In old age, and with the constant stresses and fast pace of life there may be signs of high pressure. Women and men almost the same symptoms of the disease
Hypertension symptoms in women are different the fact that ladies are more emotional, so their nervous system is more clearly responds to a pathological condition.
After raising the pressure more than just brain damage and negatively affects the functioning of the heart muscle.
Signs of high blood increased in humans
If a person discovered high blood pressure, symptoms differ if a strong increase and weak. A small increase of the indicator is exceeded less than 20 units. However, many believe that this pressure high, symptoms, however, are mild. If the top exceeds 140 mm, and the bottom is 90 mm, the attributes are expressed more clearly.
The symptoms of high blood pressure in humans depends on the individual. From someone who suffers from a neurological pathologies, more affects the nervous system. If a person has problems with the cardiovascular system, the signs will be associated with the disruption of the heart.
To characteristic symptoms of high pressure include headache. This characteristic appears for both women and men. As soon as the weather conditions, as a result of severe stress or when experiencing a stressful situation the blood vessels of the brain change their tone. The increase in blood decreased, the body responds with vasoconstriction is their spasm. This fact gives me a headache.
When high blood pressure, the symptoms depend on the specific numbers. If the rate is exceeded slightly, the headache is oppressive. It is more clearly manifested in the temples in men and in the back of the head in women. When you turn and tilt your head condition deteriorates. Deterioration of health may impede the execution of any works, but does not deprive a person of the ability to work at all.
With more significant excess increased arterial headache strongly. His heart felt a throbbing pain. Her head is pinched, the eyes feel heavy. The patient responds to the bright lights, loud noises. His condition does not allow to do any work.
Attention! Headache is almost always accompanied by increased blood pressure, but it can be a symptom of another disease. Diagnosed the doctor.
When high blood pressure, what symptoms say about this disease? When exceeding the normal pressure, they are similar to other diseases. One of the signs is the weakness.
Disturbance of health in different people occurs at different value of AD. One becomes ill when indicators of 140 over 90, the other at pressure 160 100 is able to work and not feel discomfort. Often there is weakness in those that hypertension did not suffer. If the body is accustomed to high blood figure, with a mild increase in HELL he is not suffering.
Weakness occurs after hypertensive crisis – a condition when the pressure increases greatly and dramatically. It is a very strong headache, sick sick, the heartbeat quickens, the eyes appear to “fly”. Arms and legs can go numb. After the crisis in the legs felt weak.
Some symptoms of high blood pressure in humans, including symptoms associated with loss of balance are particularly dangerous. Dizziness means a pathological condition of the vestibular apparatus. His work is disturbed, as a result the person may fall. When dizzy, you need to drop everything and go to bed, otherwise there is a risk of injury. Also dizziness can be a sign of bleeding in the brain, the beginning of stroke and heart attack, ischemia, edema of the lung, the condition before loss of consciousness.
Important! With the dizziness, you must consult a neurologist as it could Herald a variety of serious diseases.
What are the symptoms for hypertension are there? These include disruption of the functioning of the stomach and intestines. In this case the signs of high blood pressure, the symptoms are similar to symptoms of intestinal infection. The greater the changes in blood indicators, the more people suffering from nausea. With the growth of the systolic (top) pressure for 40 units in 25% of patients have vomiting. If the top rate was increased, 65% feel this symptom. Diastolic (lower) level is 100 – 120 units.
Important! Vomiting with a sharp increase in HELL is evidence of significant cerebrovascular disease. It can lead to bleeding in the brain. You need to call an ambulance.
If you experience high blood pressure, the symptoms in adults include redness of the face flushing. The frequency of appearance of hyperemia depends on the length of the patient. If hypertension manifests itself often, 15% of people feel redness of the face. At constant bouts of increasing blood pressure symptom occurs in 30% of patients.
More often (in 50% of patients) appear local hemorrhages – burst vessel in the eye or there is bleeding from the nose, bursting the capillaries in the nasal mucosa. This can not be afraid, such as bleeding and hemorrhage are the protective reaction of the body to a pathological excess of the indicators HELL. Thus the patient’s body protects the brain from bleeding with serious consequences.
