
The polyosteoarthrosis what it affects and how to treat this disease

A complex systemic disease is polyosteoarthrosis joints of the hands. This pathology leads to functional disturbances of the synovial fluid and is accompanied by destruction of the cartilage.

Progression of the disease covers the bone and provoke their deformation.

Deforming polyosteoarthrosis is a term used in case if the damage was covered just a few of the cartilage. Standard, no doctor is able to put such a diagnosis. Localization of the pathology that increases the risk of developing disability in the future.

Why developing polyosteoarthrosis

The polyosteoarthrosis – what is this disease and how it develops? This disease is able to appear both independently and under the yoke of the ancillary diseases.

The main causal development of the disease are:

  • excessive load;
  • deviations from the hormonal background;
  • long-term use of corticosteroids;
  • chronic abnormalities of the cardiovascular system;
  • genetic predisposition.

Primary polyosteoarthrosis often develops under the influence of excessive exercise. In this case, the cartilage is strong pressure which is unevenly distributed. This problem often occurs when you have curvature of the spine, flat feet, curvature of the legs. High risk of disease persists in people whose work involves heavy physical activity. The risk group also includes professional athletes.

The polyarthrosis progresses under the influence of hormonal disruption and metabolic disorders. To this disease tends women in menopause and people suffering from illnesses of the thyroid gland. The result of this process is the formation of new cells that affects the production of collagen.

An important factor is long-term use of corticosteroids. This group of drugs helps to slow down regeneration processes, resulting in poor circulation. The damage to the knee joint can occur also under the yoke of cardiovascular disease. A significant factor in the formation of the disease is the heredity. This is due to the defects in the structure of collagen molecules, whereby it becomes less resistant to damage of any nature.

Factors influencing the development of the disease a lot. To identify the true cause of the adverse process capable specialist on the basis of examination of the patient. Proceeding from the received data is assigned the optimal treatment regimen.

How to recognize the development of the disease

The symptoms and treatment of pathology – two inseparable process. The severity of clinical manifestations indicates the stage of development of the pathology and impact on further treatment tactics. Recognize disease able every person to ignore it the first manifestation of the impossible. Striking feature of the disease is acute pain in the joints. It is like under load and at rest.

Pain syndrome is felt in the hip cartilage. The symptom is permanent, it rarely relief is fixed at rest. This is due to the inflammatory process, which affected not only cartilage but also bone tissue. Inflammation of the lining of the joint capsule can lead to microfractures. Due to this process increases the intensity of pain.

When polyosteoarthrosis joints can creak. As the progression of the pathology of this symptom becomes more pronounced. In the morning hours is observed stiffness of the joints. In the interphalangeal joints appear nodules., this is a slow process. Its formation is accompanied by increasing pain.

In most cases, a negative process covers the knee. At the joints, which are located closer to the nail, fixed nodule formation of Heberden. It is the seal, is characterized by acute pain and redness of the affected area. It can appear on the surface of the skin.

Basic methods of treatment

Curing the disease requires a holistic way. To remedy the situation by means of one medical intervention impossible.

Standard therapy includes the following directions:

  • diet;
  • medications;
  • physiotherapy;
  • people’s methods.

Additionally used supportive therapy and special diet. The main goal of therapeutic effects is to combat pain and improve mobility of the affected area. A secondary function is the stimulation of the synthesis of new cells.

The polyosteoarthrosis in the treatment requires adherence to certain rules. To ignore the comprehensive scheme of therapy not. Otherwise it will not achieve the desired effect.

Ways Impact
Therapy begins with proper nutrition. Healthy food helps to normalize weight and prevent the deposition of salts and uric acid in the affected joint. This approach is considered the most acceptable with the progression of the disease.
Proper nutrition supplemented by drug therapy. The best remedy for diseases is a non – steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, muscle relaxants and analgesics. They were accepted as a means of both systemic and local action. The most popular drugs are diclofenac, glucosamine and chondrotin. The optimal dosage is prescribed by a doctor during examination of the patient.
Healthy eating and drug therapy is supplemented by physiotherapy. Good practices are considered phonophoresis, electrophoresis and laser irradiation. They are valid after elimination of the acute phase of the disease. Under their influence being restored as the connection itself, and stop.

Specific treatment regimens no. Standard therapy is based on the use of various techniques that contribute to stop the progression of the disease. Additionally, practiced treatment of folk remedies.

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