
6 Secrets To Refresh Your Look Without Beauty Salons Or Expensive Cosmetics

You can still refresh your look with minimal effort and expenses! Oh, and bonus? You don’t even have to work out or go for costly treatments! Here are 6 DIY hacks to improve the appearance of your skin, hair, and nails and look refreshingly beautiful:

Makeovers are expensive and usually take up a lot of time. You have to hit the gym and visit your beauty salon for regular sessions to achieve the kind of look you want to.

But what if you’re in a hurry and don’t have so much time and money to invest?

1. Body Secrets
  • Beet juice: Beets are excellent blood cleansers. By cleansing your blood, they not only improve the way your body functions but even impart a healthy glow to your skin.
  • Salt and sour cream scrub: Add table salt to sea salt and mix them up with sour cream. Apply this scrub on your body after a shower and wash off with warm water. The salt in the mix will help eliminate dead skin cells and pimples as well as disinfect your skin. The sour cream, on the other hand, will counter the negative effects of salt and nourish your skin. Even though you can use this scrub every day, you shouldn’t use it at all if your skin is sensitive, if your capillaries and blood vessels show under your skin, or if you have scars or rashes of any kind.
2. Nails Secrets

You can have strong nails and beautiful hair if you incorporate 50g of nuts into your daily diet.

Nuts are rich in vitamin E and essential fatty acids, which are what your hair and nails need to be healthy and strong. You can take your pick from nuts such as cashews, pistachios, hazelnuts, walnuts or almonds.

3. Hair Secrets
  • Vegetable oil and mustard powder hair mask: In a small bowl, add some mustard powder and vegetable oil to form a thick paste. Now, apply this mask to damp hair and let it stay for 30 minutes. Wash off with warm water and repeat thrice a week. This mask will speed up your hair growth while making it shiny. That said, you should avoid this mask if you suffer from hypertension, heart issues, psoriasis, injuries, inflammation, cuts on your scalp, are allergic to mustard, or are pregnant.
  • Menthol water: If chemical conditioners are doing you no good, try this simple natural alternative instead. Take a liter of water and add 5 drops of menthol essential oil to it. After shampooing your hair, rinse it with this concoction. The menthol oil will soothe your scalp and will make your hair feel lighter. Besides, it can even offer relief from headaches and remove the excess oil from your roots while helping in hair loss.
4. Face Secrets

To make your face glow, apply a mixture of vitamin E and glycerin on your face every night. Take 30ml of glycerin and the liquid of 10 vitamin E capsules to it. Prick the capsules with a clean, sanitized needle to extract the liquid from them. After you’re done making the concoction, massage it on to your face in slow, gentle motions. If it feels sticky, spray on a refreshing face tonic.

There are multiple benefits to this mixture. It can nourish your skin and hide small wrinkles. It can also even out your skin tone and make it look radiant. However, there are certain things you need to keep in mind. You can’t store this mixture, so you’ll have to make a fresh one every night. Also, ensure that your glycerin is of high quality so you don’t suffer any side effects. Lastly, make sure your vitamin E capsule does not contain any substances you are allergic to.

5. Feet Secrets

If your feet are dry and rough, there’s an easy way to fix them. Once you’re done showering before sleeping, apply a mixture of mint essential oil and unsalted butter on your feet. Be generous when applying as you want your feet to soak in the mixture. Next, cover your feet with socks made of natural fabrics. For example, you can use cotton socks in summer and woolen socks during winter. Now hit the bed and snooze away!

Butter is an amazing skin softener. It’ll smoothen the heels of your feet and make them soft and pretty. If you apply this mixture regularly for a month, you’ll notice that your feet have become extremely soft and smooth!

6. Eyelashes Secrets

Don’t forget your lashes! They need to be taken care of too. If you have an empty mascara bottle lying around, clean it thoroughly and let it dry. Once dried, fill it with wheat germ oil. Apply the oil to your lashes with the help of the mascara wand right before you sleep. Wheat germ oil will help your lashes become longer and more beautiful!

None of these beauty hacks take more than a month to show their results! So, if you have an event coming up and don’t want to spend much, these secrets will help you put your best foot forward!

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