The unspoken law says: you can eat everything, if in moderation. But this is not about watermelon. This is what children, and adults, cannot live without in the summer. But still we must remember that for the use of watermelon has its own requirements. To whom it is impossible to eat a watermelon, read in our material.
Doctors say that consuming ripe watermelons in a moderate amount is practically harmless.
However, if you like to enjoy this berry every day, it is not recommended to eat more than 250-300 grams. But there is a category of people who have to completely abandon the juicy summer yummy.
Who should not eat watermelon
It’s hard to imagine how to do without watermelons in the summer, but still carefully read the following information. You cannot eat a watermelon if:
- you have a violation of the outflow of urine;
- urolithiasis – since the watermelon has a strong diuretic effect, it can “make” the stones that are not completely dissolved start to move;
- pricks and diarrhea;
- type 1 diabetes mellitus;
- pancreatic disease in the acute phase;
- heart disease, which is accompanied by fluid retention in the body;
- prostate adenoma;
- postoperative adhesive processes.
In order not to cause problems with the gastrointestinal tract, do not eat watermelon before or immediately after a meal. Better – separately from everything else and 2 hours before or after.