Sciatica, symptoms and treatment depends on the degree of manifestation of the syndrome, produces root compression CM.
Lumbosacral radiculitis often affects elderly people.
Sciatica in pregnant women occurs in the context of increasing load on the spine. In this case the shift of the center of gravity.
Medical indications
Before you treat the patient, the doctor determines the cause of nerve compression:
- 1Intervertebral hernia – when rupture of the fibrous ring is displaced nucleus pulposus, compressed nerve roots that form the sciatic nerve. Then the inflammation.
- 2Infection – the disease develops after influenza, tuberculosis, malaria, scarlet fever, syphilis.
- 3Poisoning – signs of damage to the sciatic nerve can occur as a result of endogenous (gout) and exogenous poisoning of the body (the use of alcohol or arsenic).
- 4Hypothermia – the cold triggers inflammation by activating the infectious process.
- 5the Osteophytes of vertebrae – like growths can be examined at different vertebrae. The reasons for their appearance specialists refer to degenerative disc disease, spondylosis. Osteophytes, squeezing the nerve roots CM, contribute to the manifestation of sciatica symptoms.
- 6tumors of the spine – to the development of this pathology can lead metastases; malignant, intramedullary, extramedullary, and a benign tumor.
- 7Spondylolisthesis – sciatica can develop when the displacement of the vertebra relative to the next lower. The reasons for the symptoms of spondylolisthesis experts consider the inherent problems of the vertebrae, degenerative disc disease, severe spinal fractures.
Symptoms of pathology
Sciatica the patient complains of pain, impaired movement. Pain can be burning, stabbing, shooting character. Given the prevalence of pain may move to the buttocks, hamstring, calf. Rarely the syndrome is spreading across the foot. Taking into account the causes of pathology the pain is unilateral short-term or chronic.
When sciatica is diagnosed the following neurological disorders:
- the poor sensitivity of the skin in the area of the foot and lower leg;
- because of changes in the muscle tone of the lower back and legs, the patient takes a comfortable position for yourself (which is no pain);
- impaired movement in the upper thigh area;
- muscle atrophy;
- from vegetative changes allocate violated the regulation of the ANS of the skin and various glands;
- the skin becomes red or pale tint;
- brittle nails;
- broken sweat.
At neurological examination the patient may experience additional symptoms of sciatica. Due to the compression of the nerve roots is reduced Achilles, patellar and plantar reflexes.
Types of diagnostics
Before you can treat sciatica, the patient is administered a diagnostic. If the disease is caused by abnormalities of the vertebrae, then shown the x-rays. This simple and accessible method for diagnosis is contraindicated for pregnant women and patients with excess weight. During radiography, the patient should follow the doctor’s instructions. Otherwise photos will be blurry and uninformative.
CT is considered more informative. The advantages of this method experts will include:
- identify different causes of pain;
- obtaining accurate data;
- the possibility of creating three-dimensional models.
CT the doctor can examine the soft tissues. If you suspect sciatica MRI shows. The advantages of this technique experts include:
- you can make cross-sectional images of patient’s body;
- clear pictures of soft tissues.
MRI is contraindicated in the presence of an artificial pacemaker, implant in the tympanic cavity, of Ilizarov. MRI, unlike CT and x-rays, allows to identify the causes of sciatica related to nerves, muscles and other soft tissues. To assess the degree of impairment of motion and sensation are performed electroneuromyography.
Drug therapy
To cure sciatica, are medication and traditional treatment, herbal medicine, osteopathy, acupuncture, massage. The medical treatment involves taking tablets, administer injections, apply ointments. Symptoms of the disease can be eliminate these drugs like antidepressants, pain relievers, vitamins.
Medical treatment of sciatica for 2 days is allowed only with mild course of the disease. Patient is prescribed the following medications:
- 1NSAIDs to kill the pain, take the tablets or injections (Voltaren, Diclofenac, Ibuprofen). The injections are injected, if the pain is chronic.
- 2Chondro – can restore joint and cartilage tissue (symptoms, Mucosal).
- 3Muscle relaxant drugs reduce muscle tone, relieve a strong spasm (Flexen, Baclofen, Isoprotein).
- 4Nootropic drugs – used for mental problems associated with lumbago.
Drug treatment aimed at improving blood circulation, stress relief.
But take NSAIDs only as directed by your doctor. This group of drugs can cause side effects, creating dependency and addiction. Medical treatment of sciatica for 2 days with NSAIDs are ineffective, since the effect of this pharmacological group is not aimed at eliminating the causes of disease.
