
Tunic heart: causes, what to do at home

Heart can crack for various diseases – as a serious, represents a mortal danger for the patient, and perfect harmless, not associated with cardiac problems and need no special treatment.

Knowledge of the main causes of this unpleasant symptom and characteristic features of this heartache will allow the home to properly provide first aid to yourself or a loved one.

Causes of tingling in the heart

Stabbing pain in heart may be a sign of a number of cardiac and vascular disease:

  • Myocardial ischemia, which occurs when spasm and blockage of the coronary arteries in cholesterol plaques. The manifestation of this disease is angina.
  • Myocardial infarction – an extreme degree of ischemia.
  • Cardiomyopathy – polietiologic disease, accompanied by progressive dysfunction of the heart muscle.
  • Myocarditis – inflammation of myocardium of infectious or autoimmune nature.
  • Arterial hypertensionin which the heart is working flat out, so occasionally and sore.

Fortunately, most often a tingling in the heart occurs for reasons absolutely not related to violations on the part of the heart. Such reasons include

In fact, under these conditions hurts not the heart. Patients there is an unpleasant feeling in the chest, so the first thing they think is, of course, for cardiac problems although they are not.

In a separate group of causes of tingling in the heart area should include the diseases in which the heart, no pathological changes, but it still hurts:

  • Autonomic disorders.
  • Cardioneurozy.
  • Hormonal disorders, including those occurring during menopause and PMS.

In men, the tingling in the heart most often associated with coronary problems, diseases of the digestive organs, osteochondrosis, intercostal neuralgia. But for women more characteristic of various neurological and hormonal disorders, accompanied by discomfort in the chest.

How to recognize a heart attack

Myocardial infarction and angina does not always occur classically, possible atypical clinical presentation, mimicking other diseases such as intercostal neuralgia or pinched nerve roots in the spine. Therefore it is necessary to understand which symptoms can distinguish between a true heart attack tingling in the heart, not of cardiac nature.

The pain of the heart when myocardial ischemia has the following features:

  • Appears on the background of strong excitement or during physical exercise (lifting weights, exercising in the gym, fast walking, Jogging, climbing stairs, etc.).
  • Patients describe it as clenching baking. But it is possible that the heart is just a strong prick.
  • Pain radiates to left arm, shoulder, neck.
  • Discomfort increase if the person continues to swear, get nervous, run away, etc.
  • In a relaxed state, the patient becomes easier.
  • Nitroglycerin relieves a pain, but the myocardial infarction he, like pain medications, is ineffective. His patients were allowed to prevent even greater damage to the heart muscle.

In addition to pain during heart attack appears severe weakness, dizziness, performs a cold sweat, the feeling of suffocation, panic. If people have long been suffering from cardiac problems, any prolonged chest discomfort should be considered as a heart attack.

In diseases of the spine and intercostal neuralgia tingling in the heart area usually has a close relationship with physical activity and position of the patient: in one position it hurts my heart, but not in another. If the cause of pain is gastritis or pancreatitis, the discomfort is usually triggered by eating. Neurological and autonomic disorders tingling in the heart can occur suddenly and persist for hours. Physical exercise in such situations do not exacerbate the patient’s state of health, and Vice versa, even better. It is clear that nitroglycerin in all these cases the pain in the heart area does not decrease.

To what doctor to address

If the heart is stabbed, you need to sit down, relax, and listen to your feelings and then decide what to do to help always take the drug (this applies to “cores“), to call an ambulance or to relax and be sure in the near future to see a doctor.

People suffering from heart disease usually know what triggers and what relieves the pain. Therefore, if beginning to prick in the chest, they need to stop any activity, take prescribed earlier, a cure. People suffering from angina are shown preparations of nitroglycerin. The pill must be put under the tongue and wait until it will work. If there is no effect, you can take another 5-7 minutes. Important: the total dose of nitroglycerin should not take more than 3 pills.

Tingling in the heart should be regarded as threatening in the following situations:

  • If a pain lasts more than 15 minutes, and each minute feeling more and more deteriorating.
  • If alone the discomfort decrease.
  • If nitroglycerine or other prescribed medication does not help.
  • If the pain in the heart region, accompanied by extreme dizziness, nausea and vomiting, low blood pressure.

All of these issues will require calling an ambulance. In myocardial infarction, every minute is crucial. If the patient is not delivered in infarcted office and he will not just introduced a special medication may be irreparable.

If the tingling in the heart area that appears and disappears, you should always consult with a physician. Out of many severe heart disease the doctor will help ECG. The tactics of further examination will depend on which disease is suspected. For a more detailed examination of the heart is ultrasonography. You may also want to consult a neurologist, gastroenterologist, cardiologist, endocrinologist.

What to do at home if tunic heart

Cardiac diseases cannot always be treated at home. Most of these pathologies are a danger to the life of the patient, therefore, require a serious treatment in hospital. But with gastroenterological and neurological problems can be dealt with at home.

If the cause of tingling in the heart area is gastritis or chronic pancreatitis, the patient shows diet and medications to normalize the digestive process. Osteochondrosis mandatory components of the treatment is considered therapeutic exercise, swimming, Hiking, and generally any physical activity. To reduce the severity of chest pain with intercostal neuralgia will not succeed without anti-inflammatory therapy and physiotherapy.

In the case of autonomic disorders and cardioneurosis control an attack of heart pain by using sedatives (Korvalola, Valerian, tincture of motherwort, etc.). Subsequently these patients, doctors prescribe drugs acting on the nervous system, as well as vitamins and means to improve metabolism.

In addition, the patient must:

  • To normalize the mode of the day (need to sleep at least 8 hours)
  • To spend more time outdoors.
  • To avoid unrest and conflict situations.
  • To abandon harmful to the nervous system products and habits. In particular, there can be no question of Smoking and alcohol abuse coffee and strong tea, chocolates, confectionery.
  • Swimming.
  • To practice restorative water treatments, for example, take a contrast shower.
  • To do morning exercises.

With hormonal disorders, PMS and menopause to improve health and eliminate unpleasant sensations in the heart area helps properly chosen hormone therapy.

However, no less important than taking prescribed drugs for such patients have sufficient physical activity, good nutrition, adequate sleep, rest and a regular sex life.

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