Spondylitis of the spine is a group of rare inflammatory disease, which deforms vertebrae. Share specific and nonspecific spondylitis for reasons of its occurrence. To cure the disease using a set of measures, consisting of surgical intervention, therapeutic exercises, receiving medication and visits to physiotherapy.
What it is
According to statistics spondylitis of the lumbar spine is uncommon and occurs in less than 1% of people. Among patients who delivered this diagnosis, most complications are due to the ingestion of the causative agents of tuberculosis.
According to the statistics, 60% of diagnoses are people over the age of 50 years. 60% of them men. The disease develops as a result of the ingestion of malicious infections in form of viruses, bacteria or fungi.
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- spondylitis of the cervical spine;
- lumbar spondylitis;
- spondylitis of the thoracic spine.
After getting into the bone tissue, the microorganisms begin to multiply. During this process dissolved the vertebrae that causes severe pain in the spine. As the temperature rises, there is a fever and want more sleep.
In progressive form of the disease the spine is deformed: there is a hump, the spine deviating to the left or right decreases growth. This is a manifestation of symptoms occurs when you lose more than two vertebrae. In spondylitis, the treatment should start immediately after confirmation of the diagnosis, as infection develops rather quickly and in a short time can greatly harm the body.
Causes of
To understand how to treat spondylitis, need to understand why it appears in the body, and what microorganisms need to work to eliminate the disease.
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The main causative agents of the disease of spondylitis are:
- gonococcus;
- Treponema pallidum;
- the Brucella;
- the tubercle Bacillus;
- actinomycetes;
- Streptococcus;
- hemophilic Bacillus.
Once in the body, the infection moves from the blood to the spine. Having reached the goal, the microorganism multiplies in cellular bone tissue. As a result of this activity diminishes bone density and it appear purulent foci. Under the action of gravity, the damaged area is deformed, which leads to disruption of the structure of the spine.
Causes of disease are divided into:
- Specific. Inflammation develops as a result of the activities of infections. A similar disease is also called reactive, because it develops as a complications compared to other diseases.
- Nonspecific. Changes of the spine caused by the formation of ulcers and abscesses.
- Post-traumatic. Refer to the specific subsection of reasons. After damage of the bone tissue (fracture, crack in bone) the wound gets infected. These include disease Kümmel or aseptic spondylitis of the spine.
Reactive and specific spondylitis are divided into:
- psoriaticeski;
- brucellosis;
- actinomycetaceae;
- syphilitic;
- typhoid.
Non-specific types include:
- purulent spondylitis (osteomyelitis);
- Bechterew’s disease.
Factors that increase the risk of disease are:
- the deterioration of immunity;
- damage to the spine;
- unsupervised use of corticosteroids;
- the presence of chronic infectious diseases.
These are the main factors that increase the risk of disease. Most often, the organism infects the chest and lower back, since most infections enter the body along with the air or through food.
The mechanism of development
With a weakened immune system after getting any infection in the human body the body’s ability to resist harmful microorganisms. Not having enough resistance, infection along with blood reaches of the vertebrae and secured in cellular bone tissue. So if there are injuries in the cracks of bones, the risk of Contracting cancer is increased by several times.
As the microorganisms multiply, they gradually erode bone, forming in her space. Around the damaged region remaining tissue dies and necrosis appears. Dead cells form pus. It is excreted from the body through the posterior longitudinal ligament or accumulates in any one place, forming a large pimple (abscess). As the infection continues to develop, the abscess increases, which over time leads to nerve damage and severe pain.
As bone density decreases, it is not able to withstand the required load, resulting in deformation under the action of gravity. This spine is broken and the person has a pronounced scoliosis.
Tubercular form
According to statistics, approximately 60% of patients develop spondylitis due to the tubercle Bacillus. This Mycobacterium is striking at first light, and then moved to bones. More common in adolescents aged 10-15 years.
Sifiliticescoe spondylitis
After infection the body is inflamed, the periosteum, then the formation of ulcers and damage to the cellular bone tissue. Next, die tissue and form gum. The end result from vertebral bone layer is depleted, and they deform under the action of gravity. In this form often damaged cervical spine.
Typhoid pathogen
The disease often develops as a complication after typhus. The infection is propagated in the intervertebral disc, the cartilaginous tissue appears the holes through which flows the pus. Devastated vertebral disk breaks. As a result, the spines, between which was the disc, spliced. If this is not observed the formation of purulent accumulations in the form of abscesses. However, the person loses the flexibility of the spine.
