
Treatment of psoriatic arthritis

In people with psoriasis, later may develop inflammation of the joints. In rare cases, the arthritis is a precursor of psoriasis. The disease is variable, as in psoriasis exacerbation may be replaced by a full or partial remission. Signs of arthritis is aching in the joints, stiffness, swelling.

Depending on the severity of the disease affects the joints of the hands, elbow and knee joints, and spine. Treatment of psoriatic arthritis is to reduce the severity of symptoms and preventing joint damage.

To completely cure the disease is impossible, but regular supportive and preventive therapy can alleviate the patient’s condition and slow the progression of the disease.


There is no specific treatment of psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis. There are drugs that reduce inflammation in the joints and prevent pain. Patients assigned to anti-inflammatory drugs, corticosteroids and immunomodulators.

Treatment should be under the supervision of a physician who will develop an individual treatment plan.

The main symptom of psoriatic arthritis which brings discomfort, is the pain from inflammation of the joints. Patients are assigned to drugs relieving inflammation and pain. It is non-hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs Ibuprofen and Diclofenac.

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The dosage of Diclofenac is determined by the severity of symptoms and should not exceed the daily rate prescribed by your doctor.

Indications for use are:

  • inflammatory and degenerative processes in the joints;
  • neuralgia, myalgia;
  • pain in the spine.

Diclofenac is available in tablets, injections, and gels. The choice of form of the drug depends on the degree of symptoms. Were most commonly prescribed tablet medication for ingestion or injection for severe pain.

Found effective remedy for pains and for the treatment of joints:

  • natural composition,
  • with no side effects
  • efficiency, proven expert,
  • a quick result.

Patients are assigned to a new generation of drugs that have less side effects:

  • Nimesulide;
  • Meloxicam;
  • Celecoxib.


Nimesulide take for arthritis to relieve pain and inflammation. It is well tolerated and at the right dosage does not cause side effects. Prohibited use of the drug during pregnancy and lactation, hepatic and renal failure, ulcerative diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Meloxicam is a good anti-inflammatory, but weak analgesic effect. Appointed in acute exacerbations of arthritis. It can be taken long courses.

To relieve more severe symptoms use anti-inflammatory hormones – glucocorticoids.

The drugs in this group include:

  • Dexamethasone;
  • Prednisone;
  • Diprospan;
  • Beclomethasone.

They are appointed in that case, if the preparations of the previous group is not enough to help in the treatment. In modern medicine hormonal preparations used for local treatment because of possible side effects. The patient made injections into the joint cavity. This method of treatment allows to achieve good results, promotes rapid reduction of pain and inflammation.

Diprospan possesses immunosuppressive, anti-Allergy and anti-inflammatory actions. Used for the treatment of autoimmune connective tissue diseases, osteoarthritis and arthritis.

Contraindications to the use of corticosteroids are:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • epilepsy;
  • hypertension;
  • heart failure;
  • peptic ulcer disease of the gastrointestinal tract.

In modern medicine to treat the disease are used biologic drugs:

Recommend on the topic:

  • Etanercept;
  • Infliximab;
  • Bredolab.

Etanercept is assigned with moderate and severe disease. Prolonged use leads to a reduction in signs of progression of articular destruction. The drug is administered by injection. The dosage is determined by your doctor.

Infliximab use patients over the age of 18. The medicine may cause allergic reactions. It is impossible to prevent overdose. The appearance of side effects should stop using.

Bredolab used in the systemic therapy of psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis for the treatment of adult patients. The drug has strong anti-inflammatory effect. When medical research has improved the index of severity of psoriasis PASI.

Despite the drugs effectiveness, it is necessary to consider the possible side effects. An independent application can have a negative impact on health and do not bring the desired results. Psoriatic arthritis is a serious disease and its treatment should be under medical supervision.

Physical therapy

Inflammatory disease of the joints, triggered by psoriasis are advised to treat with physical therapy.

After removal of acute inflammation applies physiotherapy. This method increases the functionality of the affected joint, relieves pain, reduces the activity of the inflammatory process in the tissues. Different methods give a good prognosis and improve the condition of the patient.

The duration of the course and the choice of procedure is determined by the physician based on the severity of the disease, the severity of symptoms and the possible contraindications.

A common method of physiotherapy is a UHF-therapy. On the affected joint acts of the alternating electric field of ultrahigh frequency. The result is a decrease in the inflammation in the joint and adjacent tissues. This helps to reduce pain and facilitate motion of the joint.

With the help of electrophoresis, the patient introduces drugs through the skin under the influence of a constant electric current to the joint area.

The procedure is carried out with painkillers:

  • Novocaine;
  • Dimexide;
  • Trimekain.

In the period of remission using drugs regenerating and decongestant properties:

  • Hydrocortisone;
  • Calcium;
  • Sulfur.

The procedure is performed to reduce the number of drugs taken inside. This achieves a pronounced effect, and does not increase drug load on the body.