Drug therapies are recommended in combination with massage. There are certain rules of execution:
- if sciatica is accompanied by damage to the sciatic nerve, then the massage is performed in the lumbar region, buttocks, thigh, foot;
- in acute course of the disease shows mild rubbing and stroking;
- in remission shows intense, cupping and acupressure.
Session one procedure lasts for 30 minutes. The minimum number of sessions – 10 sessions. To improve the effect of the massage is performed using essential oils.
Upon completion of the course of treatment observed in the patient following changes:
- improves the blood flow to the affected nerve;
- eliminates high muscle tone caused by pain syndrome;
- removed inflammatory edema;
- improves the flow of lymph.
Treatment of sciatica medications can be supplemented by physiotherapy. With the help of electrophoresis in the skin type of medication. The procedure is contraindicated in lesions of the skin in the buttocks and lower back. The procedure lasts 15 minutes. The therapy consists of 10 sessions.
Sciatica is UHF on the affected nerve is exposed to a current of ultrahigh frequency. The tissue is heated, eliminates inflammation and pain. UHF is not carried out when abscesses and tumors.
Additional methods of physical therapy specialists include:
- laser therapy – the laser penetrates the tissue, providing a therapeutic effect, the procedure lasts for about 2-25 minutes;
- magnetic therapy – magnetic field penetrates into the affected organs and tissues, providing a calming and therapeutic effect; magnetic therapy is not performed on AG.
Sciatica can prescribe acupuncture. The principle of treatment in the necessary points inject the needle. This procedure should be conducted by a qualified specialist. After treatment, increase defenses and tissue regeneration, expanding the small blood vessels, improves blood flow.
Contraindications for carrying out of acupuncture specialists include acute infection, cancer, lesions of the skin in the affected area. The course of treatment for sciatica can last 3 months. At the initial stage shown 3-4 sessions a week.
Additional ways to treat the disease
Eliminate the pain and inflammation is possible with the help of osteopathy – easy effect on problem areas of the spine by pressing and movements. If the disease occurs in acute form, then the patient is prescribed bed rest. In this case, shown therapeutic exercises. The patient is recommended to lie on your back, lift the legs.
If no pain, then the patient should perform the following exercises:
- the attraction to Breasts legs, knees bent;
- to lie on his stomach, lifting his upper body for 5 times;
- lying on back, raise straight legs, holding them in this position for 5 minutes;
- in a sitting position rotate your upper body left and right;
- tilts in different directions.
The above exercises should be performed carefully and gently.
Recipes of traditional medicine
Treatment of folk remedies sciatica is carried out under strict medical supervision. Neuralgia of the sciatic nerve you can use the following remedies:
- 1Tincture – when pain syndrome prepare a tincture from the flowers of viburnum and marigold, herb of wild thyme and horsetail.
- 2a Chafing – home agave is cleaned from the spikes, cutting along. The areas where pain is felt, processed plant 2-3 times a day.
- 3Ointment a mixture was prepared from 5 cups of fresh black radish juice, 1 Cup honey, 1 teaspoon of salt and 250 ml of vodka. The ointment is applied to the thigh and lower back twice a day.
- 4Pack – black radish rubbed on a grater. A compress applied to the problem area 2 times a day.
Other methods of treatment of sciatica experts consider apitherapy, hirudotherapy, the use of mud, Spa treatment.
Surgical treatment of neuralgia of the sciatic nerve is rare. The indications for surgery experts attribute the ineffectiveness of conservative treatment.
The selection operation takes into account the causes of pathology:
- 1Microdiscectomy. The operation can be performed at 3-4 week after ineffective conservative treatment. Emergency surgery is indicated for neurologic deficit. In 90-95% of cases, improves the condition of patients.
- 2Laminectomy. Indicated for spinal stenosis, which caused the sciatica.
Preventive measures
For the prevention of sciatica it is recommended to perform moderate exercise. Patients with sciatica while walking and performing other physical activities don’t feel stiffness in the joints. This is because during such activities the NA is activated, normal tone. Moderate exercise is an effective method for the prevention of osteoporosis and degenerative disc disease of the vertebrae. Sciatica allowed to do yoga, swimming, brisk walk.
Prolonged sedentary work is recommended to buy an orthopedic office chair, wear special corsets. The choice of the bed is adjusted to the hardness of the mattress. Experts advise to sleep on the bed, holding the headboard. For sleep you must use only mattresses and pillows.
When lifting weights it is recommended to stretch the muscles of the feet and hands. Pre-need to sit down and bend over. Lift the weight without bending your back, without straining the muscles of the lower back.