It would seem, more recently, the daughter was a sweet little angel, obedient and funny and suddenly something happened, inexplicable whims, mood swings, occasional tantrums.
Do not be afraid of such change, as the girl grows, and sooner or later there comes the period of puberty.
What signs accompany such “coming of age” that can be considered as early puberty and how to respond to his parents? To these questions we try to answer in the presented material.
Signs of puberty girls or what happens in the body
Puberty in girls lasts 2 years and ends at puberty is a time necessary for the first menstruation. The doctors still can’t call the timing of puberty that fit the norm – it is considered that this period is variable: it can start at age 9 and 11, and 13. If the signs of puberty girls are at the age of 7 or absent, when the child is older than 15 years, it is cause for concern. All the rest of the year, which occurred in the reporting state are to normal.
Early puberty will be written later, but outset – the girl’s parents should not take any independent decisions on this matter. Only a doctor can establish the true cause of early puberty, to appoint medical treatment, which, however, applies to late puberty.
Please note: during observations, the doctors revealed the following – the earlier puberty of the girl, the faster it will end. That is, if the girl was 9 years old already showed signs of puberty, then after a year and a half we can expect the first menstruation, but if these signs are observed in the age of 14, before the first menstrual period may take two to two and a half years.
Signs of normal puberty girls:
- The growth of the child. This is, perhaps, the first changes that parents observed in their daughters. Moreover, the growth of the child in this period will not be constant:
- in 7-8 years, the girl grows actively and adds each year to 7 centimeters;
- at 9 or 10 years, the growth is slowing down slightly, it sometimes seems that the girl does not grow is the norm, not to worry;
- 11 years is the age of rapid growth, the jump is characterized by the increase in height of 11 centimeters per year.
Parents should know that at the age of eleven, the girl not only actively growing, but is gaining weight – if earlier the norm was to increase the weight every year on 2 kg in this age group a value approaching 9 kg per year. Moreover, on the surface it may be unnoticed, but the girl will have a great appetite, it will, literally, to swallow large portions of food required by a rapidly growing body.
- Mammary glands. The first thing you pay attention – changes in the mammary glands. For puberty to be a characteristic sequence of changes in the breast: first, increasing the areola around the nipple, and he begins to stretch forward, then the mammary gland itself becomes conical shape. Usually in 1-2 years, namely the time of arrival of the first menstruation, breast girl acquires a more familiar, standard, round-flattened shape.
- Necklacesthe. Many are familiar with the awkwardness and necklacesthe in the figure of teenage girls – this is also a sign of puberty. Reason for concern – this disproportion refers to the norm after a short time will happen the miraculous transformation of an ugly duckling into a Princess.
- Hair growth, changes to the figure. With the onset of puberty start to grow hair in the armpits and on the pubis. In addition, the figure of a girl is undergoing major changes, she becomes more feminine – expanding hips, the waist appears. Another important point: that in the period of puberty in girls can change the structure of hair – for example, if before they were dry and thin, under the influence of certain hormones, they can become strong, fat.
We should also mention the most important sign of puberty is menstruation. The first menstruation generally appears in girls at 13 years, but this age is very conditional! There are many cases, when the bleeding was at the age of 11 and it wasn’t pathology. Outset – the menstrual cycle will “form” and stabilize within approximately 12 months, during this period of bleeding will be irregular, may be absent for 1-2 months and a “behavior” of the body of the girl are normal. As soon as the girl began menstruation, her growth slows sharply and then in total, the child will add to the growth 5 see
Special attention should parents pay training girls the first menstruation, and, of course, this should take care of mom. No matter at what age you started your period, that could really scare a child. Yes, the kids are akseleratov. Yes, they sometimes know more than adults. Nevertheless, experts emphasize the importance of conversations between a girl and a mother on the topic of puberty, the first menstrual period – no book, no friend, no video from the Internet to not inform girls the right information. And then such a trusting relationship with the mother, who will be able to listen and talk even in “intimate” topics, will guarantee a close relationship in the future.
