
Elevated blood sugar in a child: is it dangerous?

Among all the other indicators one of the most important is the level of glucose (sugar) in the blood in children. The change in the level of glucose may indicate a serious endocrine and metabolic processes in the body, which require immediate access to a doctor and treatment, correction of violations, and continuous monitoring of diet, fluid intake and status.

Monitoring glucose levels is carried out if the child is healthy, once a year, if necessary, the analysis is carried out more frequently. According to glucose level assess the status of carbohydrate metabolism, and indirectly monitor all the other types of metabolic processes – the level of protein and fat.

The excess level of carbohydrates in blood may be a sign of serious pathology – diabetes mellitus, usually of the first type, and probably the increase in different types of metabolic disorders and in some endocrine diseases (problems of the adrenal glands and the thyroid gland).

The blood glucose level is carried out in the framework of biochemical analysis or rent separately you can also control the level of glucose at home, using a home glucometer.

Standards of glucose in the blood of children

Blood sugar, but rather the level of glucose in blood plasma is an important indicator reflecting the state of metabolic processes, especially carbohydrate. Due to the glucose is the food of the body cells, glucose is particularly important for brain tissue, heart and kidneys, without a sufficient amount of sugar in the blood, these organs will malfunction. With the birth of children in the plasma should be a certain amount of glucose, it should vary only within certain fluctuations (normal values).

If we talk about newborns – they have a number of glucose is 2.9 to 4.5 ml/l, at preschool age, the normal indicators will be 3.3 V – 5.0 mmol/l, school age standards will be indices are as adults – 3,3 – 5,5 mmol/l.

The amount of glucose in the blood plasma in children will significantly depend upon the health and age of kids, the presence of certain diseases and nutrition. Against a background of serious metabolic and endocrine abnormalities the glucose level rises sharply, which is dangerous for health and sometimes the lives of children, although hypoglycemia – reduced level of glucose, is not less dangerous for kids.

Why blood sugar?

Glucose is an important energy supplier for the cells, due to her inside of them is the synthesis of ATP molecules (they are in the “combustion” give energy for life). Excess glucose in the body to a certain extent is stored in the liver and muscle tissue in the form of special compounds – glycogen. This form of carbohydrates refers to backups in case of starvation and lack of glucose in plasma. Also, the glycogen is consumed during periods of physical activity when the body needs more energy for activity.

In addition, glucose is an integral part of some of the complex joints of the body – protein, fat, and also necessary in the synthesis of important molecules in the body nucleic acids to the nucleus and ATP molecules to mitochondria. The role of glucose is not limited to these compounds, it is involved in many metabolic processes – synthesis of compounds neutralizing bilirubin in the liver, intermediate products of metabolism and drugs. Therefore, the supply of glucose in the tissue must remain constant due to the food.

The features of assimilation of glucose in children

In the neonatal period and have kids in the first year of life the concentration of glucose in plasma is lower than in adults, which is associated with features of metabolic processes. As the child grows, increases, and the need to increase the level of glucose, after five years of blood sugar correspond to the level of adults.

Glucose formed in the body from complex carbohydrates and simple sugars from food and drink to the intestines, they are split into more simple molecules – fructose, glucose or galactose. These metabolites are absorbed into the bloodstream and enter the liver area, where all are metabolized to glucose, which is then maintained in a certain amount of plasma, spending on the needs of the body.

In the first about half an hour after the simple sugars are absorbed in the intestine, the blood sugar level is slightly increased, exceeding the standard is called physiological hyperglycemia. Due to this the body included neuro-hormonal mechanisms of stabilization of glucose levels because of the activation of its expenditure of fabrics – if these mechanisms are suffering form disease and level of glucose in plasma is changing.

How is the blood sugar level

In children, the mechanisms of control of blood sugar level are similar to those in adults. In the field of vascular walls there are special receptors that respond to the concentration of glucose in plasma. After meal sugar level increases, and with the active metabolism of the body is reduced, and these processes must be strictly controlled by special hormones.

Failure in any of these mechanisms lead to an increase or a sharp decrease in the level of glucose in the plasma and formation of various diseases and metabolic disorders.

The most important of the hormones for carbohydrate metabolism are:

  • insulin, produced by pancreatic cells, is one of the most important glucose-lowering hormones. Due to his actions cells can get the glucose for food, he’s kind of the key for the door to the cell. In addition, it helps in synthesis of protein and fat molecules to form glycogen reserves in the tissues.
  • glucagonalso produces cells of the pancreas, having the opposite effect of insulin. It increases the concentration of glucose due to the breakdown of glycogen in muscle and liver, and it enters the bloodstream.
  • adrenaline with noradrenaline are synthesized in the adrenal glands, increasing the level of glucose in plasma due to the active breakdown of glycogen in the liver and muscles.
  • cortisol also produce the adrenal glands, it helps to synthesize stress glucose to power the body from virtually any waste materials (fats, proteins), and the adrenal glands the secretion of this hormone is under the control of the pituitary gland and its hormones.

All of these hormones and many more indirectly helping you to maintain in a constantly changing environment of children’s activity and under the influence of environmental factors relatively constant glucose concentration, the child had no problems with metabolism.