When there is a danger of high pressure, signs and symptoms may indicate another illness. Angina is a painful sensation in the chest associated with blood circulation in the heart. Therefore, it occurs at pathologically high pressure.
The lack of oxygen carried by the blood to the heart, causes pain in middle of chest, where heart is located. Pain may cause a feeling of heaviness or pressure, tingling or compression, to deliver a feeling of discomfort. The pain may spread to the neck, shoulder, arm, shoulder blade.
Particularly affected are patients who already have heart problems – coronary disease, previously suffering a heart attack and so on. But in relation to healthy people’s hearts with increased AD can be a sore chest.
Shortness of breath
When there is high blood pressure, symptoms associated, including breathing. If the body load of physical work, shortness of breath is quite natural. But when shortness of breath not associated with exercise, it is considered a pathological sign. Excess HELL the normal range leads to restriction of the oxygen supply of all organs and tissues, including the heart and lungs. This leads to difficulty breathing. You need time to take action, lowering blood indicators. If the patient does not pay attention to shortness of breath, he may develop heart failure.
Attention! Shortness of breath is often observed during hypertensive crisis. You need to call an ambulance.
Signs of high blood pressure include heart rhythm disturbance. If there is an irregular contraction of the heart muscle is accompanied by increased heart rate, we are talking about tachyarrhythmia.
Pathology is divided into sinus, supraventricular and ventricular at the place of impact of pathological cardiac impulses. Sinus tachyarrhythmia when heart rate reaches 120 beats per minute, supraventricular – 150, ventricular – from 200 to 400 beats per 60 seconds.
The normal tachycardia is a compensatory phenomenon. Poor circulation kompensiruet more frequent contractions of the heart, and thus, increasing the amount delivered to the organs blood. If the increase in AD, along with a rapid pulse, disrupted heart rhythm, it tells about the presence of pathology in the heart muscle or diseases of other internal organs. The treatment in this case is prescribed by a doctor.
Peculiarities of manifestation in women
Typical signs of high blood pressure in women is usually related to their emotionality.
Most often, the pathological increase in AD is accompanied by:
- redness of the skin;
- a marked acceleration of the heartbeat;
- the appearance of anxiety;
- weakness;
- headache of pressing character in the occipital part;
- dizziness;
- noise sensation in the ears.
With a significant increase in pressure possible angina. For the weakness may be followed by nausea or vomiting. Anxiety causes panic attack. Sometimes there is trembling of the limbs. Lady tormented by shortness of breath. The constant increase in AD leads to edema of the face. Swelling is a sign of hypertension of the second stage. With this symptom as soon as possible to go to the doctor.
Important! In chronic hypertension signs of increased AD is weak. So every day we need to measure the pressure.
Complications of hypertension
The specificity of the symptoms in men
Men less women are prone to nervous conditions and hormonal outbursts. High blood pressure in men depend on the magnitude by which increased BP compared with the norm.
If the indicators rise less than 20 units, observed:
- redness;
- headaches in the temporal part;
- irritability;
- the ripple noise of blood in his ears.
With the growth of HELL more than 20 units, you may receive:
- anxiety;
- chest pain;
- increased sweating;
- shortness of breath;
- increased heart rate;
- cold in the extremities;
- pain in the temples;
- fever;
- blurred vision;
- redness of the face.
If the blood pressure increases sharply, the signs of high blood pressure in men supplemented with dizziness and vomiting. Hypertensive crisis may be accompanied by fainting.
Causes in adults
When you define high blood pressure in adults, there are symptoms, it is necessary to pay attention to the reasons giving rise to such condition, and to obtain the necessary treatment. It is also important to know how to assist the patient until the arrival of the doctor.
The reason often becomes a stressful situation and genetic predisposition. In addition, HELL is growing because:
- Abuse of salty food, because salt retains body fluid. Bad role and excess fat in the diet.
- Overweight. For overweight people need more blood to supply tissues and organs, and vessels for its transfer remain the same as before the weight gain. They are experiencing excessive pressure.
- Insufficient supply the body with potassium and magnesium. Potassium provides the output of the excess salt. Magnesium deficiency leads to weakness of the heart muscle and thrombosis.
