Skipping meals is only going to drain your body of the essential nutrients that are required for the body to carry out its everyday activities. If you aren’t convinced yet, take a look at the following facts we’ve gathered about how our body takes a hit every time we skip a meal.
We’ve all been there. We know it’s wrong and we still do it. We are talking about skipping meals. On some days, it’s because we wake up late and skip the most important meal of the day (the breakfast) in order to reach our office on time.
And on most days, it’s in order to lose those extra kilos that we happily carry around our waist. We bear our hunger pangs all through the day and chose not to munch on any food at all. And if you thought it’s only the hunger pangs and some energy drainage that we (our body, to be specific) have to deal with, we suggest that you redo your research.
And if you are saying that skipping meals is the best way to lose some weight, let us just give you some food for thought. Have you ever come across a nutritionist or a dietician stating that starving helps to lose weight? Never, right?
1. If You Dive Into Skipping Meals, Your Blood Sugar Levels Also Take A Dive
Our body ideally runs on sugar. It’s the prime fuel that keeps all the organs of our body running efficiently. And from where do we get this sugar? It is from the meals that we eat every day. Our body breaks down the food we eat into sugars and fats.
That’s how the digestive system works. Skipping food leads to diabetes (type 2, to be specific) as there is a sudden drop in our sugar levels due to lack of food intake.
2. Starving Doesn’t Burn Calories, It Stores Fat
When our body isn’t receiving the desired nutrients for its survival, it gets into a self-defense mode. It begins to accumulate the existing fat in our body, which is like conserving the energy for our body for later use.
So, if you think that skipping meals will force our body to burn those unnecessary calories, you are wrong! Instead, our body begins to accumulate more calories and, of course, there wouldn’t be any change in weight either.
3. It Affects The Brain Too
It is food that fuels the development and stimulation of the brain chemical called dopamine that is responsible for our responses, our cravings for food, etc. If you eat a healthy breakfast, your dopamine levels are under control.
It will keep you from craving for sweets and binge eating the rest of the day. However, if your body lacks energy (glucose), you will begin to get cranky.
4. Skipping Meals Equals Nurturing Stress
Frequent skipping of meals will also slow down the metabolism of the body. This ultimately leads to the release of stress hormones. Yes, so the more you miss your breakfast, lunch, or dinner, the more stressed you will feel (because of an increase in your cortisol levels).
And we know what stress can do to us, don’t we? We might end up sitting with that huge bucket of ice cream or indulge in drinking or smoking, which will only harm our health and lead to chronic ailments.
5. You Lose Water Weight And Not The Fat
The only way you can get rid of your fat is by burning it through physical activity.
We call a bluff on everything else. By missing your meals, you are draining the water out of your body. Your fat will only accumulate if you don’t provide your body with enough food at the required time.
6. You Will Feel Constipated
Dealing with constipation is the most uncomfortable thing for our body and us. And one of the main reasons behind its cause is the untimely and inadequate intake of food.
If we skip our meals regularly, we’re not giving our body the necessary dietary fiber and water that aids the smooth functioning of our digestive system. Ergo, constipation.
7. Your Skin And Hair Are Affected Too
Our skin and hair require the essential nutrients to glow and shine. If they are deprived of it, our skin begins to look dry and dull, whereas our hair might lose its lustre and bounce. Additionally, our hair may become weak and fragile, resulting in hair fall.
The bottom line here is that food is one of the basic needs of our body. Skipping meals is like directly challenging the normal functioning of our body. Eat healthily and at regular intervals, if you want to lose weight. And if your lifestyle is responsible for you skipping your meals, then reorganize your daily work routines and make sure none of the three essential meals of the day goes missing.