Periarthritis of the knee joint is a disease in which periarticular tissues in the area of tendon attachment become inflamed to the bones. The synovial bag of the knee joint is also inflamed.
In this case, the knee is still mobile, has no deformations. Very often, patients turn to the doctor with knee pain, which is periarthritis.
With periarthritis of the knee joint, the goose foot tendons are very often damaged – that is, those places where the tendons of four muscles are attached to the knee inside. Periarthritis usually appears in women over the age of forty.
Causes of the disease:
- Hypothermia;
- Excessive physical exertion;
- Injuries and various injuries also adversely affect the joint;
- Metabolic disorders;
- Changes in the hormonal background during the climatic period in women;
- Changes in the vascular system;
- Disorders in the nervous system.
Symptoms of the disease
Symptoms of the disease depend on the severity of the pathological processes and their nature.
This disease is characterized by pain, which manifests itself as follows:
- Painful sensations make themselves felt at the beginning of movements;
- A person at rest does not feel pain in the knee;
- Pain with load on the knee disappears over time;
- During passive movements, painful sensations may appear due to the tension of damaged tissues;
- Pain can also appear when a person lies on his side for a very long time or has thrown back his legs;
- During palpation of the joint, local pain is detected.
In addition to painful sensations, in some cases there is a swelling in the region of the inner side of the joint.
If you find yourself having the above symptoms, it is important to visit a doctor to diagnose the disease and begin proper and timely treatment.
How to diagnose periarthritis
Using X-rays, it is difficult to determine the initial stages of manifestation of periarthritis of the knee joint. Very rarely, there is a narrowing of the joint space. A complete blood count may show a slight inflammation in the body. If periarthritis is compared with arthritis or arthrosis, the diagnosis of the disease must be carried out using x-ray examination.
If periarthritis has become chronic, the image will show a rarefaction of bone beams in places where damaged tendons are attached to the bone. Also, an experienced radiologist can see calcium deposits in the area of soft tissues near the joint.
We treat periarthritis correctly
If the disease is detected in a timely manner, it can be cured very quickly. It should be treated for at least 14 days.
Given the patient’s personality, the doctor will prescribe the following treatment:
- Periarthritis of the knee joint is treated with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, for example, diclofenac;
- Treatment is also carried out with the help of analgesics (analgin);
- Physiotherapy has a positive effect on the body. Patients undergo pulsed magnetic therapy, infrared laser therapy. To relieve inflammation, they resort to electrophoresis with novocaine or lidase;
- When the acute form of the disease can be removed, periarthritis can be continued to be treated with cryotherapy, successful wave therapy. Often resort to acupressure, if there are no contraindications to its implementation;
- To strengthen immunity, it is recommended to take a course of vitamins and minerals.
During treatment and after it, patients are advised not to overdo it with physical activity, and for a while walk less over long distances.
If conservative methods of treatment do not bring results, doctors will have to resort to surgery. With the help of surgical treatment, adhesions are excised, due to which the mobility of pathologically low tendons is restored, spurs and other defects that provoke the development of periarthritis are removed.
Traditional medicine in the treatment of periarthritis
Experts do not recommend self-medication, so as not to aggravate the situation and not lose the limb. Treatment of periarthritis of the knee joint with alternative methods can be carried out only in combination with the main drug treatment under the supervision of a doctor.
To relieve inflammation and restore normal metabolism, you can drink a tincture of wild rose, lingonberry leaves, black currant and raspberry leaves. To prepare an infusion of the proposed raw materials, pour 15 grams of each plant in a liter of boiling water. Boil for 10 minutes and let stand a little. To drink in a warm form, two glasses every day.
Periarthritis of the knee joint is an insidious disease. Therefore, having noticed the symptoms of this disease, it is important to urgently visit a doctor. Timely treatment started will lead to a quick recovery.
If treated independently, you can aggravate the situation and even lose a limb. Do not expose yourself to such consequences. Listen to the doctor’s advice and very soon you will again move as before.