The most “harvesting” watch for collection is the period between noon and 18 hours. After the juice is collected, do not forget to close the holes so that bacteria do not get there. Holes can be covered with wax.
Drink juice should be 1 glass 3-4 times a day for half an hour before the main meal. In a glass jar (in the refrigerator) juice can be stored no longer than 2-3 days.
Birch sap is harvested from March to April, when there are no leaflets on the branches yet, but they should soon appear.
To whom birch sap is contraindicated
No adverse effects from drinking birch sap have been reported. However, people with allergies should be careful.
Excessive consumption of birch sap should be avoided. In some areas, birch trees can accumulate heavy metals, which can cause adverse health effects when consumed in large quantities. At the same time, birch water is resistant to toxic minerals, so it is unlikely to contain dangerous levels of heavy metals.
In addition, birch water is a perishable product, so you should use it within 5-7 days after harvesting. Consuming birch sap after fermentation may be unsafe for some, especially for people with weakened immune systems.
Birch sap has many different properties. For example, it improves metabolism and has a positive effect on the functioning of the stomach. Transparent sweet drink is recommended for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. It also speeds up the process of removing excess fluid from the body.
Birch sap is an indispensable helper for vitamin deficiency. It includes: vitamins, fruit sugar, organic acids and more than 10 enzymes that have antimicrobial properties.
Fresh birch sap is transparent and similar to water, but has a sweetish taste. A few days after harvesting, birch water is fermented and acquires a more acidic taste.
Birch sap is not as thick as maple syrup. Its consistency is often compared to coconut water.
Nutrients in Birch Juice
The nutrient profile may vary depending on the type of birch, as well as environmental and human factors. Typically, all types of juice contain a combination of several nutrients, including a small amount of sugar and amino acids.
Birch sap is known to contain up to a dozen minerals that provide many health benefits. Calcium and potassium are the minerals that are found in birch sap in the greatest amount.
One liter of birch sap contains at least 150 mg of calcium, potassium and magnesium. In one study, a liter of silver birch juice provided up to 40% of the daily requirement for copper, 17% zinc, 2% calcium, 4% magnesium, and 0.04% sodium. Another study showed that the concentrations of manganese, phosphorus and zinc in birch sap exceed 1 mg per liter.
Despite the high content of minerals, birch sap is not rich in vitamins, although some tree species contain a certain amount of folic acid in their sap.
Birch sap has few calories and many antioxidants. Birch trees located in areas with poor ecology and grown in soil with a high concentration of heavy metals may have a higher antioxidant activity of the juice.
Healthy properties of birch sap
Perhaps the most important health benefit of birch sap is its moisturizing properties. In addition, it has historically been used as a diuretic, and for this reason it has been claimed to have “cleansing” and “detoxifying” properties.
Listed below are some other health benefits that birch sap has:
- Promotes good digestion and reduces bloating.
- Helps strengthen the immune system.
- It has anti-cancer properties.
- Supports heart health by controlling cholesterol.
- Reduces joint pain.
- Helps maintain oral health.
- Promotes wound healing.
- Optimizes kidney and liver health.
- Prevents kidney stones.
- Protects against gout.
Despite its potential medical and dietary uses, there is no convincing scientific evidence. More human studies are needed.
However, some animal and laboratory studies have shown that birch sap has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, probably due to its antioxidant and mineral content.
Cosmetic use of birch sap
Birch sap tones and helps cleanse the skin. Use instead of plain water. Another option is to make ice and wipe some areas. Also, this component can be used to prepare a special mask. You will need: white or blue clay. Mix it with birch sap until the consistency of thick cream. Apply on face for 15-20 minutes. Rinse with birch sap. Repeat the procedure twice a week.
Birch sap improves blood circulation and normalizes the nutrition of body cells. Excellent prevention against cellulite!
Birch sap will also replace hair conditioner. After washing your hair, rinse your hair with juice. This simple procedure will add rich shine and elasticity to curls.
You can prepare a nourishing hair mask. Mix birch sap and burdock oil in a 3: 1 ratio. Wrap your head and wrap with a towel. After 20 minutes, rinse with shampoo.