
Delayed menstruation in healthy women

We will not consider two understandable reasons for the delay: a positive property when it comes to pregnancy, and a negative property when gynecological diseases occur.

We are talking about those reasons that are called inorganic. These are functional failures that directly or indirectly affect the delay of menstruation. We will talk about such reasons.

Moreover, oscillations of the cycle in any direction of 3-5 days are considered permissible, which also should not be considered a delay. But if your cycle goes beyond the above situations, then there is already cause for concern.

Delay is a relative term. In a general sense, delay is a deviation from the norm. But the norm is not expressed in absolute figures. It is considered a normal cycle of 28 days. Moreover, it is assumed that the cycle can be in different women in different age categories from 21 to 35 days. And if the larger cycle is your norm, then it is clear that the difference between the standard of 28 days and your numbers is your norm, not a delay.


The relationship between vitamin deficiency and menstruation delays can be seen quite clearly. If vitamin deficiency means a decrease in immunity, it means a slowdown in metabolic processes. The hormonal system against such a background also naturally malfunctions. An organism struck by vitamin deficiency does not function normally, in principle; it seems to fall into “hibernation”. In this state, it is not surprising if there is not just a delay, but menopause sets in, and it is not clear how long it can drag on.


The state of the nervous system is the most important factor that can affect the regularity of the monthly cycle. We recall the favorite medical saying: “Everything is from the nerves.” The body of a woman in a state of permanent stress, gives constant jumps in the monthly cycle. To this is added the expectation of delayed periods, which enhances the stress state, and only exacerbates the delay.

Why does stress affect genital function? Of course, stress directly causes a malfunction in the central structures of the brain (cortex and hypothalamus), and they, in turn, poorly regulate the work of the ovaries and uterus. Cases are described that during the stress of wartime, women stopped menstruating in general, this is called “wartime amenorrhea.”


Even an innocent, it would seem, overwork can cause a delay in menstruation. But is overwork so innocent? In fact, overwork is the same stress, but not simultaneous, but cumulative. This condition, also known as chronic fatigue syndrome, when nothing seems to hurt a person, and no tests will reveal a flaw, but you can’t get out of bed and it seems as if your strength has left you. The body thus actually refuses to work. As one of the manifestations of such a failure is hormonal imbalance.

Climate change

This factor includes both climate change associated with moving to another climatic zone, and off-season periods. Moreover, in our time, female organisms are increasingly sensitive to off-season periods. For this reason, the menstrual cycle can go astray for up to 2 weeks, both forward and backward.

There are cases when, within the same cyclic period, the cycle repeats twice. This is a rather serious problem, because in principle, nature provides that the body as a self-adjusting tool should monitor climate change and be able to adapt to it in a timely manner. But, apparently, our organisms are so depleted by civilization that the connection with nature is weakening.

Sudden weight loss

Fashionable passion for weight loss can also lead to a delay in menstruation. It is especially dangerous to keep up with diets after 45 years, because unfortunately there are cases when this even led to an early menopause. The thing is that sudden weight loss leads to a decrease (or even cessation) of the production of female sex hormones – estrogen, responsible for the onset of ovulation, therefore, menstruation is delayed (or does not occur).

In this way, nature protects the female body. A sharp weight loss is perceived by the body as a depletion leading to death, and in this state of strength you need to save. This means that the reproductive function of the female body is out of the question; therefore, the monthly cycle is useless.

Excess weight

Here is a paradox – excess weight also negatively affects menstruation. But everything is explained simply. Female sex hormones – estrogens, responsible for the onset of ovulation, are produced not only in the ovaries, but also in the subcutaneous fat. If so, then in the body of overweight women estrogen is produced more than normal. To avoid hormonal imbalance, the hypothalamus and pituitary gland block the production of estrogen in the ovaries – and malfunctions occur in the menstrual cycle.

Intense exercise

A classic example of the influence of physical activity on violations of the monthly cycle are athletes. They are not uncommon for the appearance of various endocrine disorders due to high physical exertion. And there is nothing unusual. In our body, everything exists according to the laws of common sense, if you want. When the body receives an intense (excessive) physical exertion, it understands that all forces must be directed to recovery after it. But the forces of the body are not dimensionless, therefore, “somewhere has arrived, somewhere has gone.” In principle, the same relationship can be traced as with a sharp weight loss, and with the stress of wartime.

Cold viruses

You yourself probably noticed that if a few days before the expected date of the normal monthly cycle you were ill with something that could be followed by a violation. The explanation is the same – the whole organism worked to fight the disease, after which a natural saving of forces arose.

Postabortion syndrome

It is believed that after artificial termination of pregnancy, menstruation should begin according to the norms after about 1-1.5 months. But since female organisms are individual, everything is not predictable here either. Abortion is the cause of severe hormonal stress – the body naturally prepared to continue the pregnancy, and you artificially stopped these processes. And even when the interruption was successful, and there were no complications, and the woman was completely healthy – after an abortion cycle disturbances of up to 2-3 months often occur. Sometimes, even to restore the hormonal background, its medical correction is required.

Hormonal contraceptives

Cancellation after prolonged use of hormonal contraceptives leads to a delay in menstruation in 5% of cases. What is the reason for this? Cancellation of hormones causes inhibition of the ovaries, pituitary gland and hypothalamus. And the body needs time to “remember” the normal menstrual cycle.

Age changes

Changes in the menstrual cycle occur with age. This concerns everything: the abundance of menstruation, their duration and, of course, the cycle itself. These changes are individual. But more often the cycle lengthens, due to the fact that the reproductive function is dying out.

The conclusions are self-evident: do not allow vitamin deficiency, avoid stress and overwork, when changing the climate, take preventive measures, control your weight normally, give yourself adequate physical activity, be careful with hormonal contraceptives and increase your immunity. In general, the rule is simple: lead a healthy lifestyle and take care!

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