
Headache when pressure causes treatment

Many healthy (seemingly) people have a headache, and the pressure remains even if the attacks happen 15 days in the month. While few people think about serious diseases, except for tumors of the brain, which can cause dangerous symptoms. But in some cases it happens that the pain is not associated with any pathological processes but depends on… Food!

VSD as the reason why a headache

One of the most frequent diseases in which headache normal pressure, is a vegeto-vascular dystonia. It is characterized by a complex variety of symptoms. Occurs as a result of problems in the heart muscle and vascular system. Often accompanied by lack of sleep, overwork, against which there is a sharp pain tension.

Important! In the diagnosis of VSD not detected no malfunction of organs, serious cardiovascular disorders or spasms, but the symptoms remain and deliver significant discomfort to the patient.

Cephalalgia when VSD has weak flow, the gradual development. Also to remove the pain do not help a variety of antispasmodics and analgesics.

An overdose of drugs

Often at normal pressure, headache, if the patient is abusing various drugs, including painkillers. Called such a headache aboutuse. It is the analgesics and non-steroidal substances most often cause this disease. Sometimes the reaction of this type occurs in paracetamol.

If you take pills every day, and even 2-4 pieces, then after 4-8 weeks will develop a tolerance. If you abruptly limit the intake, withdrawal symptoms: people become irritable, there is a tremor, cold sweat, obsession.

To recognize abussou cephalalgia can be a headache combined with a feeling of anxiety. If the patient is not taking medication, the anxiety symptoms increase. But even when taking the pill the pain persists.

Another cause of drug reaction is a side effect of certain pills, injections and other medicines.

Viral diseases

Against the background of these factors develop headaches, and they have no connection with high blood pressure:

  • intracellular herpes;
  • SARS and the flu;
  • cytomegalovirus;
  • diseases of the respiratory system;
  • enteric viruses, including rotavirus.

In the presence of viral infection and the inflammatory process nausea, temperature, possible signs of the respiratory system, aching joints.

Headaches are not even a few weeks after recovery – it is a sign of complications. Adverse reactions are developing mainly on the background of cold, transferred “on foot” or as a result of untreated sinusitis, sinusitis.

Peptic ulcer disease

Many diseases of the stomach leads to the fact that the person has a headache, even if the pressure is normal. But the plague is the most striking symptoms. During periods of exacerbation the stomach walls are exposed to hydrochloric acid, bile and pepsin. Developing erosion cause pain various locations.

Important! Sometimes cephalalgia in peptic ulcer disease develops in response to used for the therapy medication.

The main causes of pain is a strain in the muscles. People in the aggravation of ulcer suffers from vomiting, which reduce the muscles of the neck and pharynx, causing discomfort. Along with the headaches there is dizziness.

Ulcer blood pressure may drop, indicating the opening of the ulcer, including those with additional symptoms: blood clots in the stool, vomiting. In these signs of people in need of emergency medical care.

Hypertensive encephalopathy

Encephalopathy is accompanied by a deadly swelling of the brain, however, it more characterized by high levels of HELL. The pressure is not considered to be the main cause serious condition. When encephalopathy there are a variety of symptoms: loss of vision, nausea, vomiting, intolerable headache.

Allergy as a cause

If acute headache, but pressure in norm, – it may be a sign of allergies. Cephalalgia develops along with other attacks: itching, aching, nausea, urticaria, conjunctivitis. Moreover, the Allergy has different sources: foods, pollen, medications, or other stimuli.

Trigeminal neuralgia

This disease affect the trigeminal facial nerve – the largest on the face.https://osvilt.com/health-and-beauty/gps-treble-doses-of-anti-depressants-in-15-years.html

Attacks are replaced by stages of improvement, and exacerbation of a very severe headache, which can not be eliminated with drugs:

  • in the upper jaw – in the area of the nose or a little below;
  • around the eyes – affects of whiskey, the area above the eyebrows, the forehead;
  • the area of the lower jaw – a sore chin, neck.

Neuralgia is not treatable by conventional analgesics, and it requires accurate diagnosis to identify the causes.

Abscess of the brain

Pathology occurs in response to injury or damage to the Central nervous system as a result of germs. Affecting brain tissue, the infection provokes inflammation and suppuration, in which the pressure may be normal, but the headache is so acute that the person loses consciousness.

