
Narrow shoes and high heels provoke the formation of corns

Open shoes do not let you relax – your feet should be in good condition. In the summer in pharmacies closer to the cash registers promote plasters – girls, testing new sandals, buy protective stickers in tons and zaleplaet rubbing.

But even if the top view is ideal, then it is only you who know the bitterness of long walking on heels – the burrs. Hardened growths on the soles of the feet or on the fingers have nothing to do with either aesthetics or health. All this (and calluses, and natoptyshi) of joy in life does not add. What to do with them, learned the correspondent of SE.

Open shoes do not let you relax – your feet should be in good condition. In the summer in pharmacies closer to the cash registers promote plasters – girls, testing new sandals, buy protective stickers in tons and zaleplaet rubbing.

But even if the top view is ideal, then it is only you who know the bitterness of long walking on heels – the burrs. Hardened growths on the soles of the feet or fingers have nothing to do with either aesthetics or health. All this (and calluses, and natoptyshi) of joy in life does not add. What to do with them, learned the correspondent of SE.

Different things

“On the beloved on the callus” it is difficult to come – you do not have time to fall in love with calluses, they quickly pass. “Corn is an acute process, as a result of which a cavity element containing a liquid appears,” explains Olga Vylegzhanina, dermatologist at the clinic of professor Pasman. – Due to mechanical traumatization occurs exfoliation of their own skin. ” That is, callus – these are the bubbles that can be observed in the evening after the first day of wearing new shoes, especially they “love” places where the straps or seams are pressed on the skin.

Often, the word “corn” is understood as another, no less unpleasant phenomenon on the foot. Natoptysi – this is the one who has time to “fall in love”: “Natoptysh is a chronic condition, keratinization in places of constant pressure and constant traumatization,” the doctor said. – When wearing shoes with heels, the area of ​​the toes most often falls into the risk zone. ” We can say that natoptysh is a protective reaction of the body: under pressure, in order to avoid deeper injuries, the skin builds up layer by layer in order to withstand the load.

Equally unpleasant

Often, the corns appear with flat feet, with love of narrow shoes and inadequately high heels combined with the overweight carrier – in general, in all cases when the pressure on the foot is uneven and unphysiological.

You can say that the burrs appear when walking itself does not bring pleasure, so to eliminate the cause – most often uncomfortable shoes – is to make your life easier. 

Are corn and calluses dangerous or their appearance just unpleasant? In the cavity of the callus can get dust and inflammation begin. Натоптыш except for unpleasant sensation from that on your feet at you a firm outgrowth, causes a pain at walking barefoot, in footwear on a thin or flat sole. But neither calluses nor corns touch deep layers of the skin, they do not germinate with “roots”, so it’s not so difficult to defeat them.

Getting Rid Close

Wipe the corn and now on the thumb or little finger flaunts the bubble? “Disinfect the affected area, open the cavity and remove the liquid, then disinfect it again,” advises Doctor Vylegzhanina. Shoes that are the cause of the problem, do not wear until the callus dries. The treated area can be sealed with a plaster, but at night it is better to remove it so that the sore spot does not melt. After the leg is accustomed to new shoes, the calluses stop appearing, but it’s worth taking care that the material of the shoes is soft and does not rub.

The natypes appear longer and are not eliminated immediately either. In the Stylish manicure studio, the SHE correspondent was told that at the moment there are two types of fighting with natypeshes with the help of a pedicure. If the seals are coarse and large, they can be removed with the help of an edged pedicure. But on the site of the cut, they often grow back again. Especially if the feet are treated less often than once a month.

The second way is to regularly do either European careless, or a SPA-pedicure with special antimosol masks. From the first time the growths will not go away, but they will become softer, and gradually the desired effect – getting rid of the rough onslaught – will come and will be prolonged.

Constant foot care – a regular pedicure, it is also suitable for home with steaming in the bath – lubrication with a special cream for the feet will avoid the aging of the corns to a degree of soreness.

“Old wounds” often flake themselves, if you persistently make hot baths with soda, which soak your feet for half an hour, then lubricate the steamed and wiped dry feet with a special cream or gel to soften the corns, paste antimoure patches (apply these funds directly to the affected area, without affecting the healthy skin nearby).

Olga Vylegzhanina recommends using products containing urea (a strong moisturizing ingredient) and possessing a powerful keratolytic (exfoliating) effect. In some cases, the onslaught can be the result of a fungal infection of the skin, and for its treatment it requires a different scheme, more serious, so if you have suspicions, it’s better to show up to the master.

Under the hood

In the image laboratory “Person Lab”, the nail master Elena Zakamskaya told the SHE correspondent that the gel pad, which softens the pressure, can protect her from the puffiness, she closes the base of the toes. From the outgrowths on the fingers will help special gel caps that can be worn and with open shoes. In pharmacies, all this can be purchased at a price of 120 to 300 rubles.

And prevention – comfortable shoes, reasonable wearing heels (no longer than 3-4 hours a day) – and constant care: regular pedicure, every night application of moisturizing creams for the feet, refreshing baths – will help the skin not to fight and not overgrow with natypeshes. Appreciate your body!

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