If any of the mechanisms has had a significant impact, this leads to a change in the concentration of glucose and formation of pathologies. In this case, the child must be at least a full examination and treatment.

The increase of glucose in children

Not always the increase of sugar level in the plasma is the result of dangerous pathologies, it may be a temporary phenomenon, it is permissible in the process of life. But the constant stable exceeded the age norms may be one of the first signs of serious pathology metabolism – diabetes. In children usually occurs the first type, insulin-dependent, although in adolescence, ozarelix students and those with unfavorable heredity may be an options of diabetes type – insulin-independent.

The unit exceeding the targets of blood glucose can be the result of errors in the blood – it is taken not on an empty stomach, in the excitement of a child and the screaming, crying (due to the adrenaline and cortisol glucose increases). Also, similar results can be obtained after physical exertion or emotional stress, overexertion crumbs is associated with activation of the thyroid, pituitary or adrenal glands.

Excessive consumption of sweets, high-calorie and dense foods can also give a transient (temporary) episodes of hyperglycemia – high blood sugar.

Can lead to an overestimate of indicators of viral infection and increase them on the background temperature, severe pain or the presence of burns, long-term use in the treatment of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs of the group.

Causes of high blood sugar in a child

Often consistently exceeded the indicators of glucose in the blood of children can be a symptom of specific conditions – disorders of glucose tolerance (previously this condition called pre-diabetes) or the presence of pronounced diabetes. Also such problems are possible when abnormalities of the pituitary or adrenal gland (tumor), obesity or on the background of lesions of the pancreas.

It is the insulin refers to the only active hormones, lowering the concentration of glucose in plasma. If his synthesis suffers or the child’s weight and the increased volume of the body produced insulin is not enough, iron works with a distinctive tension, that may Deplete and will result in exceeding the level of fasting blood glucose above 6.0 mmol/L.

In these cases, doctors may suspect the child has diabetes. This metabolic pathology dangerous for children, it violates the full-fledged work of the heart and kidneys, damages the small capillaries of the eyes, limbs and leads to disorders of the nervous system.

At risk for the development of hyperglycemia

The increase in glucose most often occurs in those kids who have traced a genetic predisposition to diabetes and metabolic disorders. If the child one of the parents has diabetes, the risk rises to 10%, but if it’s two parents – more than 50%. Often have twins with unfavorable heredity may also identify trends in the increase of glucose in both, indicating that an important factor that is genes.

For the type II diabetes threat factor is excess weight and obesity, often it causes problems with the metabolism of carbohydrates.

Also the increase in glucose can be formed because of the weakening of immune protection, the body deficiency of vitamin D and excess weight of the child at birth, and early lures unadapted products and excess of carbohydrate food, sugars in food.

Can provoke diabetes lesions of the pancreas by viruses – cytomegalovirus, influenza, enterovirus.

Symptoms and signs of giperglikemii in children

Can point to existing problems with blood sugar such features as:

  • Severe dry mouth and excessive thirst on the background of normal temperature
  • A constant feeling of fatigue and weakness
  • Frequent urination, excretion of large amounts of transparent urine
  • Headaches and nausea, changes in appetite and weight, weight loss
  • A feeling of numbness in extremities
  • Constant agitation and irritability children, moodiness
  • Prolonged healing of wounds, frequent purulent processes and colds
  • Decreased vision, problems with recognition of images
  • Itchy skin, rashes and scratching
  • Abrupt change of weight and craving for sweets, strong appetite on the background of thinness.

These symptoms may not always indicate it in diabetes, they are nonspecific, and it is necessary to conduct detailed laboratory diagnostics, which confirm the fact of increasing blood glucose level.

Identify at least a few of the signs described is the reason for going to the doctor and a glucose level and a full clinical examination by a pediatrician and an endocrinologist.

Blood glucose levels in children

The basis for the diagnosis of diabetes and problems with glucose concentration in plasma is a blood test. But to be objective, important proper preparation delivery of blood to avoid effects of dietary and other factors. It is important to prepare your baby to analyze in advance.

The last time you can feed the baby (if not breastfeeding) not later than 8 hours before analysis, before it is forbidden to drink soda or any liquid with sugar, brush your teeth and take any food. Also cannot chew gum and lollipops.

The analysis did not give up on the background of stress, physical exertion, disease children – if their results can be distorted.

For research use blood from a finger, the babies can take her from the heels. In some situations, for research take venous blood. To control the level of glucose in the presence of exposed diabetes used home blood glucose meters – special electronic devices that measure the concentration of sugar in the blood.

If there is any doubt in the results can be applied in load tests – a series of blood tests with a load of sugar and a measure to load in an hour and two hours.

What to do for high blood sugar in children?

The detection of elevated levels of glucose and placing the child diagnosis of diabetes treatment will be planned in stages:

  • Administration of drugs for the normalization of metabolic processes, or the use of insulin injections
  • Control of blood glucose home test system
  • Permanent diet with restriction of carbohydrates.

The presence of diabetes leads to the need for ongoing monitoring of an endocrinologist, is a lifelong disease that requires constant monitoring of diet and blood sugar levels. To teach the child and his parents to live with diabetes will help special school, which is available in all cities. There you will learn about all aspects of food, insulin administration and medication and lifestyle features.

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