Psoriasis is a serious skin disease that spreads rapidly through the body in the absence of medical treatment. Psoriatic arthritis is a consequence of the inflammatory processes in psoriasis and is characterized by an acute and chronic character of the disease.
The symptoms of the disease occur in patients 20 to 55 years. Equally hurt both women and men. In children almost never occurs.
Etiological factors are unknown. According to scientists, the emergence of disease is influenced by genetic and autoimmune mechanisms, infections, mechanical damage. It is assumed the presence of bacterial and viral agents in development of disease.
The main signs of the disease
Psoriatic arthritis frequently leads to disability. Patients need regular monitoring by a specialist and obtaining timely treatment.
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The symptoms are identical and visible visually. Marvel at the ankle joints, knee joints and feet and brush man.
About 40% of cases – patients with psoriasis. The rapidity of development of the disease varies from several months to several decades. The appearance of arthritis may also precede dermatosis in advanced stages.
Often the symptoms of psoriatic arthritis appear too late, when the disease becomes chronic. In acute course of the disease the first signs are emerging and spreading rapidly.
Swelling of the fingers
Signs of development of psoriatic arthritis:
- in places of localization of the disease there is an increase in body temperature;
- there is pain in the joints and swelling;
- swelling of the fingers looks like a reduction of their length;
- with movement of the fingers the patient feels a strong sharp pain;
- the color of the skin in the affected areas becomes red and crimson color, and eventually blue;
- there is a loss of nail plates;
- arthritis of the intervertebral joints decrease in their performance;
- change at the same time, both the lower and upper extremities;
- minor damage to the joints cause sprains.
Psoriatic arthritis is difficult to confuse with another disease. In the primary treatment to the dermatologist on symptoms will put the correct diagnosis.
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All patients with psoriasis should be routinely undergo diagnostics in order to prevent the development of arthritis.
Prolonged pain syndrome also affects the emotional state of the patient. As a result – irritability, irascibility, insomnia and a prolonged depression. Especially if the pain in the joints bother you at night.
Signs of malignant forms of psoriatic arthritis
There is another kind of psoriatic arthritis, which is difficult to treat. This malignant form of the disease. The prognosis is not always favorable, after treatment, possible remission, some patients are fatal.
Main symptoms:
- Atrophy. Due to violations of the food tissues (trophic nerve) is a weakening of muscle strength. Characterized by the manifestation of chronic spondylitis.
- Hectic fever. The patient is constantly changing body temperature. No reason it rises to the level of 40 degrees, but then abruptly drop to 36. Observed excessive sweating. Fever is often called exhausting or draining.
- Lymphadenopathy. Visible enlargement of lymph nodes in the joints.
- Anemia. Decreasing supply of oxygen to tissues. Reduces appetite, worsens the quality of sleep. Patients complain of weakness, dizziness, palpitation of the heart.
- Skin rashes. Skin lesions occur throughout the body, often complicated with infectious processes.
- The defeat of the internal organs. Often diagnosed hepatitis, kidney failure, encephalopathy, inflammation of cardiac tissue. Often, these diseases lead to death.
- Inflammation of the joints of the spine. When spondylitis doctors noted a sharp progression of the disease and increasing the area of damage.
- Severe course of arthritis.
There are serious deformation of the limbs. In most cases, the disease begins with the onset of pain and rash in the form of bright red scaly patches.
Diagnostic procedures
To ensure quick and quality diagnosis doctors use laboratory and instrumental and clinical methods for studying the organism.
There is currently no specific analysis, which can give detailed information in this disease. In addition, with the defeat of small joints this type of research can be quite useless, as the figures will not change. Common laboratory procedures are:
- CBC – increase WBC, increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate and decreased hemoglobin may indicate the presence of disease.
- Puncture of joints for the study of synovial fluid – a high content of neutrophils and a low viscosity of the collected liquid indicates that the inflammation in the body.
- Test for rheumatism – normally, the result should be negative.
Clinical examination
When interviewing the patient’s doctor will be interested in whether there had been any complaints of stomach pain, the urogenital system, whether the conjunctivitis. It is necessary for Association of symptoms with other diseases.
During the inspection the specialist will pay attention to:
- armpits;
- the crotch region;
- the region of the ears;
- the scalp;
- navel;
- buttock cords.
The condition of the internal organs is the method of palpation.
Often doctors examine not only the patient but his immediate family to trace genetic link.
Instrumental diagnostics
Typical signs of arthritis are diagnosed during x-ray examination of the pelvis, hands, feet.
Among them:
- bone proliferation;
- osteolysis of the articular surfaces;
- resorption of the terminal phalanges of fingers and toes;
- sindesmofity;
- paravertebral ossification;
- asymmetric bilateral sacroiliitis.
The diagnosis is confirmed by the presence of serious lesions of the joints, and with obvious inflammatory processes. International Association of physicians suggested that the CASPAR criteria (Classification Criteria for Psoriatic Arthritis), which are crucial in the diagnosis of arthritis of this type.
It is believed that the patient manifested at least five of the following symptoms:
- psoriasis, inherited;
- psoriatic lesions of the skin, confirmed by a rheumatologist and a dermatologist;
- bone ossification of the edges of the joints;
- hyperkeratosis, recorded during physical examination;
- onycholysis of the nail plate;
- dactylitis at the time of inspection;
- negative for rheumatoid factor.
In the absence of a psoriasis diagnosis can be more thorough. Offer the patient undergo ultrasound, CT and MRI. Often even in the hospital.
If necessary, obtain the status of disabled people will need advice Laura, an ophthalmologist and a neurologist.
Consult other specialists
Consultation of narrow specialists
Often together with diagnosed diabetes, coronary heart disease, hypertension. In this case, shows the advice and supervision of specialists. Collaboration of a dermatologist, rheumatologist, cardiologist and endocrinologist will give a favorable prognosis in therapy. After receiving timely treatment is the relief of the inflammatory process and slowing the pathological disorders. Home diagnosis and treatment is contraindicated.
During progressive deformation and destruction of joints, ischemic necrosis shows an orthopedic specialist and surgeon for further replacement.
Completely cure of the disease impossible. However, modern diagnosis and treatment will help in time to stop the development of complications and to alleviate the patient’s condition.