
Manifestations and treatment of tenosynovitis of the foot

Tenosynovitis of the foot – an inflammatory process involving the capsule of the tendon. While there are pain, which become particularly acute during the walk even without shoes. Among the main symptoms swelling, redness and local temperature rise.

Reasons for the occurrence of the disease somewhat, but classification, which is used by doctors, it may be aseptic and septic. In the first case, the inflammation occurs without penetration of the foot of microbes. In the second case detected by the pathogen, which causes all the symptoms.

At its pathology is acute and chronic with exacerbations. Also shares the inflammation and according to its form – the initial, exudative serous and constrictive.


Aseptic tenosynovitis of the foot, which will be ICD 10 code M67 to be, developed with a long and consistent movements of the foot and when a significant physical exertion. The main reason for the depletion of the synovial membrane, which is no longer able to eliminate friction between the layers of tendons and capsule.

Even after successful treatment may be a relapse. Then, it is believed that the disease passed into a chronic stage and cure it anymore, you can only save the patient from the existing symptoms.

At risk people who are engaged in professional dancing, skiing, skating, are overweight or large load on the ankle.


Septic option develops when injected into the joint capsule of microbes, which lead to the development of the inflammatory process. Such microorganisms are classified as either specific or nonspecific.

In the first case it will be the causative agents of tuberculosis, brucellosis and syphilis. Non-specific – the kinds of microorganisms that fall into this area of the human body while getting injured. For example, if you step on a nail or to cut with scissors.

All are divided at the stage of the inflammatory process. At first observed local increase in temperature and the appearance of small pain. It then begins to accumulate fluid, resulting in swelling – edema. And already only after that no treatment things start to change in the tendon capsule. And to return to its original state sinew.

How does

The symptoms of tenosynovitis of the foot can be very different, but at the forefront is always a pain. It occurs when walking or any other load on the foot. Acute pain has a clear location in the presence of exudate can be felt pulsating.

The second important symptom is swelling. He is growing very quickly and appears unexpectedly. The swelling may be so pronounced that on the site of inflammation is beginning to crack leather.

Also observed redness of the skin, which first appears at the site of inflammation and then spreads to the entire foot. If you can hear some crackle that speaks of the beginning of damage to the tendon.

The skin is not only red, but hot to the touch This symptom occurs when expanding a large number of blood vessels in one place.

Restricted movement of the joint that prevents full flexion and extension movements, although the move itself is not severely hampered. Only with the appearance of acute pain may require crutches.

How to get rid of

Treatment of tenosynovitis of foot is conservative, that is, with the use of bezoperatsionnye methods. And only when the diagnosis of acute suppurative form, with the presence of an ulcer requires immediate surgical intervention to remove this education.

The initial inflammation – fixation of the foot and the use of anti-inflammatory drugs. Treatment of tenosynovitis of the foot at this stage is carried out using the ointment. If necessary, can be treated with antibiotics.

It is important to understand what caused disease. For full recovery it should be eliminated.

After elimination of acute events, you can begin physical therapy. Such techniques are used as electroforez with lydasum, paraffin baths, massage, physiotherapy.

In the absence of any effect after this treatment may require surgery. Then, a fixation of the foot using plaster bandages and antibiotics. Further rehabilitation will restore the mobility and get rid of recurrence.

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