
Arthritis of the joints of the legs, treatment

With arthritis, inflammation of the joints occurs, during which they swell, redden, bring severe pain to the patient and constrain his movements. If arthritis of the legs is not treated, it can lead to disability.

 Therefore, it is important to know how to cure the disease, relieve swelling in order to continue to live a happy life without pain.

In children, arthritis can occur at any age due to joint injuries, infectious diseases, as well as disorders in the immune system.

To diagnose arthritis, X-rays of bones and joints, computed tomography are done. Small patients also have a blood test to determine the rheumatoid factor, C-reactive protein, specific proteins and other important indicators.

Symptoms of the disease

Joint diseases have different causes of development, respectively, and the symptoms of manifestation are different.

Symptoms of arthritis in infants:

  1. The inflamed joint swells and turns red;
  2. During rolling or massage, the child becomes restless and cries;
  3. The baby may increase body temperature;
  4. Appetite decreases, and the baby begins to gain less weight;
  5. The baby cannot move a leg.

Symptoms of arthritis in preschool children:

  1. Parents notice swelling and redness on the sore joint;
  2. The child feels severe pain and cannot move his leg;
  3. Body temperature may also increase;
  4. Children are weak, get tired very quickly, eat poorly, are naughty;
  5. Also, the child may refuse to play actively.

Symptoms of arthritis in adolescent children and adults:

  • With arthritis of the knee, a person feels pain. Swelling and swelling in the knee appear, the skin turns red and becomes hot. The patient cannot bend and straighten the knee. If you do not treat the disease, in the future the symptoms worsen even more, which leads to the person’s inability to move around. Muscle spasms and deformity of diseased joints are also observed;
  • In case of hip arthritis, the patient also feels severe pain, swelling, redness of the skin, fever in the hip joint and stiffness of movements. Most often, this type of arthritis develops due to infections or allergic reactions;
  • With ankle arthritis, pain, swelling of the ankle, redness of the skin, limited mobility during walking, and a deterioration in overall health are observed. If this disease is not treated, the articular cartilage tissue is destroyed, the joint thickens and deforms, due to which a person cannot walk independently;
  • With arthritis of the feet, the same symptoms are observed as with other types of arthritis. The peculiarity of the disease is only that the patient’s feet and toes are deformed, because of which the patient may become disabled.
Types of Arthritis

Arthritis is of the following types:

Rheumatism that occurs after streptococcal infections. For example, after a sore throat, scarlet fever or pharyngitis. In children, rheumatoid arthritis may appear at the age of five to fifteen years;
A reactive type of disease can develop due to violations in the human immune system after a past intestinal infection or urinary tract infection;
Infectious arthritis occurs due to bacteria, viruses or fungi entering the joint area. Such a disease is most often found in children under the age of three;

Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis is characterized by chronic inflammation of the joints. For the first time, such a disease occurs in children from a year to four years old;

Juvenile ankylosing spondylitis. It can also affect joints in children and adults for unknown reasons.

Rheumatoid Disease

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease that can cause chronic joint inflammation, especially in the legs.

Rheumatoid arthritis has the following symptoms:

  1. Swelling and inflammation in the legs are observed;
  2. The patient feels tired legs;
  3. There is a general loss of energy, loss of appetite, low-grade fever;
  4. The muscles and joints of the legs hurt, making them difficult to move;
  5. Rheumatoid arthritis differs from other types of the disease in that it affects the joints of the legs symmetrically;
  6. A person’s gait changes due to limping when walking.
Foot Disease Treatment Methods

It is important to know that treatment should be prescribed only by a doctor after examination, conducting all necessary studies.

The following methods can be used to treat rheumatoid arthritis:

  1. Anti-inflammatory non-steroidal or hormonal drugs are used to relieve pain, relieve inflammation and swelling in the joints. The doctor may prescribe appropriate tablets, apply ointments, or give injections;
  2. To restore the affected cartilage of the legs after acute inflammation, chondroprotectors are used;
  3. If the causative agent of the disease became infection, the doctor is forced to prescribe antibiotics;
  4. Suspend foot disease with anti-inflammatory drugs;
  5. Restore the functionality of the joints after suffering arthritis is recommended by physiotherapy. The doctor may prescribe a special massage, take a bath or conduct a thermal procedure;
  6. Therapeutic mud, mineral water, climatotherapy will help cure rheumatoid arthritis;
  7. In addition to drug treatment, after consulting a doctor, you can treat the disease with alternative methods;
  8. In order to prevent arthritis, it is recommended to do therapeutic exercises and exercises every day in order to develop and normalize the motor activity of the legs, as well as to prevent relapse. A professional therapeutic massage can also help.
Surgery for arthritis of the joints of the legs

If conservative treatments do not help, and rheumatoid arthritis progresses with even greater force, doctors are forced to undergo surgery. Surgery is also resorted to with severe joint deformation. Complications are sometimes encountered with prosthetics, as blood vessels and nerve fibers are affected. Rehabilitation will take a long time. To develop a joint, a doctor may prescribe a massage.

