
Gymnastics and exercises for arthritis of the knee joint

Arthritis is a disease characterized by inflammatory processes in the joints. Most often, the disease is chronic, and people suffer from it for many years. Special exercises for arthritis of the knee joint helps in the treatment of disease. But in addition to the basic complex of exercises for rehabilitation must be prescribed by a doctor medicines.

Indications for carrying

In such a situation simply can not do without special charge. In addition, it is recommended to perform gymnastic exercises that strengthen muscles and gives them elasticity, preventing deformity of the joints.

The knee is subjected to daily stress, which is one of the reasons for the formation of arthritis. With the development of the disease begins to break down cartilage tissue, and this leads to the widening of the bone surface.

For the prevention and treatment of ARTHRITIS our constant reader uses the increasingly popular NON-surgical method of treatment is recommended by leading German and Israeli orthopedists. Thoroughly acquainted with him, we decided to offer it to your attention.

It is recommended to follow a comprehensive method of therapy, combining charging and the use of prescribed medicines.

Arthritis exercises can bring both benefit and harm, therefore the selection of exercises and training should do the attending physician.

The main indications for carrying out a course of physical therapy for arthritis, are the following:

  • prolonged pain, discomfort in the region of the affected joint;
  • the impossibility of normal movement;
  • the presence of inflammation in the affected joint;
  • the aggravation of the General condition;
  • the probability of hitting the arthritis healthy joints.

Physiotherapy is contraindicated in the following cases:

Found effective remedy for pains and for the treatment of joints:

  • natural composition,
  • with no side effects
  • efficiency, proven expert,
  • a quick result.
  • strong inflammatory processes in the tissues of the affected joint;
  • the diagnosis of thrombosis of the lower extremities;
  • the presence of tumors malignant or benign nature, which are localized directly near the affected joint;
  • the depletion of the body due to serious illness, which was accompanied by fever;
  • arthritis in an acute form (in this case, the load of any type is contraindicated);
  • muscle damage, the appearance of tears;
  • the destruction of the joint capsule (in this case resort to surgery because physical exercise lead to the worsening of the disease);
  • strong spasms of the muscles.

Large loads on the knee joint area leads to negative consequences. That is not to run, to jump, to aerobics, include a set of strength exercises. Be careful when you load the hamstring.

The majority of patients at the time of the disease even refuses to load. But this is wrong, as in this case, the joint may lose mobility, due to which the situation much worse. It is impossible to prevent the occurrence of painful sensations as when practicing at home and with the doctor. It is recommended to forget about exercises that require advance preparation.

The effectiveness of exercise for arthritis

Exercises directed on formation of a load on certain organs for the normalization of life processes.

With the help of physical therapy can achieve the following effects:

  • to reduce painful sensations in the limbs;
  • to return to the previous mobility of the joints;
  • to reduce tension in the muscles associated with the joint;
  • to stabilize the muscle tone that is severely weakened due to the inflammation;
  • to provide a productive nutrition of tissues of the patient’s body;
  • to reduce the flow velocity and the severity of the inflammatory process;
  • to get rid of edema of the lower extremities;
  • to lower the already progressive deformation of the joint and tissues;
  • to slow down the process of tissue destruction;
  • to prevent complications that manifest if not properly treated;
  • to improve the General condition of the patient.

That is, therapeutic exercise, when done correctly, helps to improve the condition of the patient. Of course, such therapy cannot replace medical treatment, but the complex is much more efficient.

Besides all this, it is important to remember that in severe cases, conducting of medical physical education is not considered a panacea and without surgery or prosthetics is not enough. But even in severe course of the disease exercise only increases the effectiveness of treatment and accelerates recovery.

Common exercises

At the present time, experts have developed several types of exercises that are performed in the treatment of knee arthritis. And they are not only allowed, but are strongly recommended for use in the treatment process.

The most common exercises in the fight against disease recognized the following:

  1. Rubbing of the patella. This manipulation cannot be attributed directly to running exercises, this preparatory process. You just need to RUB your knee, first clockwise and then counterclockwise.
  2. Hanging out with their feet. Before starting this exercise you need to sit on a high chair, and then start talking down in different directions. In any case it is impossible to make sharp movements, as this may cause damage to the joints.
  3. The bridge. Should do the usual stand – the bridge (the exercise is performed from a prone position).
  4. Bike. You want to lie back on a flat surface. Then feet up in the air and make movements that resemble the rotation of the pedals on the bike. No need to overdo it, the exercise lasts no more than a minute.
  5. Sit down on a chair and straighten the leg so that she was placed parallel to the floor. For a few seconds to fix it in this position. Repeat the exercise with the other leg.
  6. Lie back and put your arms along the body, you should simultaneously raise the two legs, and after a full recovery, to do their bending.
The principles of correct execution

If exercise will be performed every day, this will reduce the stiffness of the joints, which is typical for the night. In addition, this therapy though not articular tissue returns to its previous state, but it helps to keep it in good shape.

