The peeling procedure (peel – peel, peel, peel, descend) is a chemical controlled skin burn, which removes the upper, dead layer of cells. And it’s not a secret that skin damage activates all processes occurring in it and, consequently, regeneration.
The most safe is considered peeling alpha hydroxy acids (AHA). Thanks to the ability of glycolic acid to stimulate the synthesis of collagen, it has become the most popular of AHA, in addition, it has found antioxidant and anti-inflammatory drugs.
Our skin consists of living cells and a layer already dead. Because of the last, accumulating on the skin, enlarged pores, fine wrinkles, irregularities, pigmented and other spots are more clearly visible.
One scrub to get rid of the stratum corneum is not enough. Cosmetic salons offer a procedure called peeling. Many probably remember how Samantha from “Sex and the City” after him, “it became like carpaccio.” However, the surface peeling is much more sparing, as the correspondent of SE found out.
Our skin lives at the expense of regeneration, which consists in the various processes occurring in it. But with age, the renewal of the epidermis is slower, the rate of destruction of the intercellular substance of the dermis increases, and the rate of synthesis of new elements decreases. But the amount of unwanted defective elements accumulates, which causes wrinkles, hyperkeratosis, pigment spots, scars after acne, enlarged pores. Is there a way to activate regeneration?
The cosmetician of the salon “Milady”, where the peeling costs 950 rubles, asked what I expect from the procedure. I answered with embarrassment that there were no individual wishes, but what would happen?
It turned out that, in addition to the stimulation of renewal, a superficial peeling with 50% glycolic acid cleanses the skin and narrows the pores, smooths the skin, relieves pigment spots (here, however, you need a course), scars, acne (also not immediately).
Having learned, whether there is no at me an allergy on this or that agent, the cosmetician has put on means on a fold of a hand – to look, whether there will be an unexpected reaction. Then I did a couple of cleaning procedures and made a mask that prepares the skin of the face for acid. And then began the most curious process – the application of acid.
I heard that the sensations are bright enough at the same time. For example, when you make a medial, not to mention a deep peeling, the burning sensation is so strong that you want to lower your face into a basin with icy water. The superficial peeling, which I was about to subject myself to, should be less pungent, but still sensitive. The acid was applied with a brush slowly, gently. The sting was really strong, but generally tolerable.
On the skin, the drug is left until the entire face becomes uniform red. The waiting takes about 2-3 minutes, after which the acid must be washed off. Wash it off with sponges, cold water long enough, incidentally asking – where else burns? If the acid remains on the skin, it will affect the living cells and can damage them. Especially for a long time I felt a burning sensation above the eyebrows, on the cheekbones and on the bridge of the nose – later it was on these places that redness appeared. The cosmetologist suggested that these skin areas were irritated and, naturally, less protected, and they were more exposed to the acid. on cheekbones and on the bridge of the nose – later on in these places reddening appeared.
The cosmetologist suggested that these skin areas were irritated and, naturally, less protected, and they were more exposed to the acid. on cheekbones and on the bridge of the nose – later on in these places reddening appeared. The cosmetologist suggested that these skin areas were irritated and, naturally, less protected, and they were more exposed to the acid.
After the final acid wash, the face is not burned, but the feeling that it is burning remains. The master applied a soothing and moisturizing mask. With her, I rested for 15 minutes, then, recoiling from the mirror, where the almost unfamiliar face in red spots was reflected, went to the office.
The wind chilled the skin, passers-by peered anxiously. Ahead loomed the working day, so I advise the young ladies, who decided to peel, to do it in the evening, to go to bed.
Two hours after the procedure, redness began to fade away. For the morning red spots disappeared, instead of them there were scratches – in those places where burning was especially felt. There was no special exfoliation, although the roughness was felt to the touch, as if dead and wishing to fall away. Scratches descended only on the third day, by that time it was already noticeable that the pores considerably narrowed.
About two weeks at the urging of a cosmetologist, you need to use sunscreen with a factor of at least 20. The time after peeling is good for uhodovyh procedures, nourishing and moisturizing masks – the active substances go deeper into the skin and work more effectively.
According to statistical data, in the United States, during the control courses of glycolic acid peeling, 90% of patients showed improvement in skin structure, while 34% had small wrinkles. I can not investigate the molecular composition of my skin, but I agree to believe that improvements have taken place – on the fifth day the surface became more even, as I have already said, became less noticeable. But in fact, the visible cardinal result is obtained by someone who knows exactly and sees the problems of his skin. And for the sake of curiosity, you can just believe it.