Psychological problems of puberty girls
The above signs of this condition strongly enough capable to surprise not only the parents (“when did she grow up”), but the girl. And in this period it is important not to leave her alone with their questions, fears and doubts.
First, you will need to tell the girl why such changes happen to her body and organism. If it happened earlier than her friends, it is worth emphasizing the importance of such events as puberty, and clearly specify that no deviations in the development of no, it is all natural.
Secondly, should carefully observe the girl whose puberty had in later years – she would feel too uncomfortable in the company of peers, to doubt his inferiority. And here you need to become a psychologist to explain to the girl that puberty occurs at different ages, you can even exaggerate and tell you that most mothers, this period was 14-15 years old.
Third, you need to talk in detail about menstruation. But you need to specify that these topics are too personal, “intimate” and tell your friends that have already started my period is not necessary. Yes, this means that “the girl is ripe”, but this does not mean that she has grown up, so mom will need to have conversations and teach my daughter all the subtleties of behavior among friends.
Please note: perception of change girl during her puberty depends on how close the relationship she has with her mother. So try to “establish contact” from childhood – it will be easier to have conversations on sensitive topics, and in the future between the two loved ones will develop a relationship of trust.
Early puberty girls
Precocious puberty girls has its characteristics:
- quickly and under 9 years started changes in the mammary glands;
- it is noted the hair on the female type at the age of 9 years;
- stops the growth of girls;
- the appearance of menstruation before the age of seven.
Special attention should be paid to the fact that the appearance of menstrual bleeding in girls with premature puberty does not mean that she was a woman – such bleeding is also called bezboleznennyy/menstrualnopodobne, that is, the egg from the ovary, the girl comes out for fertilization in the uterus.
Such precocious puberty in girls is a deviation from the norm and has some form of flow.
Classification of precocious puberty girls
Gynecologists and endocrinologists there are several forms of considered States:
- Full form of true precocious puberty. Is characterized by the presence of all the signs of this condition, the girls very quickly “close” the growth of the bones and their growth stops at around 150-152 cm.
- True precocious puberty. In hypothalamus the pituitary gland and the girl is too active production of hormones that have a stimulating effect on the ovaries.
- Incomplete form of precocious puberty. Secondary sexual characteristics, in this case, the girl will have before, but menstruation will start about 10-11 years, which is considered normal.
- About precocious puberty. Usually, this form of the considered state of the first menstruation begins at a very early age, but the secondary sexual characteristics appear “within the schedule”, that is 10-11 years old.
- The heterosexual form. The girl has secondary sexual characteristics appear not only before, but also conforms to masculine. This condition is associated with abnormalities of the adrenal glands, which causes increased production of male hormones androgens.
Causes of early puberty girls
To this condition can lead to the following factors:
- genetic predisposition – early puberty is passed in the family from generation to generation, but does not affect the reproductive capacity of the female body;
- problems in the hypothalamus and/or pituitary that leads to excessive production of hormones;
- various tumors benign or malignant nature of ovarian.
Very often girls with precocious puberty are born to women who during pregnancy smoked/used alcohol and drugs, or have a history of endocrine disease.
How to treat
Only after a complete diagnosis and a number of specific surveys, the doctor will be able tell you what treatment is to be applied for correct sexual development of girls. It’s possible that will only need to choose a diet and to normalize psycho-emotional background of the child. But often for the normalization of the status of use of hormone drugs range such medicines should only be done by professionals.
Surgical treatment is indicated only in case if the girl was diagnosed with a tumor of the adrenal glands, ovaries or hypothalamic – just the tumor is removed and the process of puberty occur in the normal range.
With regard to the later puberty girls, then it will be, most likely, hormonal problems and/or malformations of the genital organs. Usually to solve the problem is possible with hormones, but they can be administered only by doctors.
Puberty girls – it’s all so individual, that to give any clear recommendations, and present age limits of this period, is not possible. The only thing I advise you to pay particular attention to the specialists – a relationship of trust with the girl. In this case, it will be able to talk about their fears and doubts, to share some new sensations that will help determine the necessity of seeking qualified medical help.