Brucella form
The main causative agent of brucellosis spondylitis is the bacterium, “Brucella”. The infection is transmitted mainly from domestic animals. After entering the body, the microorganism is localized in the 3rd and 4th lumbar vertebrae is in the cervical spine. Formed on the skin ulcers are of small diameter, in the range of 3-4 mm. of Lesions is not as strong as in tuberculous spondylitis.
The unpleasant factor is the spread of infection not only the vertebrae but also on the ligaments, joints and intervertebral discs. The resulting cutaneous manifestations are located in the area zamechatelnyh records (separate the bone tissue from the intervertebral disc).
Actinomycetaceae spondylitis
Antimikoticeski form of spondylitis develops after penetration into the body of bacteria “actimize”. A distinctive feature of the disease is the appearance on the skin granular tumors (Druze). In appearance they resemble the white-yellow sand.
The microorganism most often recorded in the body together. Therefore, the infection begins in the gut. After reaching the first vertebra is damaged, the periosteum, and then the inner part of the bone. On the patient’s skin appear accumulations of pus in abscesses, after opening found inside a white-yellow particles (Druze).
Cervical spondylitis and the other forms are manifested by pain at the site of injury.
Also, the patient suffers from:
- the deterioration of flexibility of the vertebral discs;
- reduction of growth;
- curvature of bearing;
- a lack of sleep;
- frequent urination;
- periodically uncomfortable feelings in the legs, hips or back;
- chills;
- drowsiness;
- redness of the back;
- change of gait.
When running the form characteristic of spondylitis symptoms are periodic muscle spasms, paralysis of the limbs, numbness of the skin and disruption of the heart and lungs.
If you don’t get treatment spondylitis during its initial stage of development, the consequences can lead to death or disability. In the early stages of infection is much easier to destroy, because the number of pathogens in the first time is minimal.
To start treating the disease after the survey.
You need to pass:
- General and biochemical blood analysis;
- x-rays of the back;
- computed tomography;
- biopsy.
Pass diagnosis is required to accurately determine the cause of the condition. In order not to lose time, it is desirable to conduct examinations in one day. The attending doctor prescribes the exact course of treatment. Self-medication may worsen the patient’s condition.
Drug destruction infections
Tuberculosis, Brucella spondylitis and other types of disease are due to the propagation of viruses and bacteria in the body. Therefore, initially it is necessary to reduce the number of unwanted microorganisms. For each type of infection is selected the corresponding specific drug appoint a doctor.
To non-specific drugs (affect the whole body) include:
- Antibiotics. They are the main medicines that fight off infection. Mainly use the group of fluoroquinolones and cephalosporin antibiotics. They include Cefixime, Levofloxacin, Ofloxacin.
- Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). They decrease pain and remove heat. By NSAIDs include Aspirin, azapropazone, Ortofen, Phenylbutazone, Indomethacin.
- Solutions. To the liquid add medicinal substances that accelerate the elimination of undesirable microorganisms from the body. The most common one is 0.9% saline solution (sodium chloride). In medical institutions used ringer solution.
- Corticosteroids. They complement the effect of NSAIDs, removing swelling of the tissues and maintaining a normal metabolism. The most common medications: Medrol, Kortomicetin, Prednisol.
Physical treatments
The doctors prescribed a course of physiotherapy for better absorption of drugs. During physical therapy improves the circulation, so the body is saturated with the necessary nutrients. Particularly helpful physiotherapy prevention for those who have small daily mobility.
From physiotherapy is prescribed:
- Exercise;
- back massage;
- thermotherapy.
Especially good to treat spondylitis on the resort course of the mineral waters and mud baths. These treatments strengthen bones and created to help patients recover after illness or surgery.
If a person is observed running osteomyelitis, psoriatic spondylitis or other types of disease, then the patient undergoes a cleansing of the body surgical method. It is to remove the ulcers or the cutting off of the damaged vertebra (instead the conduit). After spondylitis of the spine, treatment which was carried out by the operative method, the person to 6 months in rehab.
Timely diagnosis of the disease allows to prevent the progression of the disease to unrecoverable limits. And that did not develop spondylitis of the lumbar, thoracic or cervical spine need to maintain a good immune system, not to injure the back and periodically do physical therapy.
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