Millions of people around the world almost every day are faced with the problem of headache. It can be easily portable, in a weak spasm, and can become a real pain, splitting his head in half.
But it’s not a disease, but a symptom of any disease. It is very important not to miss this signal of our body when it lets you know of a possible neoplasm in the brain tissue.
A brain tumor is benign or malignant tumors that affect the brain tissue.
The true cause of these tumors is not fully understood. One of the probable causes can be head trauma, although this statement is not 100% confirmed.
- Authoritative statements can be attributed only to the fact that brain tumors are caused by prolonged exposure to ionizing radiation, exposure to different carcinogens, mutations, bearing the hereditary nature.
- A tumor may form of the basic tissues and cells of the brain membranes, the pineal gland, nerves, pituitary, neurons, blood vessels – the primary tumor.
- Also, it may be a metastases that formed in other tissues and organs, the main carriers of the parent tumor is a secondary tumor.
The main cause of pathology
The cavity inside the skull is a closed space.
With the growth and development of tumors:
- increased intracranial pressure,
- the meninges are pressed,
- stretch of ventricular walls
- is pressed the barrel of the large vessels,
- there is a pain.
The brain itself is insensitive to pain, react to it blood vessels, meninges and other elements. The swelling of the head grows and compresses these structures, experiencing pain.
In primary tumors of the brain, that is, those which are formed directly in the brain, pain may be the only warning about the appearance of the pathology that occurs in 35%.
The evidence of a neoplasm
There are many signs that allow a certain degree of probability that there was a tumor:
- Headaches with brain tumors occur at night or in the morning while waking up. Their appearance can be absolutely sudden. They appear as a sharp flash of light.
Of a brain tumor are headaches that start in the morning, due to the fact that at this time, the brain accumulates a large amount of fluid, since the rate of cell division of tumors significantly more than normal cells. Therefore, the amount of waste products is also more. Veins that are affected by toxic substances are unable to provide adequate blood flow from the cavity inside the skull. As a result, swelling and congestion.
- The nature of the headache in brain tumors, carry specific characteristics:
- painful phenomenon to the pulsating, pressing, arching character.
- could increase if a person will long to be in a horizontal position;
- it can also enhance physical activity and cough: disorders of visual perception starts diplopia, temporary disappearance of vision (particularly peripheral);
- you can join, dizziness and loss of coordination; numbness of various body parts or muscle weakness;
- there are epileptic seizures, even if a person has no diagnosis of epilepsy;
- signs of confusion, begins the process of changing personal characteristics. Possible failures on the part of the endocrine system;
- to join the pain constant nausea and painful vomiting. Can be vomiting in the morning, which slightly facilitates the patient’s condition;
- could also be the spatial location of the head and the body. A certain spatial position of the head due to the fact that for specific localization of malignant or benign tumors, it affects the current of the cerebrospinal fluid, and irritates the upper cervical roots and cranial nerves.
- For pains which are caused by brain tumors is characterized by the elimination through the application of diuretics (furosemide, hydrochlorothiazide) and corticosteroids (betamethasone, prednisolone). This effect is explained by the fact that diuretics in combination with glukokortikoidami relieve swelling and inflammation. So partially restores blood flow to brain tissue and saturate them with oxygen.
- With the growth of the excruciating pain all at least be relief. Increasing in size, swelling in addition to squeezing emit toxic products.
The connection location of education and location of pain
Between the part of the brain where the tumor grows and the nature of the pain, there is no clear dependence. Localization of brain tumors is often not identical with the location where the patient feels pain.
Although in some locations, it appears there:
1. The tumour localization in the temporal part are characterized by irregular intracranial pressure. The pain occurs on both sides and has a cutting nature, it can be accompanied by:
- hallucinations,
- loss of vision in one eye
- epileptic seizures.
2. Localization of the tumor in the frontal lobe causes pain in the forehead. It may be accompanied by:
- epileptic seizures
- mood,
- a loss of coordination.
The frontal area (area) controls:
- behavior
- responsible for the vertical position of the body in space,
- for the acquisition of motor skills.
If this part is affected, the person loses all conditioned reflexes are acquired during life. He had the impression that everything he does is for the first time.
3. If the lesion is in the occipital part, the pain may occur in the temporal, parietal and frontal parts. While pain in the back of the can not be.
Symptoms characteristic of brain tumors
Pain in the development of brain tumors may be:
- Of local character. It occurs when the tumor irritated the cranial nerves (branches of the vagus, trigeminal and glossopharyngeal nerves), large blood vessels, the walls of the venous sinuses. Occurs in certain parts of the brain.
- Of a General nature. This kind of pain occurs when increased intracranial pressure (hypertension). This hypertension is a result of the gradual growth of the tumor, the occurrence of concomitant edema violation of the outflow of venous blood and cerebrospinal fluid. Another reason for hypertension toxic products produced by brain tumors. It’s intense, unbearable pain.
When you need a visit to the doctor
Based on the above, it is necessary to pay close attention to headaches-defined nature.
When you receive the following pain must consult a doctor:
- if first there is a strong and sharp pain inside the head, reminiscent of an “explosion”;
- the pain is accompanied by fever, in the absence of any other symptoms. When it disappear, the temperature returns to normal; – accompanied by heaviness in the cervical region;
- pain that changes with time. She was often accompanied by vomiting. While nausea may be absent;
- with slight exertion sudden headache;
- alarmed at night, and during a revival. Continues throughout the day, and subsides towards the evening;
- accompanied by impaired mobility, vision, thinking, cramps.
In order to start a fight with grueling pain it is necessary to make a diagnosis.
If you suspect a brain tumor as the cause of these pains use the following diagnostic tests:
- skull x-ray beam diagnostics. This method includes the study of the bones and base of skull, facial bones of the skull and brain;
- computed tomography one of the methods of x-ray examination;
- magnetic resonance imaging study using nuclear magnetic resonance.
First aid
As first aid for pain that accompany a brain tumor can do the following:
- to organize a calm position with elevation of head (put on the sofa, placing a hard pillow);
- injection of glucocorticoids and diuretics quick action; painkillers narcotic analgesics (omnopon) Is an analgesic used only on prescription;
- if the above measures do not yield results, you need to call the ambulance and take the patient to the Department of neurosurgery.