
Head pain in the back causes, treatment

All ever appeared headache in the back of his head. This symptom develop in different ways, can be sharp, dull, throbbing, clenching, aching. Sensations are constant or occur periodically.

The occurrence of pain in the neck is caused by diseases.

The feeling is always painful, irrespective of precipitating factors. For elimination of the disease will have to determine the cause of its development.


Pain in the back indicates the different types of the disease.

The most common of them are:

  • Closed neuralgia.
  • Disorders of the spine, spondilit.
  • Spasms of the arteries or veins in the head.
  • High increased intracranial pressure.
  • Hypertension.
  • A long stay in an uncomfortable position.
  • Regular stress.
  • A great strain muscle tissue as a result of frequent mechanical load.
  • Disorders of occlusion.
Types of diseases

Low back pain. This disorder provokes a deformation of the discs located between the vertebrae, accompanied by a sharp pain in the back of the head, neck and temples.

Often these symptoms are accompanied by:

  • nausea;
  • dizzy;
  • hearing loss;
  • problems with coordination;
  • deteriorating eyesight;
  • vision becomes less clear.

When to throw back his head or make sudden movements, hard to keep balance, the patient moves a little, despite the fact that remains sane. Often osteochondrosis appears migraine, which is accompanied by severe pain in the back of the head, passing into forehead and temples.

The spondylosis is accompanied by the formation of the spine bones, significantly contributing to the mobility of the neck. The patient in this situation suffer severe migraines that never subside. The different movements of the head symptoms worse. Therefore, the patients have problems with sleep.

Hypertension. High blood pressure often accompanied by the formation of pulsating symptoms in the occipital part. There are problems with the heart, there is a General weakness, dizzy, sick patient.

Shani myositis frequently manifests itself due to hypothermia, injury or prolonged stay in an uncomfortable position. The main symptoms include pain in the neck when turning the head. The painful symptoms often flow to the shoulders, the back and between the shoulder blades. For this pathology typical of asymmetric localization of symptoms.

Mihalos in the neck. This disease is peculiar to the formation of seals in muscle tissues of the neck, with associated dizziness and severe pain in the nape.

Neuralgia often causes headaches. The nature of these paroxysmal symptoms occur pain on the ears, neck, back, jaw. The pain is worse with any head movements.

Vascular painprovoked by arterial spasm. The patient unpleasant pain in the neck, which is manifested in the movement and subsiding in a sitting position or lying. During exercise pain in the head occur as a result of disease of the blood vessels.

Problems with the dentition in a state of neglect often cause negative consequences, it becomes a dull ache in the back of the head, aggravated in the evening. Symptoms can develop from several hours to days.


To assign adequate treatment, will have to determine the cause. To this end, the patient needs to be examined, implying an x-ray of the cervical.

By eliminating headaches in the back of my head are:

  • neurologist;
  • trauma;
  • chiropractor.

When pain in the back triggered by neuralgia of the occipital nerve, cervical osteochondrosis, high pressure, special effect will be able to get from manual therapy and massage treatments.

In spondylosis and high blood pressure are rigidly to carry out massage treatments impossible. Light massage has a beneficial effect on different types of pain in the neck.

Physical therapy is beneficial in combating headaches. Such procedures are shown in spondylosis, cervical osteochondrosis, raised intracranial pressure, pain in the blood vessels, neuralgia of the occipital nerves.

Physical therapy with cervical osteochondrosis

Physical therapy is useful for patients with similar symptoms in addition to pain triggered by problems with the bite.
Traditional medicines

For mild headaches have a beneficial effect these drugs:

  • ventilation of the dwelling, the air is humidified with use of special devices.
  • a hot compress applied to the back of the head;
  • of cabbage leaf is warmer;
  • a compress of small onions and grated horseradish;
  • warm herbal tea primrose high lime or blossoms.

Headaches in the neck will have to eliminate the use of tobacco, alcohol, as they contribute to its aggravation. If a professional pain suggest to adjust the operating position so that sitting was more comfortable. You need to purchase an orthopedic pillow. Sleep will promote relaxation of the cervical vertebrae at night.

What are the treatments?

Since pain in the back triggered by different types of the disease, the doctor prescribes different types of assessments to determine the causes of the disorder. A list of the various surveys and analysis in all situations is determined by the concomitant symptoms, on the basis of which it is possible to determine a preliminary diagnosis. After that, we provide additional tests to confirm or identify the distinguishing features of the disease, to rule out other possible.

