
The types of and instruction on the use of drugs for the treatment of joints

With the pain faced by most of the people, so the problem is one of the most relevant today.

It is noted regular growth of patients who come to pharmacies to buy drugs for treatment of joints, contributing to cope with this disease.

Currently, the drug “the don” and hyaluronic acid are the most effective.

To use self-treatment is not recommended, as you can spend a lot of time without getting the desired result. However, about some homeopathic medicines, which give a positive effect, know everything it should be.

They can be produced in various forms. When choosing you should consider the symptoms and the causes of the disease. Otherwise, it is possible to achieve a negative result.

A warming and pain ointment

Of course, pain in the joints should seek help from health workers. There are ointments that are able to improve the condition to visit a specialist. They are divided into several types:

  1. Anti-inflammatory creams. This group includes Diclofenac, Voltaren, and others. They have an immediate impact and contribute to inflammation. The same effect and gives a means of “Dona”.
  2. Warming. These ointments are strictly forbidden to apply immediately after stretching or impact. The drug, through their components, able to exert a warming effect that has a negative impact at the time of injury.
  3. Analgesic. The ointment is recommended for use directly after damage. Speaking as emergency aid, it cools the site of the injury and relieves pain.

Typically, ointments, as the “don” do not harm, but some of their components can cause allergies. Therefore, before using the ointment, consult a doctor.

Homeopathic remedies

The cure of this type not only helps in the treatment of inflammation of the diarthrosis, but if you experience problems with the spine.

They are able to influence various body functions. They can be in tablets and ointments. The most effective homeopathic remedies:

  1. APIs. The drug reduces swelling.
  2. Aconite, Don. Widely used in this disease, as osteochondrosis. The drug relieves pain, inflammation, which are caused by drafts.
  3. Colchicum. Is assigned in cases of weak ligaments.
  4. Acidum formicum. Rapid fatigue of the knee and crunch to it.
  5. Sulphur. Positively affects the process of circulation, restoring it.

All homeopathic medicines in this group undergo a careful inspection. They have to meet strict requirements.

The drug Dona

Drugs “don” has a positive effect on painful cartilage subjected to damage.

This medicine helps to strengthen connective tissue, stabilizing the enzymatic cellular processes, improving the education of synovial fluid, reducing pain.

In addition “don” prevents the development of osteoarthritis and degenerative processes, relieves the inflammatory process. The patient may notice significant improvement after two weeks of using the medication.

The course of treatment is up to six months. During this time, there is a maximum effect. Besides, it persists for 60 days after cessation of use.

Other drugs

For treatment of joints are also used with the following medications:

  1. Immunosuppressants. They allow you to calm the immune system out of control in the event of severe inflammation. After receiving these drugs, the body becomes susceptible to infectious lesions. Such drugs are generally sold in tablets. They have the same effect as hyaluronic acid. The same can be said about the means of “Dona”.
  2. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Able to relieve pain and reduce inflammation.
  3. Steroids. Aimed to slow the process of knee damage, decrease inflammation and pain. To this type belong homeopathic medicines Methylprednisolone and Prednisol. Side effects can manifest as light bruising, thinning bones, diabetes, cataracts, weight-gain.

Hyaluronic acid in pill form

It can be synthesized in the human body. Hyaluronic acid accumulates in the skin and cartilage. The main function that it performs is to bind and retain the liquid.

Also hyaluronic acid stimulates connective tissue cells that produce fibers of elastin and collagen, participates in the stimulation of renewal tissues, the formation of capillaries, increases the healing process.

Lower than the amounts observed in the skin from which it is distributed in the damaged organs. This happens, for example, during operations.

It is known that after various surgical interventions worsens the skin condition. This occurs because the hyaluronic fluid is consumed for the restoration of tissues, depriving the skin the opportunity to replenish fluids.

When you start to take medicine in pill disappears the crunch, is pain, improving range of motion. First, hyaluronic acid is there. Next optical system.

The result disappears feeling of sand and tension in the eyes. Hyaluronic acid in the final stage enters the skin.

In the end they will be restored, their quality is improving. Regardless of the form in which the drug is released, its principle of operation is similar.

After the hyaluronic acid in pill enters the body, it immediately begins to attract water molecules. As a result, the increase in the volume of synovial fluid, which acts as a natural lubricant.

Movements become more free, uninhibited, lost discomfort. In addition, moistened eyeball, the skin is restored, straightened, her condition improved. This is due to the attract and hold liquids.

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