
What are the causes of low blood pressure and pulse, what to do and what medications to take to raise rates?

Slow heart rate or weak pulse, often accompanied by hypotonia (low pressure). Both conditions can be considered as a symptomatic picture of the pathologies of the cardiovascular system with hemodynamic abnormalities, or impaired circulation.

Typically, to determine their exact causes are not required to pass one diagnostic procedure, including a General blood test and ECG.

Does a weak heartbeat lie heart disease? Consider the most common causes of low pulse at low pressure, and in that case to do.

What to do with a weak heartbeat?

Since the weak pulse can be observed in many different diseases, and to be a physiological condition for a particular person, to deal with the causes needs a doctor. Assume triggers weak pulse low blood pressure (blood pressure) after consideration of patient history, blood tests (biochemical, total, and TSH), ECG and some other studies.

The most probable pathological reasons rare pulse and low pressure include:

  • ulcerative disease of the stomach or duodenum 12;
  • diseases of the autonomic nervous system, neuroses;
  • increased activity of the parasympathetic nervous system;
  • injury or brain tumor;
  • severe bacterial infection;
  • poisoning;
  • heart disease, thyroid etc.

When low pulse is observed at low overpressure, the reasons for this state also varied:

  • hormonal imbalance;
  • diseases of internal organs and infection;
  • excessive dieting;
  • lack of proper sleep and rest;
  • chronic fatigue.

The reasons are not only pathological but also functional or, as the doctors say, constitutional. To last include:

  • congenital, hereditary predisposition to hypotension and bradycardia (low blood pressure and pulse);
  • the high fitness of the organism associated with the increase in cardiac muscle and therefore the cardiac output, which provides full circulation with a low pulse;
  • the influence of low temperatures – while substantially lowering the temperature of the ambient air, the body tries to minimize its functionality due to the weak pulse and low pressure, as in suspended animation in animals during hibernation;
  • a sedentary lifestyle, the prevalence of mental stress over the physical, leading to disruption of metabolism.

Non-pathological causes of low pulse rate and pressure, generally do not need treatment and can easily be addressed if cause discomfort. Most often, for normalization of a state enough to make a few corrective changes in the lifestyle.

How to change your way of life?

What is meant by lifestyle change when it is necessary to raise low heart rate and low blood pressure?

  1. To begin to find the mode of the day time for a feasible exercise. The simplest way to morning exercises and Hiking and evening walks.
  2. To refuse voluntary poisoning the body with alcohol and nicotine.
  3. Lower calorie diet (sedentary work is 2500 kcal per day).
  4. To limit the amount of animal fats in the diet and also salt and water (as agreed with doctor).
  5. To increase the share of vegetable products in the daily menu, containing fatty acids – seeds, nuts, legumes.
  6. Find the opportunity to fully relax during sleep.

Most adjustments are aimed at preventing thrombus formation, which is especially dangerous at low pressure and the pulse below normal. And physical activity will contribute to improving the elasticity of blood vessels.

First aid for rare heartbeat

The above steps are good to normalise heart rate at low pressure in the case if well-being is not associated with severe symptoms of hemodynamic instability.

What to do if a patient is experiencing dizziness, severe weakness, shortness of breath, pale and ready to faint?

The relief of an attack with these symptoms at a low pressure requires urgent action.

  1. The first step is to measure blood pressure and just making sure that the heart rate and blood pressure low (less than 50 beats / min and 90/60 mm Hg.St.), to proceed to the assistance.
  2. If the rates will be critical – too low pressure (less than 70 systolic value) and pulse less than 35 beats a minute, you should call SMP to do this as quickly as possible.
  3. One of the first manipulation than it is possible to raise the pulse at low pressure lay person in a horizontal position with a low pathologies and lift the leg.
  4. To release the patient from all of the elements of tight clothes that can compress the vagus nerve – tight collars, necktie, etc.
  5. If the person is in a state of syncope for a few seconds, hold the nostrils with a cotton swab soaked in ammonia.
  6. After bringing the man to life to give him strong sweet tea, coffee or caffeinated drink to give to eat a sandwich with butter and cheese or piece of fish.

A reflex increase in heart rate after a meal will cause a gradual increase in blood pressure, same effect and caffeine-containing beverages. That’s why it’s so important to start helping to measure all of these indicators.

How effective is medication at reduced the HELL?

Most of the medicines which increase the HELL, has the effect of an increase in pulse. Apply these medications preferably after prior consultation of the doctor to prevent the development of acute hypertension.

Hypotensive you must know the list of these medications:

  • alpha-adrenomimetik Midodrin;
  • General tonic for the bee products during pregnancy;
  • psychoactive drug, Caffeine sodium benzoate;
  • tonic drugs natural ingredients Pantocrinum.

In emergency situations effective alcohol tincture of Echinacea, ginseng, Eleutherococcus, Rhodiola rosea, leuzea and other hypertensive medications.

Under normal pressure rarely leads to serious deviations of the pulse. But if the deviation has arisen and is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms, what to do with a small pulse? In this case it is important to identify its boundary – if pulse less than 35 beats per minute, you should call the ambulance, if less than 50, but above 40, it is possible to drink infusion pharmacy ginseng or Echinacea.Than to increase in normal blood pressure?

Than to raise with high blood pressure?

The most difficult situation creates a low heart rate and high blood pressure. Since the above medication, increasing heart rate, both are increased and pressure, so the use of any of them may provoke a hypertensive crisis or even worse consequences. In addressing this complex issue will help the drugs of the pharmacological groups of alpha-blockers and ACE inhibitors.

  1. The question of what to do if low blood pressure and low pulse, has no clear answer. First, you must find the exact cause of this condition.
  2. Under non-pathological origin is reason enough to change their lifestyle towards a healthy regime to normalize its biological parameters.
  3. Pathological causes require counseling and treatment of a doctor. Without prior approval from a doctor to take any unsafe medication.

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