With regular pain in the back of the head and neck symptoms get worse with head movements, together with nausea, retching, tinnitus, hearing problems, disorientation in space or for pain in the back of his head in the background stiffness. Symptoms subside once the patient takes a fixed position. In this case, it may be suspected osteochondrosis.

To diagnose, miguelita specialist uses a manual search of the pathological seals in muscle tissue, touching your neck with your hands. Examined neck area and upper back. When taped seal, it trying to push. If the result of such pressure having pain, then the patient imageless. At this stage the survey could be completed, the expert will not assign instrumental or laboratory examination.

When the expert has doubts about the reliability of the diagnosis carried out x-ray examination of the spine to identify degenerative disc disease, disponibiliza, joint problems, provoking the same symptoms in his head. Arteriography is performed while determining the condition of blood vessels in strained muscle tissues, which in practice is used in rare cases because of the special significance these results do not differ.

Myotonometry allow you to obtain a lot of useful diagnostic information myogelosis, assesses the state of the muscular tissues. Such studies shall be appointed in rare cases, because of lack in medical facilities, appropriate equipment and qualified personnel.

When pain in the back of his head throbbing, bursting, aggravated when bending, can appear dizziness, feeling of heaviness, weakness, and tachycardia. The intensity of the pain decreases after gagging that is not preceded by nausea.

To confirm the diagnosis, prescribe such tests:

  1. Does the blood.
  2. Performed biochemical testing.
  3. Determine the level of potassium in the body.
  4. Checks the condition of the urine.
  5. Is trial of General and Nechiporenko by appointment.
  6. Indicator is determined HELL.
  7. ECG.
  8. The echo-KG.
  9. Uzdg.

At suspicion on a hypertensive study are assigned to all the above diseases, as they need to be diagnosed and differences of the disease from other types of disorders, manifested the same symptoms.

If the pain in the neck manifested paroxysmal, spreads to other parts of the face, the neck, is neuralgia of the nerve tissue at the back of my head, there are such tests:

  • X-ray examination.
  • EEG.
  • The together.

The above surveys are rarely used in cases of suspected optic neuritis in the neck. For diagnostic purposes are made of special types of examinations, where the doctors remain in doubt in the diagnosis, is together. Other types of surveys are used for additional diseases of the back and the circulatory system, which lead to negative symptoms.

Severe pain

Characterized by severe pain in the back is considered to be evidence of acute inflammation developing in this area.

It manifests itself with such pathologies:

  1. Neuralgia – paroxysmal intense pain covers the entire head and neck, muscle of the upper back, ears, lower jaw. Most of the examples painful cider sprouting from inflamed neural tissue.
  2. Meningitis is a complex infuzionna illness with severe headache, extending to the occipital Department. This disorder is accompanied by high fever, vomiting, cramps in difficult situations.
When there is nausea

Nausea often accompanies the headache in the back of the head, may occur as an additional symptom of such disorders:

  • Concussion and other types of TBI. The pain in the head occurs after a traumatic impact on the brain structure. The appearance of hematomas, contusions, brain tissue or bleeding inside the skull increases pressure on the brain trust that provoke nausea and other unpleasant symptoms.
  • Tumor located in the occipital region. The disease is characterized by constant dull pain. Nausea in such situations appears to cause pressure on brain structures, it appears a toxic effect on developing cancer cells in the body.
Throbbing pain

The main causes of pulsations in the neck is:

  1. Hypertension. It is a pulsating pain, in which dizzy, seeing double, increased blood pressure. Bad blood circulates through the veins and arteries in the head.
  2. Spasms of blood vessels located in the occipital part. The patient may experience different types of pulsation. The pain appears in the back of the head, then apply to forehead and temples. In a quiet position throbbing pain develops moderately.
Sharp pain

Sudden sharp pain is caused by such reasons:

  • Cervical myositis is manifested in the result of inflammation of muscle tissue. Painful attack is aggravated when bending, movements of the hands and neck, in the normal state the intensity of the symptoms decreases.
  • Migraine occurs in the form of a sharp pain in the back of the head one-sided. Often arise as a result of cervical degenerative disc disease. The pain is accompanied by dizziness, nausea, disorders of visual function, other signs of common migraine.
  • Subarachnoid hemorrhage is diagnosed in rare situations, characterized by the manifestation of a sharp pain in the back, spreads to other parts of the head. At this disease requires accelerated support to medical professionals.

Ongoing occipital pain accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms. With age occurs cervical osteochondrosis. Pathological transformation of the tissue in the intervertebral discs occur during long-time operation in a stationary state. The mobility of the neck deteriorating due to the formation of bone spurs on the vertebrae. Is greatly exacerbated by the circulation of the blood.

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