A headache or cephalalgia is the most common ailment that occurs almost every person. A headache is called a painful condition of any character at the head of the body, and doctors recommend not to tolerate and to deal with this painful condition.
To get rid of suffering, to regain the balance and clarity of mind, you need to find out why the headache. Many believe that pain be caused by stress, overwork or overexertion, so specialist advice they prefer self-treatment.
However, it is proved that taking painkillers can cause a reverse reaction, and the painful attacks will become more frequent. Besides, this symptom may indicate any breach in the body. Therefore, you should consult a specialist who will help find out why a headache, and to identify the source of pain.
The different types of headaches
Proved that no pain on the variety can match with the head. Cephalalgia may appear as an independent disease, but more often it is a symptom of other pathologies. Every patient entering the doctor in his own way describes the nature of the attack, indicating the individual manifestation of this condition.
Today he describes many kinds of painful conditions, and identifies factors causing it.
To make a correct diagnosis, you must:
- to determine the localization of pain
- features of its course,
- recurrence,
- duration,
- intensity.
This will help to identify serious pathology (if any) and assign the appropriate treatment.
According to the classification, recognized worldwide, are distinguished:
- headache as a result of stress;
- migraine;
- cluster headache;
- pain that is not related to brain damage.
Moreover, pain attack may present:
- in diseases of the blood vessels;
- with traumatic brain injuries;
- in disorders of metabolism;
- in viral diseases and infections;
- in pathology of the cranial nerves;
- changes of structures within the skull;
- in the use of medicines or chemicals.
Experts distinguish primary headache, which is manifested as an independent disease and secondary when it points to the development of different disease. Revealed that people suffer from seizures that occur under “mixed” type of headache, when the face of any pathology may develop a migraine. In any case, it is necessary to determine why a headache, and fix the problem.
Vascular disease
Causes of headaches can be tight muscles in the neck and head, a long stay in a fixed position, psychological discomfort and depression. Common causes of headaches can be considered as a pathology of vessels where this is the main symptom.
Hypertension.Arching a painful feeling arises in the occipital region.
Accompanying symptoms may be:
- dizziness,
- heat and noise in the ears,
- appearance before the eyes of dark points,
- nausea and heart failure.
Vegetative-vascular dystonia.
Pain syndrome is characterized by a diversity of manifestations, and is accompanied by:
- nausea,
- dizziness,
- change HELL.
The acute form VSD often occurs on the background of neurotic disorders, emotional overloads, or changes in weather conditions.
Venous dysfunction.
Manifestations of this pathology are:
- bilateral dull pain,
- heaviness in the head,
- the feeling of fullness and compression.
Appears most often in the morning or the evening.
A traumatic brain injury.
The reasons of headaches of a different nature, intensity and localization can be:
- bruises,
- the concussion
- compression of the brain,
- subdural and epidural hematoma.
Quite often there is a headache, which is called delayed and appears after some time after receiving any injury, and is accompanied by disorders of neurotic character.
Infectious diseases.
A major factor why a headache can be a pathology of bacterial or viral nature. Here painful conditions occur:
- fever,
- a feeling of heaviness,
- of fullness and pressure on the ears, the eyes, the frontal part of the head.
In severe nausea and vomiting. When SARS pain syndrome combined with runny nose, cough, sore throat. When meningococcal infection cephalalgia is the main symptom, and the proper discernment of its nature, helps to preserve the patient’s life.
Eye diseases. In case of strabismus, glaucoma, intraocular pressure also develops an acute attack, which is combined with unpleasant pain inside the eye. It is accompanied by aching and burning.
Neuralgia. The main headache is neuralgia of the cranial nerves. These include the trigeminal, occipital and glossopharyngeal nerve. Pain are short-term acute, paroxysmal in nature and occur in the area affected nerve. Severe cramping is not allowed to talk, eat, and move. How would the patient “freezes”, both from the shock.
Low back pain. Another factor why a headache is considered a degenerative pathology of the spine, especially the cervical area, with which there are degenerative changes of the vertebrae and pinching of nerve roots. Syndrome pain is dull and aching, but sometimes quite severe, and radiates to the arm or shoulder girdle.
Migraine. Migraine headaches can not be compared with others in intensity and duration, and often attracts the patient to bed.
Usually localized in one side of the head, strongly increasing for several days, and is characterized by:
- nausea,
- vomiting,
- photophobia,
- a speech disorder.
Intoxication. Common factor of pain attack.
Intoxication occurs due to the impact on the body of toxins, and is accompanied by:
- the increase in body temperature,
- pain in the eyes and forehead,
- fever
- aching in the muscles.
Despite the fact that the headache is present as a symptom with the development of many diseases, there are other specific symptoms that allow you to successfully conduct a differential diagnosis and a successful treatment.
Methods of medical therapy
There are two types of patients: some people like to take pills for any reason, others are afraid to drink them, even when the need arises. Doctors say that it is impossible to endure the suffering caused by the headache. So why not endure the headache?
To arrest acute a sudden attack is necessary because it:
- can be a factor in the development of cardiovascular disease;
- can destroy nerve endings and brain cells;
- can cause physiological changes in the body tissues at the cellular level;
- provokes disturbing or, on the contrary, the depressive state.
In addition, recurrent headaches, whose causes can be very diverse, and may acquire a chronic form.
If the cephalalgia is concomitant symptom, the treatment to be the underlying disease, the diagnosis of which must put a doctor.
Tactics of treatment is selected in accordance with the type of pain attack, severity, recurrence, and patient age.
For relief of an acute attack you should take analgesics or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and combination of drugs with the content of the antispasmodics or caffeine.
To treat the root causes of cephalgia prescribers the broadest spectrum of activity.
Headache can be treated at home, the causes of which are not associated with any disease. For this you must follow some expert advice.
- Should streamline your routine
- It is advisable to engage in any sport or daily to perform simple physical exercises.
- to normalize a dream, to establish a proper diet, make time for daily walks.
- Useful for individual or group classes anger management.
- You should master the techniques of a General or therapeutic massage, and bring them home.
- In autumn and spring to take multivitamin.
- To use non-traditional methods of folk medicine.
If the above methods in combination with medications do not help, you should visit a specialist, and in some cases urgent hospitalization.
You should know what is happening in the body when sick:
- the whole head – the infection develops a cold or fever;
- girdle pain – “helmet neurasthenic” – occurs in tension-type headache;
- temporal and occipital region – change in blood pressure;
- the frontal part of the eye the development of eye diseases;
- the temporal part of a migraine;
- the temporal region and ear, development of otitis media, or dental disease.
Cephalalgia may be a harmless indisposition, which disappears after taking drugs, but it can be especially dangerous in some cases:
- when the attack is accompanied by vomiting, but no relief comes;
- when the attack continues unabated after taking analgesics or antipyretics;
- when there is a disturbance of consciousness;
- when rash appears (indicates meningococcal infection);
- when it is difficult to raise his head from the pillow because of neck pain.