Discomfort in the area below the waist and pain in the coccyx is common symptoms that can be indicative of various conditions of the body, from neurological diseases to pathologies concerning the circulation region below the sacrum. In this article we will try to understand the causes of pain in the coccyx, and how to fix them.
There are several reasons of different origin that can cause pain in the coccyx. Divide them into the following categories.
Skin diseases
If in the process of skin disease there is nerve damage, pain symptoms are particularly strong.
The conditions in which back pain worsen if no treatment, are:
- fistula in anus;
- bedsores on the lower back and buttocks;
- abscesses or boils in the area of the sacrum.
Because of damage to the underlying layers of the skin and inflammation of the nervous tissue can develop strong pain. Depends on what nerve is affected, pain in the coccyx, or the pain experienced in the bottom of the sacrum, the anus, aching lower back.
Diseases of the muscles
To the coccyx the spine is surrounded by a protective plexus muscles. They help protect the pelvic area from trauma, to increase the resistance of the muscle corset of the spine and prevent its deformation. If for some reason the muscle is inflammation (myalgia or myopathy), nerve endings zaselyalsya, and the result is pain in the sacrum area or any other part of the spine.
Diseases of musculoskeletal system
Spinal deformity can be caused by osteochondrosis, spondylosis, scoliosis, kyphosis and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system. As a result of disrupted normal position and circulation spine that is the cause of lack of nutrients and oxygen to all parts of the spine.
Gradual the destructurization of bone and cartilage tissues. If a single vertebra is deprived of depreciation (thinned and slipped intervertebral disc) trapped nerve ending. In particular, the sciatic nerve is trapped because of sciatica or another sciatica.
The most common cause of coccyx pain is trauma. Trauma can be the result of the fall, to be the result of professional activities or seasonal events.
For example, a fracture of the coccyx is very common among those who are professionally engaged in or interested in winter sports (figure skating, speed skating, etc.). Ice rink and ice trail are ideal for injury as the solid surface and the acceleration of the fall can cause a fracture.
A seasonal phenomenon, contributing to the injury, is ice in the winter. It is the risk factor that underlies fractures. If winter, you slipped on the ice, and after the fall of the tailbone is swollen and pain in the sacrum area, you should immediately seek medical help. The doctor will help identify the likely fracture or injury.
Sometimes pain in the coccyx, oddly enough, can also occur without reasons. If, by the means and methods of diagnostics cannot establish the cause of pain, we can talk about idiopathic, which occurs in one percent of patients.
Depending on the reasons causing pain in the coccyx, the intensity and frequency of symptoms can vary.
If treatment is not available, you experience the following symptoms:
- sore the bottom of the sacrum, the pain is accompanied or followed by a period of burning and itching in region of coccyx;
- pain symptoms occur suddenly, sometimes when the fall or blow;
- the presence of bruise, the lower part of the sacrum swollen;
- when you try to take a seated position and walking there is a sharp pain.
Diagnosis of pain in the coccyx
If pain in the coccyx and the bottom of the sacrum swollen, prescribe the following methods of examination and diagnostics:
- if you have a skin lesion in the sacral region, and there is inflammation or suppuration, the doctor prescribes a laboratory analysis to determine the causative agent of the disease;
- if you suspect a spine disease or trauma, should be carried out x-ray images which will help you to determine the deformation of the vertebrae, or their displacement;
- polerowanie the damaged area confirm the presence of a fracture;
- inflammation in the muscles and their activity studied with the help of computer and magnetic resonance tomography.
Pain treatment should be to eliminate the reasons causing it, and therefore, the examination and the appointment can carry out not just a neurologist or spine, but also other specialists – dermatologist, infectious disease, orthopedic and others.
When pain in the coccyx, treatment of pain involves the use of anti-inflammatory and pain medicine. Today, it is not taken treatment of with the use of steroid medications, often use NSAIDs, that is non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agent.
These drugs have a dual action:
- pain;
- limitation of the inflammatory process.
If pain in the coccyx; rump or bottom of the sacrum, appropriate use of Diclofenac, Ketoprofen, Indomethacin, Naproxen and other medicines from this group.
If the origin of pain is traumatici character, the patient is assigned the treatment with biostimulating drugs and multivitamins that will help to grow bone tissue.
In the case where there is a deep infection of the skin, apply an antibacterial, antifungal or antiviral drugs, depending on what kind of microorganisms is called inflammation. This treatment prevents infection of the bone tissue, and further advance of the infection in the blood or nervous system.
Physical therapy
Methods of physical treatment used to eliminate the symptoms, accompanying diseases of the spine and in particular the bottom of the lumbosacral. If the cause of pain in the coccyx low back pain or spondylosis, effective use of electrophoresis and phonophoresis with solution and gel containing the active substance. Ultraviolet irradiation and treatment with the help of UHF waves promotes tissue repair.
With various injuries, especially if fracture of the coccyx treatment applications with a preparation of calcium, for active fusion of the bone tissue.
In the case when the pain is severe and the patient cannot move without pain, a doctor can be assigned to procedures with a penetrating effect of the analgesic. That pain heat or exposed to the electrostimulating devices, the medication can penetrate to the necessary depth to achieve quick effect.
Traditional methods of treatment
Despite conservative treatment, the patient after consulting the doctor, may resort to folk methods of healing the body.
With paraffin, applied on the bottom of the waist you can get rid of pain, improve blood circulation in tissues, speed up metabolic processes. This procedure is particularly relevant for older people leading an inactive lifestyle.
Also based on vegetable oils and medicinal herbs you can prepare funds antiseptics, which are the prevention of bedsores on the lower back. Two hundred grams of butter, warmed to 40 degrees, lay flowers, chamomile, calendula and leaves of hazel. The resulting mixture insist for two weeks, then applied to the skin in a thin layer.