Every person who was on reception at the therapist, the doctor measures the pressure.
Most of us don’t think that means the figures the upper and lower blood pressure.
However, these indicators are able to signal many still hidden violations.
What is “responsible” blood pressure is controlled?
Blood pressure (BP) is called the pressure of blood in the artery. It is one of the leading markers of health.
For the normal functioning of the body require that each of its parts were regularly filled with nutrients that are transported by blood in two circles. In a small circle, the blood goes from the heart to the lungs and, enriched with nutrients, it comes back. In a large circle blood carries nutrients to every organ, and collected carbon dioxide through the heart goes in a small circle. This process took place smoothly must be a normal upper and lower blood pressure.
The key factors determining blood pressure:
- physical activity;
- Smoking;
- time of the day;
- psychological state;
- medications;
- diet.
Pressure measurement used a device called a tonometer. The results are shown by two numbers, expressed in mm of Hg.St. A reference is a value of 120/80. With age, the norm does not change, however, emerging diseases (vascular and others) can lead to an increase in work HELL.
The difference between the obtained values the AD also informs about the condition of the body. It’s called the pulse pressure and the average person is 40. If the value is over 65, the probability of progression of atherosclerosis, hypertension and vascular accidents. When the pulse pressure is low, increases the risk of unconscious States and respiratory paralysis.
When persistent high blood pressure are diagnosed with hypertension, with reduced – hypotension.
Of the disease depending on the causes are divided into 2 categories:
- Primary – dependent on lifestyle and heredity.
- Secondary or symptomatic – caused by disruption of organs and systems.
Factors that contribute to the development of primary hypertension:
- genetic predisposition;
- constant stress;
- sedentary lifestyle;
- Smoking and alcohol abuse;
- weight;
- excessive consumption of salt.
The reasons for the development of primary hypotension:
- genetic predisposition;
- nervous exhaustion and depression;
- chronic fatigue;
- malnutrition.
When persistent high blood pressure are diagnosed with hypertension at low – hypotension. A temporary increase in pressure caused by stress or high physical activity, called functional and is not a cause for concern.
To determine the causes of symptomatic disorders, it is important to understand what it means individually and collectively each of the indicators of arterial pressure (bottom, top).
In addition, it is important to know what is the pulse arterial pressure. Will be discussed further.
What do you mean “upper” HELL, man?
The first number received on the display, indicates the upper pressure. At a normal feeling vibrations in the range of 20 units permitted. If the value is 140 and above, diagnosed with hypertension, at 100 and lower the hypotension. Prolonged pressure behind the boundaries of the norm is the catalyst of pathological processes and require treatment even in the absence of complaints about health.
Usually the upper and lower pressure are interrelated. Cases of deviation in only one of the indicators, while the other boundaries of the norm, are less common and are called isolated.
Before you can understand the difference between the upper and lower pressure, please refer to the physiological basis of its formation in the blood vessels and answer the question: upper HELL is systolic or not?
What is the “systolic”?
In order to understand what is systolic (upper) blood, referring again to the work of the heart. It contracts to push the blood into the main artery: in this moment it creates the maximum pressure force. The first blow who hears measuring, louder later. It is formed by the wave power accumulated during the clamping arms. The time of contraction of the heart ventricle is called systole (from the Greek. systole – contraction) – this is what is meant by the term “systolic blood” and that’s why in a professional environment, it is called systolic.
The impact of increasing the systolic blood pressure is very serious:
- unhealthy thickening (hypertrophy), and myocardial necrosis;
- violation of the structure of all arteries in major organs, leading to cerebral hemorrhage or stroke;
- the destruction of the retina and blindness.
Common symptomatic reasons include:
- age violation of the functionality of blood vessels;
- hormonal changes;
- defect of the aortic valve of the heart;
- diseases of the thyroid gland.
Low pressure also brings negative consequences due to permanent oxygen deficiency of the body.
Common causes of secondary systolic blood pressure reduction:
- arrhythmia;
- heart failure;
- head injury;
- osteochondrosis;
- diseases of the respiratory system.
The most dangerous consequences of high systolic blood pressure – hypertensive crisis and stroke. With poor health and increased more than 160 mm Hg. article you must call the ambulance.
Why is “heart”?
Consider how much pressure is called a heart – top or bottom. Since it first depends primarily on the intensity of the ventricular contraction, it stuck for a conversational form of the name – “heart.” It shows the strength of tension of the arteries, and the degree of their filling with blood at the time of hard work the main muscles of the human. Symptomatic upper blood pressure usually informs about the heart problems.
To maintain a normal pulse pressure should be:
- to detect and treat heart disease;
- to avoid overstrain of the nervous system;
- strive to meet the requirements of a healthy diet and lifestyle;
- take drugs prescribed by your doctor.
What does “lower” the HELL?
The second number in the measurement means a lower pressure. In healthy people at rest it is 80 units. Acceptable small deviations, but if it is above 90, the doctor can diagnose hypertension, and a value less than 60 is hypotension.
Key shaping factors:
- peripheral vascular resistance;
- the total volume of blood;
- the frequency of the heartbeat.
These factors determine which means lower blood pressure.
“Diastolic” – what is it?
Lower HELL is the minimum pressure during relaxation of the main human body. While the heart relaxes, the arteries remain in a state of stress, because blood is present in them all the time. The final blow to the mechanical tonometer is heard in the moment of relaxation of the main muscle, called the diastole (from the Greek. diastole – vacuum) – this is the diastolic pressure and this is why in the clinical environment of the lower HELL is called diastolic.
To maintain normal values of diastolic pressure you need to:
- preventive measures against atherosclerosis;
- to reduce the viscosity of blood;
- get enough sleep and eat a healthy diet;
- make or tonic hypotensive drugs (by the doctor).
Why is denoted as “kidney”?
The lower pressure is mainly determined by the resistance of peripheral arteries. The optimal tone of arterial smooth muscle fibers supports secreted by the kidney hormone renin, so the lower pressure is often called the kidney. A lack or excess of hormone can designate itself the lower rate.
One of the most serious consequences of this increase are renal failure and nephropathy – scarring and destruction of the kidneys.
High rate of lower blood pressure generally refers to diseases of bodies such as:
- kidneys;
- adrenal glands;
- the thyroid gland.
This is just the initial idea that shows a deviation to lower blood pressure. Medical consultation is required.
If the lower blood pressure rises with decreasing pulse pressure, most likely the reason lies in the kidney disease.
Causes of low pressure:
- weak activity of thyroid hormones and adrenal glands;
- the significant loss of blood;
- a serious infectious disease;
- dehydration;
- allergic reactions.
Due to low renal pressure blood builds up in the arteries. Heart in an attempt to normalize the circulation of the blood pushes with too much force. As a result of rising top blood pressure and increases the likelihood of coronary heart disease.
Low pressure often in young people and does not require treatment. However, it may cause discomfort due to General weakness. To improve the condition, it is recommended to do physical therapy, use vitamin complexes and regularly walk in the fresh air.
- To be able to live long and productively, you need normal blood pressure.
- Deviations from the norm be both a cause and consequence of many diseases.
- The higher number obtained in the measurement represents the systolic, or heart pressure and less diastolic, or “kidney”.
- High and low blood pressure to normalize, even if no complaints on health.
- Should immediately in treating the pathologies found in the survey process and to adjust their way of life.