Causes of headaches in the temples can be many, ranging from ordinary headaches to mechanical damage (injuries) or muscle strain. Anyway, headache in the temporal region is familiar to absolutely every person, regardless of General health and immunity.
According to the who, a classic malaise that we used to describe as a headache in his temples is one of the most common causes of disability in all countries of the world. Given this scale, it is important from all liability to treat symptoms such happy, preventing the development of more serious diseases.
Pain in temples, as a rule, manifests itself not so much as, for example, occipital or frontal pain, but it can also have serious consequences and over. The unpleasant fact that it appears at the wrong time, in the form of a dull pulsating and constantly growing pressure. Given the peculiar location of the temporal artery discomfort can be localized in the left, right and both temples at the same time. In addition, it can move from one side to the other, which gives some discomfort, but also complicates the diagnostic process.
General characteristics of the most common causes
So, why headache in the temples? As noted earlier, the headache in his temples and eyes can signal many different diseases, syndromes and injuries. Medical professionals account for more than 45 causes of headaches in the temples, which in itself speaks about the complexity of the diagnostic process, planning and organization of treatment. Moreover, headache in my temples, usually wears a strictly personal nature, i.e. due to inherent characteristics of each organism. Thus, it is absolutely impossible to work a standard treatment algorithm, and each clinical case requires a personal approach.
It is also important to note that to neglect the headaches in the temples and eyes is absolutely impossible, because the delay in consultation with a specialist can make the problem worse and the main problems will be added and some additional. Timely treatment to a qualified physician will help prevent the rapid development of some pathological effects.
The first and most common prerequisite for systematic pain – poor circulation of the brain.
The health of blood vessels and nerve endings in the head and cervical spine may be undermined due to various diseases, among which are:
- neuralgia of ternary nerve;
- temporal arteritis;
- cervicogenic pain;
- giant cell arteritis.
If too often headache in the temples it is necessary to check intracranial pressure, which can significantly increase due to spasm of blood vessels, narrowing them, as well as migraines, or other factors. For more age categories of patients hypertension can be invoked and even changes in atmospheric pressure.
Pain in the temples can be triggered by various infectious diseases, such as angina, influenza, SARS, and others. In this case, along with fever and General malaise very often there is a sharp pain in the temples, accompanied by severe fever indicating infection control. It is very important to remain vigilant and monitor the condition of the body, because such symptoms often indicate the development of encephalitis or meningitis.
Headache in temples may be caused by a number of other reasons, among which we should highlight:
- the internal processes of the female body related to the fulfilment of the reproductive function;
- pathology of the temporomandibular joint;
- stress, neuroses, mental or physical fatigue;
- eating disorders;
- etc.
Learn more about some of the causes of
From a formal point of view headache in the temples, depending on the causes can be divided into two types, namely:
- that which is caused by objective factors;
- that which is caused by subjective factors.
The first group includes various diseases, migraine, intoxication, hormonal disorders, poisoning gases etc.
The second group includes all other causes related to the life of a particular person, namely:
- lack of sleep;
- violation of diet;
- bad habits and the abuse of nicotine, alcohol, or drugs;
- some professional reasons (working at heights or under water).
The complexity of the treatment of headaches caused by the fact that, regardless of its nature, your doctor must first determine the causes. It can take a lot of time, money and effort, however, to plan treatment without proper diagnosis is simply unacceptable.
So, let us consider some causes of headache in the temples and the eyes:
- Infectious diseases. Among the most common infectious diseases causing headaches, you need to allocate a sore throat, the flu, Lyme disease, dengue fever and brucellosis. Each of them requires individual therapeutic approach.
- Migraine. The classic symptoms of this neurological symptoms – weakness, nausea (sometimes vomiting), and of course, bilateral or unilateral headache. Also, migraine may be accompanied by violations of ophthalmology, increased sensitivity to light, tastes and smells, pain when walking. Get migraines can last from an hour to several hours.
- Intoxication. Poisoning of any Genesis are always accompanied by intoxication, which manifests itself in nausea, vomiting, upset stomach. That headache in the temples after the poisoning of the body also is not unusual – this is a common symptom.
- Menopause and menstrual cycle. In women, pain in the temple (temples) is often associated with the menstrual cycle or hormonal disorders relevant.
- The lack of sleep. Medical professionals claim that the most common cause pain of this kind is precisely the lack of sleep. This is confirmed by the constant pain in those people who suffer from insomnia.
- Rise to a height in excess of 4 km, and the descent below sea level, starvation and carbon monoxide.
Prevention and treatment
So, if the causes pain in the temples, everything is clear, it is necessary to pay attention directly on the process of prevention and clinical treatment. Sometimes headache in my temples, can be prevented or alleviated by simple manipulation, such as massage of pain points, applying a warm or cool compress to the temporal region. It is also important to give regular rest to your eyes when working at the computer, and remember that frequent blinking can significantly reduce the pain. Given that lack of sleep can cause severe headaches, provide the body with sufficient amounts of quality rest. Doctors recommend sleeping at least 8 hours a day.
If the above methods have not helped to relieve the tension, and the head at the temples won’t stop hurting, perhaps the pain is to high or low pressure. Of course, this is true only if you are sure in the absence of migraine, infectious diseases and intoxication. Defining your own blood pressure, you can stabilize it with some physical exercises, food, drinks or medicines. For example, to increase the pressure, you can use coffee or strong black tea. Lower well with chamomile or mint tea. Yoga, gymnastics in the fresh air or a walk will also have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system.
If the cause of the headache alone could be detected, and similar symptoms appear with enviable regularity, it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor. As you know, self-medication can negatively affect health, and therefore taking any medicine (including pain relievers) must be in accordance with the recommendations of a physician and under his constant control.
Not necessary to independently establish a diagnosis. Remember, only a trained technician took all the necessary tests and conducting diagnosis can correctly determine the causes of pain, diagnosis and plan treatment. Typically, this will involve the therapist, neurologist, or osteopath.