The structure of the neck of the person quite difficult. Any impulses the brain Department do in different parts of the body through the neck. In addition, the cervical spine performs a number of critical functions which impact on the human body.
There is a large number of organs, muscles, the corset which allows a person to keep his head upright for a long time, and you can rotate it when necessary.
Cervical has a clear limit. The upper part of the neck starts from the ear canal, the boundary of the cervical passes through nuchal line and below the occipital protuberance. The lower border of the neck is the jugular hollow near the collarbone.
Anatomy of the cervical
The structure of the neck of the person influences not only the muscle and fat underneath, plays an important role and the age of the person. Often the anatomy of the cervical spine to determine the presence of certain diseases. In adolescence and young adulthood is the skin on the neck elastic. Also good noticeable muscle tissue, because the skin is tightly adjacent.
At a certain angle the head of the fine becomes visible to the bone under the tongue, and three of cartilage, namely:
- the cartilage of the trachea;
- thyroid;
- the cricoid.
People who have a small amount of fat under the skin of the neck is also visible veins. Medical professionals divide the neck into several departments.
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- Anterior.
- Rear division.
- Lateral.
- The sternal.
All departments have a clear distinction with the help of muscles, the special structure and perform various tasks. In each area there are any bodies and are vital to the system. Under the muscle tissues and the skin are “Adam’s Apple”, “thyroid”, larynx, blood vessels. High degree of strength of the cervical is provided by the human spine.
Anatomical features of the cervical
This Department consists of 7 vertebrae, each of them necessary to sustain the human skull. The cervical area of the spine slightly arched forward. This Department is the most mobile in comparison with other areas of the spine. The main difference between the cervical – two segments in which a person can rotate the head almost a hundred and eighty degrees, besides the possible tilts head back and forth.
The first vertebra of the whole post – Atlantean, he does not have his own body. Atlas consists of a pair of arcs that are connected by the lateral mass.
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Second, but equally important vertebra is the axis. Its feature structure is a process, which resembles a tooth. Aksis has a high degree of fixing in the hole of the first vertebra, and thus a high mobility of the cervical.
However, with this the neck is one of the most vulnerable areas in the body. This is explained by the relative fragility of the items in comparison with other parts of the spinal column. Muscle tissue is not so massive. For this reason, the risk to injure the cervical spine is significantly higher, especially if muscle tissue is poorly developed. To neck injury can even with a sharp turn of the head.
Corset muscle
The muscle tissue of the cervical medical specialists is divided into two areas, back and front. Front of the muscle, in turn, are divided into the muscles on the surface, the muscles deep and medial muscles.
The main tasks of the muscular tissue of the neck, the following:
- muscles support the man’s skull and his head entirely in balance;
- muscle tissue helps to rotate and tilt the head;
- the muscles responsible for voice and swallowing.
The muscle tissue of the cervical associated with special fascias, as well as through the blood vessels. With the help of blood vessels of the muscles are limited and moving from one area to another. So there are areas for groups of muscles. Their detailed structure to describe is quite difficult, because there are a large number of groups of muscle tissue.
From the point of view of medical professionals, there are several major groups.
- With muscle tissue on the surface creates a scope for the muscles under the skin.
- Another group, covering the surface of the neck completely.
- The next group – the scapular-clavicular, which is necessary for the formation of sheaths of muscle tissue in the space above the chest.
- Nutricula category of muscle tissue is composed of visceral plates. They needed to wysylania organs inside the cervical. With their help, I created plots for vein and carotid artery.
- The plate in front of the vertebra is necessary for the formation of a space for deep muscles.
Anatomical structures in the neck
The bodies that are responsible for the formation of various anatomical structures in the cervical spine, in addition, perform many important functions, which play an important role in the life of the human body.
The main organs of the neck is the larynx, esophagus, pharynx, thyroid gland, trachea, and tissue below the skin from fat, the brain spins and connective tissue.
The distinctive structure of the bodies referred to above, provides a high level of mobility of the head and neck. By themselves they do not in any way damaged.
This body is characterized by a rather complex structure.
Medical experts it is divided into 3 parts.
- Nose.
- Mouth.
- Hypopharynx.
The first two elements are completely unrelated to the cervical spine, they have communication with the oral cavity. The third element relates to the larynx. She SIPS starts at 5 vertebra, then gradually moves to the area of the esophagus.
SIP is required for many functions of human life.
- With throats crushed pieces of food penetrate into the esophagus.
- The air that man breathes, enters the body through the throat.
- Depending on the volume and shape of the pharynx, changing the timbre of the human voice. If due to any disease of the pharynx was affected, it starts to distort.
- SIP prevents the penetration of harmful substances to the body.
Thus, SIP is required to carry out such processes as breathing and digestion. In addition, it protects the body from different pathologies.
The larynx
This body also required for the process of respiration. It also has a big role on the tone of voice. Depending on the characteristics of the structure of the larynx voice and its color will change.
The larynx has nine cartilages which are connected by joints and ligaments. The massive cartilage is formed by two plates. In males, these plates interact at an angle less than 90 degrees, women on the contrary, the angle plates are stupid. For this reason, in men, the cartilage is well marked, its most famous name “Adam’s Apple”.
The upper area of this body is fixed to the bone under the tongue. The bottom also has a connection with the trachea. Inside the larynx the mucous membrane. In turn, the cartilage of the larynx, the vocal cords are fixed, between which is the glottis.
During the contraction, the form of this body is modified. The clearance can both increase and decrease. In tension the sound and tone of the voice changes. The functions of the larynx resembles the throat, if you eliminate the digestive function of the second.
Disease prevention
The complex, which aimed at the rehabilitation and restoration of function in the cervical spine consists of physical exercises that will help to get rid of the spasm of muscles and strengthen them. Also with some exercises you can increase the supply of blood to the brain, thus in some cases you can get rid of pain in the head.
In the case where in the cervical spine and cause herniation that compresses the artery of the spine or spasm of muscle may be inadequate supply of blood. It may show itself pain and dizziness. Symptom of also worth noting is the so-called fly, in some cases, possible violations of the speech.
Nerve endings, which leave the brain behind in the cervical spine, is responsible for the innervation of vision, hearing, and muscle shoulders, arms, and in General, responsible for management of the entire upper torso of a person.
For this reason, the symptoms of a pathology to be the next disorder.
- Pain of head, frequent migraines, high blood pressure.
- Frequent fainting, poor performance hearing, the pathologies of the optic apparatus.
- Soreness in the throat, in the cervical spine, at the shoulder level.
- The limitation of the upper torso.
Not worth the wait when you will start to receive any of the above symptoms. It is much easier to deal with prevention of disease, rather than in the future to worry about her treatment. This is especially true of pathologies of the vertebral column. Move your neck as often as possible and do preventive exercises. This will help to maintain the health of your neck of the apparatus.