
Benefits and Side Effects in Hindi

Garlic (lahsun) is a food item that enhances the flavor of many vegetables. The garlic tempering increases the taste of the vegetable from the lifeless to the manifold.

This edible material found in almost every kitchen not only enhances the taste of vegetables, but it is also very beneficial for health. Today we are going to tell you about some such benefits of garlic in this article.

There was a time when there were no drug stores like today. Then garlic was also used for Ayurvedic treatmentGarlic is rich in anti-viral, anti-fungal, anti-oxidant and anti-bacterial properties. It contains allicin and other sulfur compounds.

Medicinal Properties of Garlic – Medicinal Properties of Garlic

In addition, garlic contains ingredients like ajoene and a compound like allein, which make garlic a more effective medicine. However, due to these elements and compounds, garlic tastes bitter. But, these components also give garlic the ability to cure infection.

Now let us know about the beneficial properties of garlic one by one

1. Garlic helps in weight loss – Garlic for weight loss

Nowadays everyone has a busy routine. People are not able to pay much attention to their health in the cycle of creating synergy between home and work. Due to lack of diet and regular exercise, people are also falling prey to obesity.

However, many times people try to exercise regularly and diet while eating, but they are unable to do so for long. In such a situation, garlic can prove to be helpful to a large extent in stopping weight gain. It helps inhibit the expression of adipogenic tissue, increases thermogenesis and reduces harmful cholesterol. Garlic can give you relief from obesity due to its unique properties.

Method of use

– You can consume some buds of raw garlic on an empty stomach every day. After that, you can also drink lemon juice in lukewarm water.

You can also eat garlic everyday by adding it to vegetables or soups.

Note that if you have any allergy, please consult a doctor before including garlic in your diet.

2. Garlic controls high blood pressure – Garlic for high blood pressure

These days the risk of high blood pressure in people is increasing very fast. Some people resort to medicines to control it, while some people take home remedies. Consuming garlic as a home remedy in high blood pressure has proved very useful.

Actually, garlic contains the bioactive sulfur compound, S-allylcysteine, which reduces blood pressure to 10 mmhg (systolic pressure) and 8 mmhg (dialystic pressure). Since sulfur deficiency also causes high blood pressure, giving the body a diet consisting of organosulfur compounds can help stabilize blood pressure.

Method of use

Eat a few buds of raw or dried garlic every day.

3. Garlic helps in fighting diabetes – Garlic for diabetes

Due to the changing and unbalanced lifestyle everyday, many people are falling prey to diabetes. But very few people know that diabetes can be controlled by consuming garlic. Scientists at IICT (India) fed garlic to mice in the laboratory. This was followed by a decrease in glucose and triglyceride levels in the blood of mice. In addition, insulin sensitivity in the body of mice was also increased ( 5 ). Therefore, if you suspect diabetes or have diabetes, then you should consume garlic. It increases the amount of insulin by controlling the level of sugar in the body.

Method of use

Drink two to three raw garlic buds every day.

4. Garlic prevents colds – Garlic for cough and cold

It is very common to have a cold due to changes in the weather. However, for the treatment of these diseases, it is not necessary to use English medicines every time. Actually, garlic has a wealth of anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungal and anti-oxidant properties. It contains an enzyme called aliens (or aliens), which transforms into a sulfur-containing compound called allicin. This compound increases white blood cells, which helps fight against cold-virus.

Method of use

  • If you want, you can eat raw garlic buds.
  • You can also add garlic to the soup and drink it.
  • You can also drink garlic tea.

You can also roast some garlic cloves in ghee and eat it.

5. Garlic is helpful in cholesterol prevention – Garlic for Cholesterol

People are also having problems of increasing cholesterol due to high oil-ghee food. US scientists have found in one of their investigations that the consumption of old garlic can help reduce the level of LDL cholesterol (which is harmful cholesterol) in the body. (7) However, there is no consensus among scientists regarding this property of garlic.

Method of use

– To reduce LDL cholesterol, you can eat one to two garlic buds every day.

6. Garlic is helpful in fighting heart related diseases – Garlic for heart disease

As we know, diseases like high blood pressure, diabetes and high cholesterol have a direct relationship with cardiovascular diseases. In such a situation, the consumption of garlic can prove effective in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

Method of use

– Eat raw garlic buds everyday.

