
Should you be afraid of weight gain after quitting smoking?

Studies show that pathological changes in the respiratory system, for example, due to poisoning by products of burning tobacco, are compensated on average for a year after a person quits smoking. And other indicators are gradually returning to normal.

Indeed, many people who give up cigarettes begin to recover literally before their eyes. But smoking cessation has nothing to do with it. Just over time, the sensitivity of the taste buds in the mouth is restored, and even the most ordinary food begins to seem divinely delicious. How to resist here? So begins the enhanced absorption of all yummy within reach.

Is it possible to avoid weight gain? Of course. It is only necessary to constantly keep fresh fruits and vegetables in the house, and it is with them to quench the thirst for new taste sensations. Sour berries like cranberries are especially good at this. Some help a small bottle of regular mineral water, which they always carry with them. There was a desire to smoke or go to the stall for a cake – stopped, drank a few sips, and you can move on.

The way the smoker’s body responds to quitting tobacco depends on the state of health, age, and, most importantly, on what stage of the so-called nicotine syndrome a person quit smoking. And yet, if you quit smoking without having “finished up” to fatal and incurable diseases, the body eventually gets rid of the effects of poisoning it with tobacco smoke poisons.

So if it turns out to give up cigarettes on your own – fine. Well, if it doesn’t work out, you need to contact specialists, narcologists, psychotherapists. It is advisable, according to the recommendations of friends, colleagues, virtual acquaintances who were being treated by them. And everything will surely work out.

That’s just to realize common sense in practice is obtained not at all and not immediately. And at the same time, doctors unanimously argue that the vast majority of smokers are able to quit themselves, that physical dependence on nicotine is many times less than on alcohol or drugs. This is the first difficulty.

Another complication is that there are a lot of methods and tools that once and for all promise to get rid of tobacco dependence, and even a person trained in narcology issues cannot immediately navigate them. The choice is such that your eyes run wide, a confusion begins in your head, and your hands automatically take out another cigarette from the pack.https://osvilt.com/mednews/fctive-opioid-painkillers-filed-last-year.html

Smoking Control Techniques

The whole mass of methods for getting rid of tobacco dependence can be divided into three large categories.

  • The first group of methods is based on medical suggestion in the broad sense of the word.
  • The second group is associated with reflexology (acupuncture, electro-puncture, moxibustion, acupressure, etc.).
  • The third group includes various drugs, both nicotine replacement and others, which allow the body to more easily and quickly overcome nicotine withdrawal syndrome.

Most often, specialists create their own, original methods, combined from the methods of all three groups. Moreover, the masters of their craft “cocktail” is created for each individual patient.

The only thing most doctors agree on is to quit smoking right away. Just 30 minutes after the last puff, the concentration of nicotine in the blood drops, and if you endure this moment, the physical need for the next “dose” will go away in just three days. However, if everything was so simple, there were negligible smokers around us. So, the task is not easy. And, indeed, dependence on cigarettes is very, very individual. Let’s try to figure out who smokes and for what reasons, and how to act in order to get rid of this habit.

Nervous man

This person smokes to calm down, to collect his thoughts, to pull himself together. Often smokes at night in bed. Most often, it is characterized by explosive or simply intense emotions, most of them negative. Choleric, melancholic or a terrible mixture of both. In this case, it may well be an extraordinary, creative person.

What to do?

Here you need a doctor and the very individual “cocktail” that you need to carefully choose, having verified all the ingredients. It is possible that a medical correction will be required – at least, sedatives. And, of course, you will have to give up alcohol, because in our body cigarettes and alcohol are interconnected, so to speak, at the genetic level, and for this type of person a glass of wine or a glass of vodka can become that “trigger” that will launch the usual and completely automatic action program (cigarette – lighter – puff). A person may not even at first notice that he is smoking again.


For him, a cigarette is just a form of relaxation. He enjoys the process, often smokes cigars, cigarillos or a pipe that tightly grows in the image – remember Churchill or his countryman Sherlock Holmes. For the pragmatist, the ritual component is important – say, afternoon coffee and cigarettes, or a cigar and cognac. Most often it is a sanguine person, strong-willed and decisive, endowed with a certain power: a businessman or a politician.

What to do?

Doctors have nothing to do here. For such people, they themselves are often the only authority; the opinions of others, including doctors, do not play a decisive role for them. Neither hypnosis, nor needles, nor psychotherapy in this case will work, because a person is used to believing only in himself. And he can quit smoking only if he himself makes such a decision. For example, a hobby with high physical loads (mountain bike, mountain climbing, rafting on mountain rivers, etc.) can push him to such a step.


He does not get much pleasure from smoking. For the addicted, this is a way of communication. He begins to smoke for the company, and at a very early age. At work, she does not miss a single break, and not because she wants to smoke, but because it is necessary.

What to do?

On his own, such a person will never give up cigarettes. A very long course of psychotherapy and psychological rehabilitation will be required (the process can drag on for a couple of years). It lends itself well to hypnosis, responds to all the “horror stories” about smoking, the ideal target audience for anti-tobacco (social) advertising.


Moreover, the lover is selflessly. In a cigarette, of course. Smoking loves, drawn into the ranks of smokers almost from the very first puff. Entourage is important to them – beautiful lighters, shiny packs, various accessories. In the vast majority of cases, such people turn out to be kinesthetics – that is, they perceive the world around them through tactile sensations, they need to touch, touch, twist everything in their hands.

What to do?

Making such a person quit smoking is possible only at gunpoint or other threats to life and health. Drugs that cause nausea while smoking can help, physiotherapy, acupressure, acupuncture – that is, exposure through touch. It is very important to give some kind of replacement for cigarettes – at least the Sony Playstation Portable, at least the latest “smart” smartphone, at least any hobby that requires manual work. Otherwise, such a person will return to cigarettes again, especially if his work involves meetings and prolonged sitting at the office table – this is hell for a kinesthetic.

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