
Why artificial tanning is dangerous

Center specialist Kylie Strong noted that this view is a misconception. In the material, we consider the danger of artificial lamps that lovers of dark-skinned skin do not know.

In 2008, The Cancer Council Victoria, the Australian Cancer Center, summed up a public opinion poll according to which 14% of women aged 18-30 thought tanning in a solarium was safer than in the sun.

The main goal of the salon is to make you a regular customer. To do this, more powerful lamps are purchased in the solarium that produce ultraviolet radiation of safe spectrum A and dangerous B. If spectrum B is less than 1% of the total radiation volume, you are guaranteed not to get burns after the procedure.

Lamp power in the solarium

True, in practice, the law does not prohibit the installation of lamps with a spectrum of up to 4%, which is what owners of beauty salons use. Additionally, the effect is enhanced by the mirror surface of the floor, walls and ceiling of the solarium.

Quality of installed lamps

The average service life of lamps with ultraviolet radiation is 600-800 hours, which is quite a lot with a typical session duration of 5-10 minutes. As the lamp wears out, its power decreases, and the time required for the visible tanning effect is extended.

True, along with this, tubes with electrodes inside the lamp, filled with inert gas and mercury vapor, wear out. If the lamp is not replaced or damaged in time, these chemicals can cause serious damage to health. Before starting the procedure, be sure to check the technical passport, which at your request must be provided by the salon administrator.

High risk of melanoma

The Queensland Institute conducted a study according to which the risk of melanoma when using a tanning bed under the age of 35 years increases by 98%, just imagine! Another study by the British organization Cancer Research UK showed: 25% of visitors to the tanning bed do not think about the effects of regular tanning.

While in the UK, melanoma has become the second most common form of cancer in people aged 15–34 years. In turn, the World Health Organization has officially declared tanning beds carcinogenic, along with alcohol and cigarettes.

Tanning addiction

Dr. Catherine Mosher, who works at the Sloan-Kettering Memorial Cancer Center in New York, said in an interview: “Despite informing the public about the health risks associated with ultraviolet radiation, the popularity of recreational tanning among young people continues to grow. In addition to the desire to improve the appearance, the motives for tanning are relaxation and mood improvement. ” According to statistics, 1 out of 10 people, tanning in a solarium, returns to it over the next year.

Neoplasms in the eyes

Lovers of tanning often refuse to wear glasses so that there are no traces of gum on the temples and nose bridge. This safety violation can lead to unpleasant consequences. Susan Blakney, a College of Optometrists doctor, confirms: “Avoiding wearing safety glasses when using a tanning bed can lead to a benign eye tumor called pterygium.”

Before you buy a subscription to the solarium, think about the points above. A tan is not worth it to risk your health. There are many alternative methods for coloring the skin in a chocolate shade that do less harm to the epidermis and the body as a whole.

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