- Physical inactivity. It leads to the loss of vessels, their elasticity ability to stretch when the stretch of the big streams of blood.
- Smoking and drinking alcohol. Smoking promotes thrombosis. Vessels smoker constricts entry of blood.
- Hormonal of diseases of internal organs.
- The physiological characteristics of the patient.
- Age-related diseases of the cardiovascular system.
To single a minor increase in pressure causes the intake of caffeine. Also HELL grows during exercise, and fatigue.
If the patient recorded high blood pressure, symptoms, and treatment determined by the therapist. Also, this pathology is relevant for the cardiologist, endocrinologist. Medical treatment involves receiving:
- Diuretics. They excrete the excess fluid. During their appointment the doctor takes into account contraindications, which are diabetes or gout.
- Alpha-blockers that reduce blood pressure, without impacting significantly on the heart rate. They favor the normalization of the lipid state of the blood, do not affect the level of glucose in the blood. Their lack of exposure to the one at the first appointment, the patient may feel dizzy. So you should take the drug at night.
- Beta-blockers are very effective to reduce the pressure. They act on the speed of contraction of the heart muscle, reducing its. Due to this falling blood pressure. Drugs in this class reduce the influence of the nervous system on the functioning of the heart.
- ACE inhibitors. These tools prevent the production of angiotensin II, a hormone that causes narrowing of blood vessels. Peripheral vessels dilate and blood pressure falls.
- Antagonists of calcium, expands blood vessels.
- Antagonists of angiotensin II.
At high pressure the symptoms and treatment are connected. The doctor may prescribe specific drugs based on the testimony of the tonometer and symptoms of hypertension.
Mechanical tonometer for measuring pressure
First aid
Hypertensive with experience knows how to reduce blood indicators. He constantly increases the dose of medication and drinking, the drug recommended by the doctor when sudden increase in blood pressure.
If the pressure is increased for the first time, you should:
- to seat the patient on a sofa, resting on the back cushion;
- make him a hot water bath for the feet (this way there are contraindications!);
- put on the calves of the legs and shoulders mustard;
- when complaints of chest pain to give the patient a nitroglycerin tablet or an aqueous solution of valocordin at the recommended dose;
- to reduce pressure patient can take Corinfar in low dose, putting the tablet under the tongue (it does not give pregnant and lactating women, patients with heart failure);
- ventilate the room, dim the lights, avoid unnecessary noise.
Then you should call emergency medical assistance.
What to do at home?
At high pressure with pronounced symptoms, it is necessary to understand the causes and know the principles of treatment, including to develop the right lifestyle and take preventive measures.
- give up bad habits – alcohol and Smoking;
- to minimize the consumption of salt and fatty foods;
- to devote time simple exercise;
- more walk;
- sleep at least 8 hours a night;
- not to sit for hours at the TV or computer.
- trying to lose body weight;
- keep away from stress;
- conduct courses of massage of the head and neck area.
For the normalization of AD, it is useful to do breathing exercises. Help reduce the indicators of special herbal teas that you can buy at the pharmacy to cook at home. Pepto will help with the headache. Tablets or tincture of Valerian and motherwort help stabilize pressure.
Measuring rules HELL
In some cases, the signs of high blood pressure, the symptoms are not allow to clearly diagnose hypertension.
For definitions of specific indicators, using a sphygmomanometer to measure blood pressure according to the following rules:
- 30 minutes before the measurement to stop the physical work;
- during the same time, you cannot smoke, drink alcoholic and soft drinks;
- the procedure is carried out in a room with an average temperature;
- to sit on a chair near the table, hands on table, feet on the floor;
- measurements on both hands for 2 – 3 times;
- to do measurements at different times of the day.
Cuff worn on the upper arm. Put the stethoscope under the cuff on the bottom, the elbow. First pump device, the pressure is then gradually reduced. At the same time, the stethoscope, determine the number at which starts the pulse and the rate at which it disappears. These two values constitute the values of blood pressure.
- If you define a high blood pressure, symptoms may vary in men and women. The latter are more prone to hormonal outbursts and more emotional.
- Uncontrolled leap HELL leading to serious complications.
- If there are signs of significant growth pressure necessary to render first aid to the patient and doctor-on-call.