercises should begin with the development of lower parts of hands, a smooth transition to the shoulder area.

Physiotherapy is based on the following movements:

  • the clenching and unclamping fingers;
  • bending and straightening the wrists;
  • the circular movements of the wrists and shoulders lowered to the hands;
  • the offering of the hands to the shoulders and lowering of the arms at the seams;
  • lifting shoulders up and lowering them down;
  • bending, circular head movements.

Exercise therapy is contraindicated in:

  • circulatory disorders;
  • high body temperature;
  • risk of bleeding;
  • the increased intravenous pressure.
Traditional medicine

Unconventional methods must be agreed with your doctor. Otherwise you can hurt yourself. Traditional medicine used in traditional therapy.

When scapulohumeral periarthritis help of the following tools:

  1. Compresses of burdock. It is desirable to use the plant during its flowering. Leaves need to collect away from exhaust and industrial emissions. Suitable greens are medium in size. Agrimony pre-wash and dry. Sheets to put on the affected area and secure the bandage. Ensure that the joint was not much drag. Compresses is recommended to apply to eliminate pain syndrome.
  2. A decoction of fresh currant. 10 g of berries, pour 300 ml of boiling water. Take 3 times a day after eating. Therapeutic results are observed after 10 days. Continue to drink the decoction until improvement. This remedy also nourishes the body with necessary vitamin C.
  3. Rubbing calendula. Method helps to relieve pain and eliminate swelling of the joint. To prepare to take the flowers and vodka, the alcohol in a ratio of 1 to 2. Gently RUB it into the affected area, being careful not to injure her even more. Once there is full penetration of the infusion, to wrap the patient’s joint in a bandage is not squeezing him at the same time.
  4. A decoction of nettle. Take 1 teaspoon of dried leaves in the plants and pour 100ml of boiling water. Let stand 15 minutes. To take daily 1 tablespoon three times a day to improve well-being.
  5. Tincture of Hypericum. Take 15 g of chopped herbs and pour 300 ml of boiling water. Let stand 30 minutes. Taken orally three times a day for 100 ml. the treatment is around 2 months.

When using methods of nonconventional medicine, you should not wait for a miracle in the form of instant results. Therapy can produce results in a few weeks and months.

Preventive measures

To reduce the risk of developing frozen shoulder periarthritis, please observe the following recommendations:

  1. To accustom themselves to daily exercises. It takes only 15-20 minutes of time. With regular exercise the muscles are developed, the joints are able to withstand more physically demanding.
  2. Go on a proper diet. Used products should contain fiber, calcium and low salt. Also excluded from the diet all fried, fatty and smoked.
  3. To monitor the posture while walking, working behind the monitor, while reading books and writing. During physical loads, do not overload the shoulder area and spine. Especially in the neck.
  4. Avoid drafts, do not blow glenohumeral joint and cervical spine. Hypothermia can cause inflammation.
  5. In a timely manner to treat the related pathological conditions.

If these recommendations are followed, it is possible to significantly reduce the risk of formation of humeroscapular periarthritis. The disease is always easier to prevent than to treat.

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