Selection of exercises listed exercises, is a doctor, while it takes into account the individual characteristics of the patient, his age and the severity of the disease. Doctor mandatory calculated frequency of training and their duration.

To obtain the desired result when performing exercises must follow certain requirements:

  1. Classes are held regularly, at least 5 times a week. It is preferable to perform them in the morning.
  2. Each exercise lasts at least 2 minutes, which is performed 15 repetitions. Before each new exercise, made a small breaks.
  3. Do all exercises slowly, evenly and be sure to monitor the overall condition of the patient and heartbeat. In the process of performing the exercises, the breathing should be smooth, and stable pulse (110 beats per minute). If the person gets tired quickly, it is recommended to do additional breaks.
  4. For maximum effect, the complex should include dynamic exercises that are performed 1-2 times a week.

A General rule for exercise is that workouts should be conducted with regular increase in load. No gravity in the process of execution should not be. In the case studies were carried out with the correct load, the patient feels a surge of energy and decrease pain.


You need to remember that arthritis of the knee is a pretty insidious disease. That is, any accidental movement could be a precursor to an exacerbation. This does not mean that I have to move, just need to understand that some exercises are harmful.

Initially, you need to remember that arthritis knee man running in any of its form (walking or in the gym). This is because while running it on the knee occurs highest load. So running with this disease, is contraindicated in order to human security. It is better to prefer walking, it is useful for joints.

Quite often, arthritis of the knee affects athletes whose activities directly associated with running, such people will forever have to abandon their profession, or do not exclude the occurrence of serious complications.

In addition, this disease can’t jump. Since the discovery of the pathology, need to forget about using the rope as your own at home and at the gym. Also, you should refrain from jumping. It is a strong burden on a sore knee.

In this disease the good classes at the gym. You should pay attention to swimming in the pools with the coach. You need to remember that the water in the process of training in the pool should be warm, as the cold arthritis will only increase the already frequent pain.

We should avoid a prolonged stay in one and the same position. In the event that the basic work is connected with constant sitting, you need to take breaks, during which performed a small warm-up.

Prohibited exercises

Prohibition on exercise in the rehabilitation depends on the reasons for that were the precursors of the disease. Attention is drawn, against which there was an disease: inflammatory or infectious process in the result of the injury. But there are exercises that are forbidden regardless of the form of the disease and its causes.

One of the expressly prohibited the exercise is run. Even taking into account the fact that it has a positive effect on the body. It is recommended just to walk at a slow speed on the middle distance.

You can’t jump even with a small height. The hops have a heavy load on the knee joint, as in the time of the jump, the entire weight of the person goes on the lower limbs and the load increases several times. Even for healthy joint, this load is undesirable, and for those who suffer from arthritis is absolutely contraindicated.

You can’t exercise a rotational character. It is undesirable to do partial rotations of the leg at the knee joint on the circumference of the axis. In this case, the fixing legs are made in one place and body in another. Such exercises can be harbingers of serious injuries and joints, and muscles.

It is recommended to refrain from squats

It is recommended to refrain from squats, as a kind of mental gymnastics creates excessive load on the affected area. But there are some exceptions. Such exercises can be performed in water, as in this case, reduced load, and joint mobility will improve. But in this case it is necessary to remember about the temperature of the water, it should be warm, since, as already mentioned, excessively high or low temperature may cause an unexpected exacerbation.

The simplest way out of the situation is considered moderate stress on the sore joints. Of the many developed exercises everyone will be able to choose for themselves something suitable. In the event that lifestyle before this present run, you should replace it with walking.

Correct exercise helps to alleviate the patient’s condition and speed up his recovery. The main thing – to choose the exercises yourself, and ask for help, he will appreciate the General condition of the patient, will analyze the permissible load, and then will develop the whole complex of physical exercises. In some situations, doctors recommend to do not at home, and in a special physiotherapy centres, where specialist can adjust all the exercises.

If you wish to add to was developed by Dr. a new set of exercises you need to consult with a specialist. If the knee’s not ready to increased stress, adding a new exercise can cause exacerbation of the disease. It is possible even that the entire advance received from physical therapy, will be fully cancelled.

In addition, you should not engage for longer than recommended by the doctor because it will not reduce mucosa human pain, but rather provoke the transition of arthritis in the chronic stage.

Therapeutic exercise is an effective method of dealing with arthritis of the knee joint, but in the technology of exercise.

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