There are additional symptoms:

  • photophobia;
  • bouts of intoxication: vomiting without relief, nausea;
  • mood swings, irritability, psychosis and hysteria;
  • increased lacrimation;
  • lethargy or seizures.

Also a cephalalgia when you pressure can occur due to tumors in the brain – adenoma. In addition to headaches, the patient suffers from gigantism, it narrows the vision, deteriorates motor activity. Observed acromegaly, significant disruptions in sexual function, hyperadrenocorticism.

Vertebral artery syndrome

The specific condition at which the compressed blood vessels, affecting the nerve endings. Headaches often arise after people sleep in incorrect posture, or longer in unusual position. Usually the pain located in the neck and head, gradually moving to the whiskey. The length of such discomfort – from 2-3 minutes to several hours.

Parotid fistula

Pathology is accompanied by the appearance of a hole in the ear. In this case the patient is not disturbed by any symptoms. Disease is not a serious concern for the functioning of the organs. However, during infection there are unpleasant symptoms: pus, headache, fever, inflammation, weakness, and growths.

The physiological causes of pain

The most difficult to identify a group of factors, which are a headache, but pressure remains in the normal, physiological processes:

  • violation of the texture of the vessels when the system cannot grow or shrink, deteriorating blood circulation;
  • muscle spasms in areas of the front and back of the neck, head, are muscles, which are sometimes pathologically spazmiruyutsya;
  • violation of intracellular metabolism in the brain –an imbalance causes headaches without other reasons.

For the diagnosis of these conditions requires a detailed MRI, CT, x-ray or other tests.

Muscle pain tension

Muscle tension appears in the background of overwork, stress, mental or physical stress. Almost always accompanied by irritability, sensitivity to light, sounds. The patient worried about a poor appetite, insomnia. This files most often diagnosed in people under 50 years old and is of 2 types:

  1. Chronic. Pain located in the neck and front of the head, leads to a permanent malaise. The pain is usually bilateral, monotonic.
  2. Episodic. Appears weak intensity, takes place after administration of the spasmolytic agent.

Stress is the cause of many diseases, headache may appear as a result of the investigation of additional diseases. Constant stress can provoke a chronic cephalalgia, caused by the tonus of the arteries and veins of the brain.

A similar condition is observed in patients are prone to depression, emotional stress, not knowing how to properly relax. to prevent such situations, doctors recommend to undergo courses of acupuncture, massage, meditation, therapeutic yoga.


Not a pathological reason, which at normal pressure can give you headaches. Tea, coffee, chocolate, soft drinks and other tonic substances with the addition of caffeine with regular use cause unpleasant symptom.

Regular use of caffeine leads to expansion of vessels, and upon the termination of his admission, they start to taper off. This is the “caffeine withdrawal syndrome”, which affects people who drink 2-3 or more cups of coffee a day.

Among the withdrawal symptoms are:

  • arrhythmia;
  • the decrease in brain activity and lethargy;
  • high blood pressure;
  • depressive mood;
  • nausea.

All this is dangerous for health: narrowing of the arteries and blood vessels feeding the heart can lead to problems with blood circulation, hypoxia.


Another harmful substance that causes headaches is nicotine in combination with thousands of carcinogenic tars and substances. Smoking causes spasms of blood vessels that cause soreness.

Other factors causing cephalalgia

At normal pressure, the head can hurt, if the person acting factors, dramatically narrowing the vessels. This comes amid the release of various hormonal substances in excessive proportions.

Contribute to headaches:

  • bright light, smoky environment;
  • flickering monitor screen or TV;
  • sharp fluctuations of weather conditions;
  • menstruation in women;
  • too long or short sleep;
  • insufficient magnesium in the body;
  • poor nutrition, irregular meals;
  • dehydration;
  • sex;
  • motion sickness in transport.

Very often a headache if you use different products. An excessive amount of fatty foods, junk food, canned goods and meats can cause unpleasant symptoms. The same occurs in the use of pickled vegetables, and foods with glutamate of sodium (soy sauce, Chinese cuisine). Sometimes pain occurs because of the seeds.

If the pressure in the patient is normal, but the head aches regularly, and very much need to look for the cause in the work of all internal organs. You should also review the diet and make sure it is correct.

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