
HPV in women, which test to pass for its identification

80% of women become infected with the virus after the onset of sexual activity – someone right away, someone – at a very mature age. Infection is possible only by direct contact with the carrier. Sometimes this happens in everyday life, and not just during sexual contact.

The first signs usually appear after 2 months, or do not appear again, and the disease is hidden. Papillomas appear on the skin of the genital organs and have a characteristic pink-red color. Sometimes these growths may slightly resemble cauliflower or cockerel in appearance.

The doctor will recommend removing these growths, they are able to moderate oncogenic potential. This can be done quickly and painlessly without using a scalpel. No traces of removal subsequently remain.

If, according to the results of oncocytology and colposcopy, no cancer cells are detected, the condyloma is removed. If atypical cells are detected, capture a vast area of ​​normal tissue. Most often recommended in such cases, conization – a portion of the cervix is ​​removed. But this procedure is almost never performed for those women who have not yet had children. Sometimes in mild cases, only conservative treatment and antiviral medications are prescribed.

There are cases of infection during pregnancy, especially if a woman in a delicate position first receives this virus. It is dangerous for the fetus and can cause a number of problems.

Is it possible to completely cure HPV in women?

The virus is incurable if it is firmly entrenched in the body. They are actively looking for a medicine, but so far there has been little success. Papilloma virus DNA integrates into the cell and is poorly recognized by the immune system, especially in people with immunodeficiency. Poor living conditions, ecology, bad habits and associated diseases do not contribute to getting rid of the virus.

At a young age, self-elimination (elimination) within 2-3 years is possible. Then the immune system weakens and can no longer fully cope with the virus. With weakening of the body, papillomas of condylomas, warts appear again. It is from these signs that you can find out that you are a carrier of infection. Warts and papillomas are the only manifestation, but they appear only in people with immunodeficiency.

If you become infected with one type of virus and recover, then you can catch the papillomavirus with a different genotype. It happens that in the body at the same time 2 or 3 genotypes are present. A doctor needs to know the genotype to assess the risk of cancer.

HPV in women is widespread, warts are very common, but not everyone is ill with cancer. There are also varieties of the virus that contribute to the development of larynx and throat cancer. It is believed that the genotypes that cause flat warts are somewhat “more malicious” than those that cause genital warts, similar to cauliflower inflorescences.

Thus, warts are not an exclusively cosmetic problem. It is necessary to remove them and, if detected, undergo not only a dermatological examination for skin cancer, but also a gynecological examination, and it is advisable to send a partner to a urologist if you find suspicious skin tumors in the genital area or anus. It has been proven that in men, HPV can cause cancer in rare cases; women should be more worried. Do not forget that any trauma, the presence of obesity or excess weight creates a favorable background for the activation of the virus in the body.

If the infection was an oncogenic type of HPV, atypical cells appear in the cervical epithelium. This does not happen right away, usually between the ages of 32-45. That is why annual screenings after reaching this age are so important.

Ways to remove papillomas in women

Papillomas need to be removed to reduce the viral load on the body.

Common solutions to this problem:

  1. Cryodestruction – application of liquid nitrogen to a problem area. Healing within 10 days. Almost no discomfort.
  2. The chemical method – after 1-2 applications of the special composition of the papilloma without leaving a trace disappears.
  3. Laser coagulation is the most gentle method. The disadvantage is the high price, not in all clinics.
  4. The radio wave method – the Surgitron apparatus is mainly used; it is also used to treat cervical dysplasia without pain, blood, or any discomfort.

Do I need to get the HPV vaccine in women?

Each year, 60 million new HPV cases are reported worldwide. The 16th and 18th genotype of the virus is the most common. If the doctor finds condylomas, he will refer you to PCR diagnostics. The results will necessarily indicate the type of virus. Type 16, 35, and 18 are the most common causes of cancer of the vulva, cervix, and anus.

