
Manifestations and treatment of bursitis of the hip

Bursitis of the hip joint (TBS) is represented by the formation of inflammation in the synovial paracetamol bag, the last characteristic shock-absorbing function, and in the event of a slip of muscle fibers helps to reduce wsaenetreset bone structures and their covering soft tissues.

In medical practice this condition is included in the orthopedic group, the formation of which is accompanied by inflammation of the Bursa, leading to an increase in the volume of fluid in the articular cavities.

This is an inflammation that affects the synovial capsule of TBS (sciatic or hip socket).

Causal factors

Predisposing factors in most cases have connections with different injuries, and injuries tibialis bones. Of the main factors that provoke this postprocess, can be identified:

  • Excessive permanent fiznagruzki astroelite.
  • Pathology of the spine (scoliosis, arthrosis or arthritis).
  • The difference in length of lower extremities.
  • Surgery on TBS.
  • Osteoporosi.
  • Calcium build-up.

Strong cross-country exercise and sport bikes, often repeated climbs on a ladder March, a prolonged stay of the patient in the standing position can result in excessive loads on atrocinerea that leads to the development of postprocess in Bursa.

Iliac scalloping form is an inflammation of the same bags, is located on the inner thigh, where raspologaetsya algicheskom syndrome.

The difference in length of the extremities often leads to irritation of the synovia that leads to the development of inflammation in ArtRage. Operations (for example, endoprosthesis of hips) sometimes provoke the development of diseases described. Injury femoral region and osteopathy, which are formed in the tendon region, crepes with trochanteral often provoke the formation of bursitis.

Symptomatic picture

The basic manifestation of postprocess is acute and painful syndrome in armstrongite, localization is noted patients with the lateral plane of the femur. In the initial stages it is strongly expressed, however, as the generalization of the inflammatory process over time patients report his regression.

Observed, and other manifestations:

  • Painful swelling of the rounded shape and size up to 100 mm.
  • Parabasalia tissue swelling.
  • Fever, in some cases up to 40°.
  • Redness of the skin.
  • General malaise.
  • Dysfunctionraven hinge joint.

In the case of acetabular bursitis develops an intense elegicheskie syndrome of the thigh on the outer plane, causing the difficulty of lying on the diseased side. Worried sick a restless sleep. Searing pain prevents lifting of the stairs and binds the patient to perform active motor acts.

Sciatic form

Sciatic form is accompanied by the same algesic syndrome, only patients with complaints he is a blunt character in the upper area of the thigh is felt in the case of pronation/supination and lifting it up. It is sometimes intensifitsiruetsa in the case detalnogo seat on a hard plane.

If chronic inflammatory process simptomokomplex becomes less intense, and in the region of localization of the inflamed bags, there is a small size soft round swelling. This transformation is characteristic of the lack of burning pain and intactness articular functioning. The aggravation causes an increase in volume of effusion in the Bursa, which leads to the formation of a cystic cavity within which vaporise exudate.

In the case of infectious nature may develop purulent variety. Its basic symptom is a sharp pain at the time of abduction of the foot, flexion-extension of the hip. On the lateral plane of the femur marked swelling. Because of severe pain cases can not bend or straighten the leg, which leads to a permanent stay of the thigh in the bent position with the outer leads.

Trochanteric form

Trochanteric variety – inflammation in the Bursa, which is located near trochanteral. Observed slightly more often in comparison with previous forms. This kind of occurs, accompanied by pain on the lateral surface of the thigh, from the top, swelling in the same area, discomfort during the Commission of motor acts, malaise, fever even. Often this pathology is formed by individuals who are active in sports, mainly female, because their pelvis is much wider for men, because women trochanter is located farther from the midline of the trunk, which causes a greater friction of the muscle groups on its surface.

Pain syndrome is characterized by sharpness, pungency, spread along the external surface of the thigh. Uncomfortable pain regressed alone, but with little physical activity dramatically intensifitsiruetsa. The patient often complains of night pain that occurs when the patient lies on the side with the damaged joint. Professional runners in the case of increasing sports fiznagruzki has increased, as has the pain mostly happens when you increase the distance or difficulty of the workout.

Pathology under certain circumstances, proceeds chronically. The acute form often develops on the background of injury at the time of falling, a sudden collision with something. There is characterized by the development during the impact of a click. Diagnosis is carried out by test method Obera, polerowania, in certain embodiments, rentgenissledovany used for the detection of calcifications.


The diagnosis is established on the basis of a complete physical examination. During the examination the expert finds out the nature algicheskom syndrome and preconditions of its development, location, etc. Is polerowanie TBS, alloy Obera (pain in the abduction of the thigh part of the leg).

Diagnostirovanna due to some complexities is based on two main factors: the assessment of pain and rentgenissledovany or MRI. The diagnosis is confirmed by injection of anesthetic to the patient, it leads to some relief of the condition.

Therapeutic tactics

Should conservative treatment in the form of thisactivity – limit any activity that causes algicheskom syndrome. Shown non-hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs relieves the pain and activity of postprocess. In more severe forms is a hormonal Leksredstva in combination with a topically applicable anestetikam.

Therapy non-running species is held in the home and provides a single vnutribrtnnoe the introduction of pharmaceuticals. In the case of relapse and the resumption of the pain syndrome ill injection can be repeated.

The conservative method is based on an individual physical therapy, combined with anti-inflammatory drugs and physiotherapy.

To prevent chronic disease you need medical therapy to combine with a folk recipe (the compresses with chamomile, sage, calendula and pine buds).

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