
Self-control will help to avoid breast cancer

According to the All-Russian Health Organization, mastopathy affects 70-80% of women 20-55 years old and 30-40% – at a younger age.Breast cancer in Russia ranks second in the number of diseases after lung cancer. But do not panic.

Let’s start with the fact that soon summer, and the girls will want to sunbathe topless? Than it threatens?

Firstly, the skin grows old, especially on the breast, the skin is very tender. Secondly, there are pigment spots, nevi and papillomas, and those that are, grow. And thirdly, and most importantly, the direct sunlight on unprotected skin can lead to melanoma or skin cancer.

At any mastopathy it is generally not desirable to sunbathe. And topless certainly is not recommended.

What to do, so as not to lose the elasticity of the breast after childbirth or with age? 

Help hardening, strengthening of pectoral muscles by fitness and aerobics, dousing with cold water. The skin is hardened with a hard washcloth, salt, coffee grounds. Although it is contraindicated to massage the breast with benign, and especially with malignant tumors.

What are the most common breast diseases?

Benign tumors: diffuse mastopathy, diffuse fibro-adenomatosis, focal diseases – focal fibro-adenomatosis and fibroadenoma, as well as the mammary gland cyst. These diseases do not necessarily develop into malignant tumors, but timely prevention and constant monitoring by a doctor is necessary for every woman.

What symptoms suggest that you have a mastopathy?

Ragging, tightening, pain before menstruation – this is not a normal phenomenon, as it is accepted now to consider, and the reason to check with a mammologist. Discharge from the nipples, especially bloody ones, is a dangerous signal. Need regular self-monitoring after menstruation – palpation of the breast before menstruation in the supine position, sitting in front of the mirror.

It is especially important to constantly monitor the condition of your mammary glands, if there is a hereditary predisposition, that is, in the genus for the female line, mastopathy or cancer have occurred more than once. In general, self-examination is a very effective method. Examining her breasts regularly, a woman will immediately notice the slightest changes and tumors. The intake of hormonal contraceptives must be coordinated with a gynecologist-endocrinologist, especially if problems with the breast already exist.

How is mastopathy treated? 

Perseveringly and persistently. Treatment lasts 5 months and includes a complex of various activities – this is the intake of vitamins, adaptogens, sedatives, phytotherapy. After a certain period after treatment, it is necessary to be examined again. If a woman has noticed an improvement, this does not mean that the treatment can be stopped. On the contrary, the course of treatment must continue, gradually moving to a supporting level. To prevent relapses, it is very important to avoid stress, they are often one of the most important causes of disease occurrence.

What causes the refusal to treat mastopathy?

If you do not treat diffuse diseases according to the proposed scheme, and focal by operative method, the neglected disease leads to the appearance of malignant formations. Timely treatment of benign tumors helps in the prevention of cancer.

“Operative” means amputation of the breast? 

Not necessarily. Typically, a sectoral resection is performed that preserves the mammary gland as an organ. You can feed an operated breast. Resection is prescribed for focal education, which is revealed by the method of punctuation biopsy.

If there are suspicions of focal formations, you need to undergo a survey as soon as possible, and then cancer can be avoided. Sunbathing topless with cancer tumors or with breast amputation – mastectomy – is not recommended. Now spend organosohranayuschie operations, when part of the breast and lymph nodes are removed, and the bulk of it remains.

Breast cancer can occur in young, nulliparous women? 

Yes. A recent case from practice is a 19-year-old student with confirmed cancer. She had an organ-saving operation. Here, as it turned out, hereditary factors were very strong. In general, now statistics show that the incidence of breast cancer, although not sharply, but still growing. And most sad, breast cancer is getting younger. However, timely access to a specialist in the manifestation of the very first symptoms of mastopathy will help to avoid it.

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