7. Eating garlic provides relief in arthritis – Benefit of Garlic for Arthritis

Garlic is also very beneficial for bones. It has been found that the consumption of garlic provides considerable relief to patients suffering from bone diseases like osteoporosis and arthritis. Scientists have proved through experiments that garlic is able to suppress undelectomy-induced bone adsorption. (9) In addition, researchers have also discovered that garlic helps suppress enzymes that degrade the diallyl disulfide matrix. In this way, garlic also prevents damage to bones.

Method of use

– You can consume one or two garlic buds every day.

8. Benefits of garlic consumption during pregnancy- Garlic during pregnancy

Early in pregnancy garlic may be included in a limited amount of food. At this time, garlic has less effect on the fetus (11). However, in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, garlic should be used with little consideration. During this time, due to the wrong effect of garlic, there may be problems like thinning of the blood, upset stomach or low blood pressure. Therefore, you should consult your doctor before eating garlic in pregnancy.

Method of use

You can include a limited amount of garlic in your diet, but do consult your doctor once.

9. Garlic increases the ability to fight diseases – Garlic to improve immune system

Garlic has phytonutrients, which are a type of antioxidant. Antioxidants flush out toxins from our body and reduce oxidative stress in the body. In other words, antioxidants protect you from falling ill. Researchers have also found that eating garlic increases the number of immune cells in our body in many ways.

Method of use

– To increase your ability to fight diseases, consume two to three garlic buds every day.

10. Garlic keeps liver healthy – Benefit of garlic for fatty liver

Consuming a limited amount of garlic may prove useful for people who have liver inflammation. Scientists found that S-allylmar captocysteine ​​(SAMC) found in garlic is helpful in the treatment of hepatic injuries. At the same time, garlic oil is rich in antioxidative properties, which protects against liver inflammation.

However, if you have more stomach problems or you have some trouble after eating garlic, contact the doctor immediately.

Method of use

If you want, you can consume one or two garlic buds finely chopped and mixed in spinach smoothie.

11. Garlic prevents cancer – Benefit of garlic for cancer

Garlic contains dicyliculfide, which helps prevent oxidative stress. The selenium present in garlic is known to have cancer-fighting properties. At the same time selenium also inhibits DNA mutation and uncontrolled cell proliferation and metastasis.

A trial by Chinese scientists on cancer patients found that garlic reduces the risk of tumors by 33 percent and reduces the risk of colon cancer by 52 percent. (17)

Therefore, if you want to reduce the risk of cancer, then consume garlic regularly with a healthy lifestyle.

Method of use

– You consume at least one raw bud of garlic every day.

12. Garlic prevents fungal infection – Benefit of garlic for fungal infection

Garlic has anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, anti-parasitic properties, which help us fight fungal infections, such as shingles and candida.

Method of use

-You can apply garlic oil to the affected area of ​​fungal infection. But, please consult your doctor about this too.

13. Garlic prevents kidney infection – Benefit of garlic for kidney infection

Garlic also helps in prevention of kidney infection. Scientists have found that garlic can help prevent the growth of P. aeruginosa, which is responsible for UTIs and kidney infections.

Method of use

– To prevent kidney infection, consume two to three garlic buds every day.

14. Garlic relieves gas and acidity – Benefit of garlic for gastritis

Nowadays people fall victim to the problem of acidity or gas due to wrong eating. In this case, while cooking the vegetable, add light garlic. By eating vegetables cooked in this way, you can get relief from gas and acidity. However, if you have more trouble, then avoid garlic.

Method of use

– While cooking the vegetable, add a little finely chopped garlic or garlic paste in a pinch or spoon. Keep in mind that do not consume raw garlic, otherwise acidity may increase.

15. Garlic reduces high blood sugar levels – Benefit of garlic for blood sugar

If you are suffering from high blood sugar problem, then you should include garlic in your diet. Scientists in Kuwait have discovered in the lab, using raw and boiled garlic on animals, that raw garlic has the potential to reduce blood sugar levels.

Method of use

To reduce blood sugar level, eat one or two garlic buds daily.

16. Garlic relieves fever or chills – Benefit of garlic for fever and common cold

If garlic is used in case of cold or fever, the patient can get relief to a great extent.

Method of use

– If you want, you can eat two to three garlic buds. If you do not like to eat raw garlic, then you can massage one body with one or two garlic buds in hot mustard oil.

17. Garlic relieves sore throat – Benefit of garlic for sore throat

The antibacterial properties present in garlic protect us from problems like sore throat. Garlic also contains an organosulfur compound called allicin, which helps fight infection. However, it is difficult to prove whether garlic can completely cure a sore throat.

