The scourge of modern society is that those diseases that had previously been confined to seniors, these days could be characteristic of young people. Fistula of the coccyx is clear proof of that.
The coccyx is the last, the lower part of the spinal column, which is surrounded by a huge number of nerve endings. The slightest damage or impact can cause inflammation, which leads to fistula.
Fistula of the coccyx is often a complete surprise to the person from whom it originated. It is understandable the unique structure of the coccygeal Department, which has long blocks masks the pain without giving any signals about the development of the cyst.
The clinical picture
Despite the fact that the coccyx is a combination of several fused vertebrae and between them is fixed, it is quite a part of pain responds to active movement. And it once again serves as proof that your spinal ward is an acute inflammation.
Fistula the coccyx is commonly attributed to diseases of an inflammatory nature.
The clinical picture of a fistula coccygeal to the Department as follows: proliferating epithelial hole, which is located in the upper part of the buttocks. Neglected fistula of the coccyx may be in the form of holes or small craters.
Also note that the fistula may not manifest itself as a disease for many years. To exit out of the inflammation required a powerful impetus, which may be a high temperature or infection.
Medical practice there are two main reasons for the development of cysts on tailbone:
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- A congenital defect of the structure and subsequent development of the vertebrae, which in turn disrupts the growth of bone tissue and the structure of many other elements of the spinal unit.
- Inflammation, as the main process causing the formation and development of cysts.
Statistics say that it is the second cause of the cysts found in two of the three people who are diagnosed with a fistula.
It is also worth to highlight a number of reasons, which also indirectly affect the formation of cysts:
- sedentary life, lack of basic motor activity;
- acquired injuries of the spine (fractures, bruises);
- excessive load on the spine;
- excess fat mass.
- coccygeal pathology in the Department or the spinal column;
- launched infection that has spread to the spine;
- acute shortage of calcium in the body, which strengthens the bone tissue;
- persistent hypothermia in the coccygeal region of the Department.
Each of these factors directly provoke the development of cysts, which is formed due to a failure in the normal development of bone structure of the vertebral column.
The main symptoms of the disease
Fistula of the coccyx tap difficult is treatable, and that is its danger. Segnana the cyst may develop into sepsis, and in the worst scenario, cause death. Unfortunately, such cases often met in medical practice.
Extremely important already in the early stages to detect cystic formation.
Pay attention to the following symptoms then you may be able to prevent the suppuration of a fistula:
- an inflamed cyst raises body temperature to a minimum of 38.7 degrees;
- acute pain in the coccygeal Department, which pain respond even in the moment when you’re standing or slightly leaning;
- the skin around the fistula is inflamed may also signory;
- unnatural humidity between the gluteal muscles;
- obvious acute pain, itching and redness of the anus;
- purulent discharge at the site of crater formations on my buttocks.
Please note, adequate treatment and in the early stages of development can permanently prevent a relapse.
Features of treatment of fistula of the coccyx
Before treatment of the fistula, the physician must be sure that in the coccygeal division has formed a fistula. The difficulty is that such crater on the symptoms and behavior similar to osteomielite hole. With similar features of manifestation of these two diseases, their treatment will vary.
Assume that x-rays have established the presence of a fistula. Further treatment may develop on two fronts:
- treatment with traditional medicine;
- treatment through surgical intervention.
Surgery, of course, is the most effective way of eliminating fistula. As a rule, it applies to more advanced stages of the disease.
The first operation consists of incision and then removal of the source of the abscess. The operation is performed under local anesthesia and does not take more than an hour. In the case of relapse, and it occurs in two cases out of five, re-appointed operation.
The purpose of repeated surgery – the complete removal of the entire pilonidal sinus, and also all ulcers and fistulas. Depending on the nature of the conduct of the funnel after the operation, can be assigned to another stage of treatment: surgical reduction of the painful holes.
At postoperative period there are a few tips:
- for several weeks need to sit as little as possible and only very mild;
- to keep clean and several times a day with warm water to wash the crotch between the gluteal muscles;
- do not raise the elementary weights;
- strictly follow all recommendations of the surgeon.
Traditional medicines
The uniqueness of folk medicine lies in the fact that she keeps secrets cure almost all diseases. Fistula of the coccyx is no exception.
Please note that traditional medicines will be most effective in long-term, systematic application.
Popular ingredients for treatment of fistula:
- extract or aloe leaves;
- olive oil (for lack thereof, you can apply castor oil);
- medicinal herb St. John’s wort and Shilajit.
Olive or castor oil must be mixed with an alcohol based, apply to a cotton swab and at least five times a day to wipe the affected place. After, give to dry properly.
Aloe can regenerate irritated skin and nagnoenie hole. Mummy and deerslayer it must be taken every morning on an empty stomach. Recommended herb.