Modern medicine enables surgeons to perform surgery with minimal tissue incisions.

Arthritis Diet

During this disease, to make treatment more effective and swelling in the joints disappear, it is recommended to follow a special diet. During a diet, it is important to eat foods with reduced acidity, as well as limit flour, starchy and sweet foods.

It is important to eat raw vegetables, fruits and salads as much as possible. Useful are apples, plums, black currants, asparagus, beans and sorrel.

For severe arthritis, it is recommended for seven days to eat raw vegetables.

To remove the accumulated salt from the joints, it is useful to eat rice. Rice groats need to be soaked for some time in water. Then boil until tender, rinse, remove mucus and consume throughout the day. It is recommended to quench thirst with a rosehip broth.

Thanks to a special diet, you can speed up the healing process and get rid of leg diseases forever.

Alternative methods of treatment

After consulting with a doctor, in parallel with the main treatment, arthritis can be treated using alternative methods, as well as a professional therapeutic massage.

Treatment of foot diseases with folk remedies:

  • Lingonberry leaves pour a glass of boiling water. Boil for 15 minutes, cool slightly and consume in small sips throughout the day;
  • Arthritis is also treated with blackcurrant leaves, which are poured with boiling water. Steam in a water bath for 20 minutes. Drink 15 grams three times a day;
  • Pour boiling water over birch buds. Bring to a boil, wrap in a towel for 60 minutes. Drink half a glass four times a day before meals;
  • Arthritis, arthrosis and rheumatism can be treated with corn stigmas. 10 grams of the plant pour a glass of boiling water. Let it brew. When the infusion cools down to drink 15 grams no more than four times a day before meals;
  • In half a liter of vodka, soak four heads of garlic. Put the mixture in a dark place for 10 days. Drink the prepared tincture 30 minutes before meals 5 grams three times a day. If the product turned out to be very strong, dilute it with 50 milliliters of boiled water;
  • Field horsetail will help to treat inflammation in the joints. Pour 50 grams of the plant with boiling water and let it brew for forty minutes. Drink 200 grams twice a day for 14 days;
  • Mix bitter wormwood with swamp rosemary, perforated hypericum, a string of creeping thyme. Grind the resulting herbal mixture. 45 grams of the mixture brew a glass of boiling water. Boil over low heat for no more than five minutes. When the broth has cooled, strain it. Put the steamed grass in a tissue and attach it to the damaged joint. To prevent the compress from slipping, fix it with a bandage. Change three times a day;
  • You can treat arthritis with potato tincture. Grate one raw potato and pour a glass of yogurt. The first 10 it is drunk every day, the second 10 days – every other day, and the third 10 days – every two days. Thus, the course of treatment will be two months. Some time after the break, you can repeat;
  • With polyarthritis, apple cider vinegar will help. A teaspoon of vinegar is diluted in a glass of water. You need to drink it three times a day before meals for 15 days. With a sick stomach, gastritis or ulcer, vinegar should be diluted with plenty of water;
  • Half a pack of bay leaf pour a glass of boiling water and boil for five minutes. Wrap the saucepan and let stand for three hours. Then strain and drink before bed three days in a row. Every day there should be a fresh broth. After 7 days, repeat the course.
Arthritis Prevention

To prevent leg diseases, it is important to follow these recommendations:

  1. Lead an active lifestyle;
  2. Get rid of bad habits;
  3. Watch your weight;
  4. Temper your feet, dousing them with cool water;
  5. Try to eat balanced and only those foods that are rich in fatty acids, calcium, vitamins and minerals;
  6. Move enough and optimally load your legs;
  7. For the purpose of prophylaxis, at least once a year, do therapeutic foot massage that strengthens your legs.

Thanks to such simple methods of prevention, your legs will always be healthy. Now you know what arthritis of the joints of the legs is, why it occurs, how the treatment of the disease in children and adults is given.

It is important to follow all the recommendations of the doctor, do massage, gymnastics, visit the pool. In general, lead an active lifestyle so that the joints do not relax, but rather strive to be healthy.

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