Method of use

Whenever you feel a sore throat, put one or two garlic buds in mustard oil and heat it until it is lukewarm. After this, apply lukewarm oil around the throat lightly. If the problem increases, contact the doctor.

18. Garlic gives relief in asthma – Benefit of garlic for asthma

Garlic is also very beneficial for asthma patients. Cook garlic in mustard oil and massage it near the nose, throat and lungs with this oil, it can relieve the phlegm in the chest. Scientists have also found evidence that garlic can reduce the side effects of asthma.

Method of use

If you want, you can eat one or two garlic buds or apply garlic and mustard oil. However, do consult your doctor once.

19. Garlic gives relief in ear pain – Benefit of garlic for earache

Garlic is also beneficial in mild ear infections or pain. The antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties present in garlic provide relief from ear pain or infection.

Method of use

If you want, you can apply garlic oil in your ear. This oil is available in the market. Apart from this, you can also make garlic oil at home.

20. Garlic relieves vaginal infection – Benefit of garlic for yeast infection

Often women are unable to discuss the problem of vaginal infection with everyone. Because of this many times this problem takes the form of serious illness. Whereas, this problem can be controlled through home-based garlic. Yes, scientists have found that garlic is very effective in preventing infection called Candida.

Method of use

Vaginal infection can be relieved by consuming garlic in limited quantities. However, do talk to the doctor about this once as everyone’s physical activity is slightly different. Also, do not apply garlic directly to the affected area.

21. Garlic relieves toothache – Benefit of garlic for toothache

Scientists believe that using garlic as a mouthwash can be quite beneficial. (25) In addition, it is also good to use toothpaste or mouthwash that has garlic properties.

Method of use

– If you have a toothache, chew a raw garlic bud everyday. In addition, you apply rock salt in a garlic bud and apply it on the sore teeth. This will give you relief from toothache.

22. Garlic increases skin beauty – Skin Benefits of Garlic

Not only health, but nowadays it is very important to look good and take care of skin properly. Garlic can also help you in this task.

Method of use

– Make a paste of garlic buds and mix a little aloe vera pulp in it. Apply this mixture on the face and leave it for 15 to 20 minutes. After that wash face with cold water. With regular use of this mixture, your face will start to fade.

23. Garlic relieves acne and pimples – Benefit of garlic for acne / pimples

Nail pimples can occur due to accumulation of toxins in the body or due to an infection. In such a situation, regular consumption of garlic can be helpful in getting rid of pimples.

Method of use

– You can consume a garlic bud with cold water. Also drink plenty of water so that the right amount of water remains in your body.

24. Garlic is effective in the prevention of psoriasis – Benefit of garlic for psoriasis

Psoriasis is a type of skin disease in which itching begins and the skin becomes red. The disease mostly affects the skin of the head, elbows and knees. There is no cure for this disease, but its effect can be reduced by eating garlic. Garlic contains compounds such as diallyl sulfide and agen. These compounds neutralize the nuclear transmission factor kappa B (which causes psoriasis).

Method of use

Take two to three garlic buds mixed with green onions, broccoli and beetroot juice. But, if you are allergic to any of these things, then do consult your doctor once.

25. Garlic relieves itching – Benefit of garlic for eczema

Skin problems such as itching are caused by allergies to something. In such a situation, eating garlic can be useful for relieving itching. However, there is no solid scientific evidence for this. Actually, the success or failure of garlic in relieving itching depends on the patient’s body. If a person is allergic to garlic, it can increase eczema. But for those who are not allergic to garlic, the consumption of garlic can prove beneficial.

Method of use

– Initially, consume one or two garlic buds with water every day. But if you have a complaint of eczema, then you should contact the doctor before you start consuming garlic.

26. Garlic relieves ringworm – Benefit of garlic for ringworm

As we have already stated, garlic has antifungal and antibacterial properties. These properties can protect the body from any kind of infection. Therefore, the person who has herpes disease is advised to include garlic in small amounts in their diet. However, garlic cannot completely relieve herpes disease. However, it can relieve itching caused by ringworm.

Method of use

You can include a certain amount of garlic in your food. However, do consult a doctor before doing so.

27. Garlic helps to cure blisters or boils – Benefit of garlic for boils

Garlic contains sulfur compounds such as allin, allicin, and azoin, which help to cure blisters or boils. Also garlic has antibacterial, antiviral and antiseptic properties, which kills bacteria and prevents blisters or boils from growing.

Method of use

– If you do not like to eat whole garlic, then use less than half a teaspoon of garlic paste or a garlic bud finely chopped.

