
Symptoms, stages and treatment cervical-thoracic sciatica

Cervical-thoracic sciatica – a pathological condition of inflammatory origin in the spinal nerves of the cervical-thoracic spine. Is considered a frequent disease among people performing functional duties in a sitting position, workers of the paint production and restorers, because their labour activity is connected with the constant holding of the upper limb in the upper position.

Cervical-thoracic Department is responsible for execution of motor acts in the form of rotation or tilt.

Mainly lose narokoroko is due to the presence in the body of batastini:

The inflammatory process in the spinal roots at the level of C2 – C5 in the practice is called cervical radiculitis, and at the level of T1-T2 breast.


Symptomatic picture is quite diverse and includes the following features:

  • Acute pain in the cervical-occipital region, the intensification of which is marked during the production of motor acts – turns the tilt of the head and neck, movement of the hands, and between deep breaths. They are radiating in the shoulder area, arm, or fingers.
  • Lose of muscle fibers of the diaphragm, tibiale belt;
  • Sensory dysfunction in the upper extremities in the form of burning, numbness.
  • Cephalgia.
  • Disorders of visual-auditory analyzer
  • The movement disorder.
  • The instability of HELL in the form of sharp peaks.

Phasic development

Inflammation narokoroko in its development has 2 stages:

  1. Stage I of the flow is called dascalescu. Pathogenetic mechanism consists in several postprocessed, developed due to compression effects on the spinal nanocores. Disqualifica stage is characterized by certain nuances:
    • Painful feelings are quite intense and there are sudden way (like a cross).
    • The increased tendon reflexes. The compression leads to tension of the fibers of the muscles. Some patients describe this condition as the hardened neck.
    • Paravertebral area (along the spine) is characterized by hypersensitivity and pain.
  2. Directly behind disqualication stage comes stage II of postprocess called neurotic, which also has a number of characteristic features:
    • Previous intense pain fade away, their severity is reduced.
    • Tension miuwolko remains in the same range.
    • Touch function in the area of stress also gradually decreases.
    • Reduction of tissue tropicai up to the hypotrophic condition and even atrophic.
    • Paravertebral area is quite painful.
Etiological information

This postprocess is considered to be fairly common, because it can develop due to the following diseases and pathological conditions in the body:

  • Progressive thoracic or cervical osteochondrosis. Pathogenetic mechanisms of the above mentioned diseases lead to pathological transformations of vertebral segments, leading to compression of spinal Narodni – roots.
  • Disc herniation or disc protrusion of the cervical and thoracic vertebrae. Intervertebral protrusions irritate nanocores (up to compression), which consequently interferes with normal functioning.
  • Dysfunctionraven segments due to the displacement of the vertebrae on the background of injury – falling from height, careless turn of the body, sudden strike, etc.
  • Excessive mobility of the spinal column;
  • The focus of the inflammatory process, especially in the case of its location directly near the spine.
  • Hypothermia.
  • Malignant and benign tumor formation.
  • Infectious pathology.

The diagnosis presents no special difficulties. The diagnosis put on the basis of the results of the physical examination (polerowanie the spinal column, evaluation of microcasa, condition of the articular joints of the spine, assessment of sensory abilities, etc.).

As instrumental methods of the study used CT, MRI, x-ray study of the spine and paravertebral areas.

Therapeutic range

The basis of the therapeutic complex is the elimination of the underlying disease that led to inflammation narokoroko, provides the following direction:

  • Drug therapy – NSAIDs, chondroprotective drugs, etc. It is carried out in three stages:
    1. I stage cupping of a painful syndrome. In addition to the tablet form painkillers used tools in form of ointments, both on the basis of analgesic substances and distractions – on the basis of bee or snake venom, etc.
    2. Phase II is aimed at relieving inflammation and edema of spinal roots: anti-inflammatory and desensitizing medicines, vitamin complexes.
    3. Stage III, the goal is normalization of microcirculation processes in the musculo-skeletal system, or vasoprotector.
  • Manual therapy. This technique is shown to remove spazmirovannah paravertebral muscle groups and the normalization of motor function in the spinal column.
  • Therapeutic massage.
  • Fizioterapevticheskie methods. They help strengthen the process of elimination of inflammation and edema, improve metabolic effects.
  • LFK.

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