Modern methods of treatment of the disease offer laser treatment. Irradiation of the affected area helps to restore intra-articular structures. Contraindications are cancer and disorders of the endocrine system. Prior to the laser therapy must be performed ultrasound examination of the thyroid gland.

A result of physical impact is the reduction of the severity of symptoms. In addition to external exposure to laser irradiation, is assigned to intravenous laser irradiation of blood, which has immunomodulatory and stimulating effect.

Magnetic therapy improves blood circulation in the affected joint. Under the action of permanent or variable magnetic field improves blood circulation, normalizes metabolism, aktiviziruyutsya regenerative processes in the joint tissues. The lesion is warmed up 3 degrees. The result is an increase of joint mobility, reduction in pain and swelling. The patient must undergo a minimum of 12 procedures.


  • pregnancy;
  • tuberculosis;
  • violation of cardiac function.

Magnetic therapy can be performed at home with the necessary medical device.

The disease can be treated by cryotherapy. On the affected area is affected by the following refrigerants, in liquid, solid or gaseous state:

  • CO2 spray;
  • nitrogen;
  • the cooled air.

The procedure reduces inflammation and swelling. The method of cryotherapy has a positive effect on the immune, endocrine and nervous system.

The massage is prescribed in the complex treatment to increase mobility of the joint. This reduces muscle spasm, improves blood circulation, increases muscle tone. The methodology used is limited in order not to aggravate the patient’s condition.

Classical methods of treatment – mud treatments and therapeutic baths. Usually they are held during the period of sanatorium treatment. Natural mud has a calming effect, improve the General condition of the patient, reduce inflammation of the skin in psoriasis.

Assigned radon, iodine-bromine, hydrogen sulfide, Naftalan, dry-air carbon dioxide baths, ozokerite applications paraffin, peat peloids.

Physiotherapy enhance medical treatment and improve the patient’s condition. Comprehensive treatment prolongs the period of remission and relief of the disease.

A healthy lifestyle

Radon baths

Psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis worsen the quality of life of patients, bring physical discomfort and external defects. To improve the health and prolong remission, you need to adhere to a healthy lifestyle.

The first thing to give up bad habits. Smoking negatively affects the health of the whole organism, and psoriasis contribute to the exacerbation of symptoms. In addition, patients with psoriasis, it is recommended not to eat sweets, fried, fatty and smoked products. The diet should be varied and include a range of necessary vitamins and minerals.

Some patients even prefer to fast periodically to cleanse the body of toxins. In this disease this procedure undesirable. Since the sharp decrease in nutrients will lead to the deterioration of health and contribute to worsening of the disease.

It is impossible to abuse the ultraviolet rays, despite the fact that they have a positive impact in the disease. UV effect should be metered. UV treatment can be carried out in the winter. And in the summer will be enough sunlight.

Moderate sports are beneficial to the joints. In the period of remission, it is useful to do gymnastics, walk, swim. The joints should not remain without movement. A sedentary lifestyle contributes to tissue atrophy and impaired circulation.

Adherence to a healthy lifestyle, increase immunity, healthy eating, exercising and fresh air is necessary to facilitate a patient’s condition. Not dismissive attitude. Because psoriatic arthritis is a chronic disease, it is important to reduce the frequency of exacerbations. This will improve life and make it more comfortable.

Proper nutrition

In this type of arthritis need to follow a proper diet. In severe forms of the disease the doctor prescribes a special diet.

From the diet of the patient should exclude foods which includes allergens.

Not recommended:

  • citrus fruits, including canned juices;
  • eggs;
  • fresh vegetables and fruits that contain the red pigment – tomatoes, peppers, strawberries;
  • mushrooms;
  • spices, seasonings and spices;
  • sauces, ketchup, mayonnaise;
  • whole milk without heat treatment;
  • fatty, fried and smoked food.

The diet should be balanced in composition of fats, proteins and carbohydrates and enriched with vitamins and trace elements. Food should be consumed in baked or stewed. It is impossible to overeat. Patients should adhere to a fractional power, eat several times in small portions. Diet and excluding allergens prolongs a period of remission.

Folk remedies

Along with the traditional treatment of used folk remedies. They should be held as additional therapy. Yourself to cure the disease is not possible, the treatment should be under medical supervision.

At home it is acceptable to use medicinal herbs to relieve symptoms and pain relief:

  1. The methods of traditional medicine help to ease the condition, but do not guarantee full recovery. In order not to aggravate their health, to treat disease, the methods of traditional medicine and under supervision of a physician. Drugs, prepared at home, should be used in combination with medication.Needles has a positive effect on the structure of joint tissues. Pine tincture is used in the form of compresses on the joints.
  2. Trays of Bur marigold and chamomile reduce inflammation and reduce pain.
  3. Self-prepared ointment on the basis of hop cones and Hypericum.
  4. To reduce pain to the joints make hot pads with herbal preparations of medicinal herbs, make wraps with the leaves of burdock, cabbage and mother and stepmother.

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