28. Garlic reduces wrinkles – Benefit of garlic for anti-aging in hindi

Sometimes wrinkles start appearing on people’s skin. In fact, this is due to wrong eating, stress, harmful sun rays and changing lifestyle. If garlic is consumed in this way, then premature wrinkles can be avoided. Garlic contains S-allyl cysteine ​​which helps protect the skin from the sun’s harmful rays and wrinkles. Garlic also has antioxidant and antiinflammatory properties, which help reduce wrinkles. (29)

Method of use

– Eat a garlic clove with lemon and honey in the morning. If you are allergic to any of these things, you must contact the doctor once before eating them.

29. Garlic helps in erasing the stretch mark – Benefit of garlic for stretch marks

It is common to see stretch marks on women’s bodies after an age. These days women try some tips to get rid of the stretch mark. Although it is difficult to completely erase the stretch marks, but it can be reduced with the help of garlic.

Method of use

Heat two to three garlic buds in mustard oil and then after lukewarm apply the oil on the stretch mark. If you want, you can also use olive oil instead of mustard oil.

30. Garlic prevents hair loss – Hair Benefits of Garlic

Today, hair loss is a common problem. Hair loss is usually caused by dust, pollution, impure water and poor eating. Scientists have found that garlic gel and betamethasone may prevent the problem of valerate hair loss. (30)

Method of use

– If you are a non-vegetarian, you can use garlic in fish. This may benefit the hair. In addition, you can eat garlic with spinach smoothie.

31. Garlic reduces dandruff in Russian – Benefit of garlic for dandruff

The problem of dandruff in hair is very common nowadays. Dandruff causes hair to deteriorate and fall out. You may be surprised to know that this problem can be reduced by the consumption of garlic. Actually, the anti biotic, allicin and other antioxidants present in garlic have anti fungal, anti bacterial and anti inflammatory properties. Due to these properties, garlic can relieve dandruff to some extent.

Method of use

– You can include garlic in your daily diet.

The nutritional value present in garlic – Garlic Nutritional Value

Garlic contains many important nutritional elements, such as flavonoids, oligosaccharides, allins and allicin. These nutritious ingredients are essential for good health. Apart from this, sulfur is also found in abundance in garlic.

Types of Garlic – Types of Garlic

Perhaps you will be surprised to know that there are two types of garlic-

Common Garlic – We usually use it daily in our kitchen.

Kashmiri Garlic – This garlic is grown in pure environment. Actually, it is cultivated in the lowland areas of the Himalayas.

Best Time to Eat Garlic – Best Way to Eat Garlic

As such, garlic can be used almost daily in food. But, consuming it in the morning benefits the most.

Precautions related to garlic consumption –

– Excessive use of anything can cause harm. Therefore, do not eat more than two garlic buds in a day.

– If you have a complaint of acidity, then avoid eating raw garlic.

How to keep garlic safe for a long time – How to Store Garlic?

In many households, people buy garlic in large quantities, but they do not know the right way to store it. Therefore, below we are going to tell you how to keep garlic safe for a long time.

– Do not keep garlic in the fridge, keep it in a ventilated place.

– Do not pack fresh garlic. By doing this, garlic can germinate and spoil.

Break the tuber of garlic according to the need and remove the buds, because the buds get spoiled faster than whole garlic.

Even after properly storing garlic, be sure to check it before use. If garlic is soft or has sprouted, do not use it. Also, you can smell if the smell of garlic has become strange. If this is the case, do not use it.

Disadvantages of garlic – Side Effects of Garlic

After knowing so many benefits, you might be surprised to know that this beneficial garlic has some side effects too.

Below we are going to tell you about some loss of garlic

  1. Eating garlic can cause bad mouth odor.
  2. If you are eating raw garlic, you may have gas, vomiting, stomach upset or flatulence.
  3. Eating too much garlic can cause bleeding problems. Therefore, if you are going to have any surgery, do not consume garlic before that.
  4. If you are allergic to garlic, it may cause skin problems.

Who should not eat garlic – Who should avoid garlic in hindi

If you have a liver problem, consuming too much garlic can cause liver damage.

Low blood pressure patients should abstain from garlic, as it may reduce blood pressure further.

Migraine patients abstain from garlic.

There is no doubt that everything has its advantages and disadvantages. In such a situation, just a little caution is needed, a little bit of caution. If you also know about any medicinal properties of garlic, do not forget to tell about it in the comment box below.

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