
Choosing the right drugs in the treatment of osteoarthritis

Osteochondrosis is a complex disease requires a comprehensive and multifaceted approach to treatment.

One of the ways of treatment of osteochondrosis is receiving vasodilator drugs.

They affect the muscle tone in the walls of blood vessels, the lumen becomes wider and the blood circulation better.

Depending on the mode of exposure there are two types of drugs:

  • Neurotropic – make the nerve impulse is weaker;
  • Myotropic – impact directly on the muscles of the blood vessels.
What is the effect of vasodilators osteochondrosis

Osteochondrosis – a disease that is accompanied by pain syndrome. Inflammatory processes that occur in periarticular tissues, causing the appearance of swelling. This causes a weakening of the impulse that the nervous system sends to the blood vessels.

In response to this, there are spasms, the lumen of the vessels is narrowed, which leads to deterioration of blood supply of internal organs osteochondrosis. Fabrics don’t get along with blood and the required amount of oxygen that gradually destroys the metabolic system. If processes are left unattended, it can cause the development of severe pathologies in the internal organs.

From degenerative disc disease no one is immune. Vasodilators and pain medications will help to cure diseases.

Intervene in the course of the disease and to make changes possible if we start taking vasodilators osteochondrosis.

They have the following effects on the body:

  • The increase blood circulation in the affected place;
  • Decongesting;
  • To stabilize the transmission of nerve impulses.

The main drugs that are used in osteochondrosis, this:

  1. Aminophylline. Due to the antispasmodic effect improves the blood circulation as the brain and the peripheral has a direct effect on the bronchi. Is the drug of wide application for therapy nevrologicheskikh diseases.
  2. Pentoxifylline. Used for poor circulation in various organs. Thanks to his appointment ensures the supply of oxygen to the organs.
  3. Ksantinola nicotinate. The drug boosts metabolic processes and microcirculation.
  4. Berlition (lipoic acid). Is a metabolic drug, enhances the regenerative processes in the affected tissues and the organism as a whole.
  5. Actovegin. Drug created on the basis of an extract isolated from calf blood and contains nutrients such as amino acids, oligosaccharides and others. Improves vascular tone, in metabolic processes in the body and improves blood circulation.
  6. Vinpocetine. A vasodilatory effect of this drug is augmented neuroprotective and antihypoxic effect.
  7. Piracetam. A drug that will not only make the blood circulation better but also to restore the metabolism in the body.

Medications are available as tablets, and ampoules for injection.

The use of painkillers osteochondrosis

The processes accompanying the course of the disease, causing a person soreness. Therefore, the doctor may prescribe painkillers in osteochondrosis. Medications come in different forms. It can be pills, injections, creams and gels. Receive pain medication in osteochondrosis disease does not cure, but allows the patient to lead a more active lifestyle, to make the quality a little better.

Most often prescribe drugs such as Diclofenac, Ibuprofen. The effects of these drugs can suppress the activity of the enzyme, which stimulates the development of inflammation. Prolonged exchange application medicines safely prevent pain and make the inflammation less active due to strong anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous properties.

In addition to pills apply intramuscular injections in the low back pain. This files most often prescribed analgesics, such as dipyrone and baralgin. These drugs can relieve mild pain, but have no therapeutic effects.

Good relieves spasms Mydocalm. Due to the fact that the condition of the body occur temporary improvement, connect their own reserves to combat the disease.

The next sort of injections is a blockade. It is injected directly into the affected place. There are two kinds of blockade: paravertebral and epidural.

Used drugs are Procaine and Dexamethasone, often they are used together to make the effect more pronounced. The therapeutic effect of this method is the rapid elimination of pain syndrome, as well as anti-inflammatory and protivootecna impact.

The information in the article is of informative nature. To treat osteochondrosis, vascular drugs and dosages can only be a doctor!

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