To prevent such a formidable phenomenon, you can use the HPV vaccine, which appeared in 2008. Papillomavirus vaccination is now required in 40 countries. The world medical community is no less concerned about cervical cancer than, for example, hepatitis B, vaccines from which also appeared not so long ago. The duration of protection is 10-15 years.

Vaccination is recommended for teenage girls 13-15 years old. But even with the onset of sexual activity, its effectiveness is high both in infected patients and those who have not received the virus. In the first case, it increases the likelihood of independent elimination of the HPV virus in women up to 32 years old. The vaccine also prevents infection with new types of virus.

The vaccine is injected according to the scheme 0-1-6 months or 0-2-6 months. It depends on the manufacturer. The vaccine is safe and does not increase the risk of cancer, as evidenced by numerous studies. The most common side effects are pain at the injection site and headache. Also very rarely, immediately after administration, there may be a short-term loss of consciousness. Therefore, the patient is asked to sit for 10 minutes. During pregnancy, no vaccine is given. If one or two doses have already been administered, the last remains, it is administered only after childbirth. Breastfeeding will not be an obstacle.

Do I need to be tested for atypical cells after HPV vaccination?

It is worth remembering that screening for cervical cancer after the introduction of the HPV vaccine is still needed. Therefore, do not refuse examinations and analyzes. The fact is that cervical cancer can have other causes, for example, other urogenital infections. Also traumatized by abortion and childbirth has a bad effect on the cervix. But if you have HPV in your body, then the risk of getting cervical cancer increases by 50%. You need to be attentive to yourself even after the onset of menopause.

HPV has a chronic course with periodic exacerbations. It is impossible to completely get rid of the virus after 30-32 years. There are more than 100 genotypes of the virus.

Who is at risk for developing HPV complications?

Such groups of persons are recommended to be examined by a gynecologist at least 1 time every six months:

  • Beginning of a sex life.
  • Women who have had abortions many times.
  • Exposed to constant stress.
  • Women who have been taking oral contraceptives for a long time.

Pay attention to plantar, flat warts on the skin and genital warts. They can be located anywhere. Cracks, burning may bother. The area around the eyes can be affected, in full – skin folds, the area under the chest, axillae, neck.

As for the problems “on the female side”, with the active reproduction of HPV, you can observe the following symptoms:

  • Bleeding after intercourse.
  • Fatigue.
  • Loss of appetite.

These symptoms may accompany cervical cancer in the early stages. About 500 000-600 000 new cases of this dangerous disease are discovered in the world per year. This is especially true for underdeveloped countries where there are no annual cancer screening programs for women. Mortality from cervical cancer reaches 41%. In some countries, it has become common practice to vaccinate not only girls but also boys against human papillomavirus. In men, this virus can also cause cancer of the penis, testicles, prostate, and urethra. It is believed that the risk of getting sick for men is reduced by circumcision and smoking cessation.

If you find papillomas, condylomas and warts, we recommend contacting a modern clinic that uses the best modern removal techniques. Be sure to undergo a complete gynecological examination, including colposcopy. Do not try to get rid of the skin manifestations of papillomavirus yourself. Incorrect removal of genital warts contributes to the rapid multiplication and spread of the virus throughout the body. Be sure to create sterile conditions in the clinic to solve this problem. A scalpel has not been used for a long time, which prevents both blood loss and prolonged pain after excision with papillomas.

What can be done to prevent HPV activation in women?

In the future, it is necessary to increase immunity, drink vitamins, temper the body and take protective measures during sex. The use of condoms reduces the risk of reinfection with the new virus genotype. If you manage to drive the papillomavirus into an inactive state, then it will not be of great danger. Any disease is easier to prevent.

We remind you that self-administration of antiviral and immunomodulators is unacceptable. The human papilloma virus is rarely needed and such measures are carried out only in conjunction with an immunologist. If you do not have HIV, you are not sick with cancer, the immune system itself can “euthanize” the papillomavirus.

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