Varicose veins of small pelvis in women is a common problem that especially affected women that are in childbearing age. Provoking factors of the disease are many and varied, but depend on them especially therapy.
Brief description of the disease
Varices of the pelvic veins is a vascular dilation that affects the pelvic organs. When varicose veins are clamped nerve endings, which leads to the development of pain syndrome.
The pathological process, according to the international classification can have two following forms:
- Primary – characterized by enlarged blood vessels pelvic organs.
- Secondary – accompanied by a thickening of the veins in the pelvis and develops on the background of pathologies of gynecological nature.
The disease develops gradually and requires mandatory provision of professional medical care!
Important! Pelvic varicose veins can lead to the development of the extremely dangerous complications, so the sooner you get started the therapeutic course in this disease, the more chances of a favorable outcome is the patient!
From what arises?
Varicose veins of the pelvis, the fair sex may occur under the influence of such factors as genetic predisposition, diseases of the gynecological nature, etc.
Among the major and most common causes of this disease doctors are the following:
- dysplasia of the connective tissue structures;
- genetic predisposition;
- sedentary lifestyle;
- insufficient physical activity;
- hormonal disturbances associated with elevated indicators of the hormone estrogen;
- lifting weights;
- neoplastic growths of benign or malignant origin localized to the region of the ovaries;
- gynecological diseases of inflammatory nature;
- numerous pregnancies;
- heavy labor;
- the lack of regular and fulfilling sexual life;
- prolonged and uncontrolled intake of contraceptives and hormonal group;
- frequent interruption of the intimate contact to prevent unwanted pregnancy.
- menstrual cycle;
- obesity;
- frequent and overly intense exercise.
Please note: the main cause of varicose pelvic vein disease is the pathological changes of connective tissue structures!
Varicose veins of small pelvis in pregnant women
According to statistics, varicose pelvic veins are the most vulnerable women, preparing to become mothers. The fact that when carrying baby weight category women increases markedly also increase the volume of circulating blood. In the result, the vascular wall expands, which leads to dysfunction in the venous valves and the emergence of phenomena stagnant.
In addition, specialists gynecologists emit a number of reasons that may provoke dilatation of the pelvis in pregnant women.
These include the following factors:
- changes in hormonal in nature;
- increased internal pressure in the pelvic veins;
- uterine expansion due to the growth of the child.
Important! Varicose pelvic veins in pregnant women threatened with inflammation, bearing a serious threat to the life, as the woman and her unborn baby!
For this reason, when first the characteristic features of a woman awaiting the birth of a baby, must, without delay, to contact the doctor for professional advice and purpose the optimal treatment! In most cases, pregnant women with diagnosed varicose pelvic veins is recommended a cesarean section!
Symptoms of varicose veins of the pelvis
In the early stages of the pathological process of pelvic varicose veins in women is manifested sharp pain localized in the lower abdomen, as well as the emergence of a large number of specific vaginal discharge. Pain often can radiate into the groin and lumbar.
In addition, this pathology is characterized by the following clinical signs:
With further progression of the pathological process there are such symptoms as swelling of the vaginal area, feeling of heaviness and discomfort in the pelvis, increased venous nodes, localized in the area of buttocks, perineum and inner thigh.
Note: symptoms of varicose veins of the pelvis is largely vanishing manifestations of other dangerous pathologies such as uterine fibroids, endometriosis, uterine prolapse. Therefore, to put the correct diagnosis and to appoint effective for a particular clinical case treatment only by a qualified technician, after conducting comprehensive diagnostics!
Dangerous than the disease?
Varicose veins in the pelvic area the fair sex, in the absence of adequate and timely therapeutic measures can lead to the development of the following undesirable events:
- venous thrombosis;
- uterine bleeding;
- irregularities in functioning of the urinary system;
- inflammatory lesions of the uterus and uterine appendages.
Please note: according to statistics, in 80% of cases subject to timely appeal to the specialist and strict compliance with medical recommendations patients were able to achieve positive outcomes, without the attendant complications!
To avoid such undesirable consequences and reduce possible risks to minimum performance allow competent therapeutic course initiated in the early stages of development of pathological process!
Diagnostic measures
Diagnosis of varicose veins of the pelvis starts with a study of the clinical picture, symptoms and results of the collected history.
However, in order to make an accurate diagnosis, the patient is assigned to the following types of research:
- ultrasound examination of the venous system;
- computed tomography, which allows to identify the presence of venous nodes in the region of the ovaries and uterus;
- Doppler;
- laparoscopy is conducted to identify ovarian varicose veins;
- auricularia selective – the most accurate and informative method, carried out by introducing into the region of the subclavian and femoral veins of a special contrast medium;
- radiography;
- laboratory studies of blood.
Using the above techniques the specialist can make an accurate diagnosis, determine the stage of the pathological process, the size and localization of the venous sites, which is essential for developing the most effective therapeutic course.
Treatment of varicose veins of the pelvis
Methods of medical treatment
Drug therapy for varicose veins in the pelvis should be aimed at eliminating the painful symptoms, normalization of venous tone and blood circulation, and relief of reverse blood flow.
The mainstay of medical treatment is drugs wintoncester nature, which is based on improving venous tone. Patients prescribed drugs angiography, effectively preventing the formation of blood clots. Actively used phlebotominae and anti-inflammatory medications.
To ease pain, analgesic drugs are recommended type. Of great importance in the fight against venous pathologies plays a vitamin. Patients administered vitamins C and e, help improve nerve conduction and strengthening vascular walls.
Types of surgery
Treatment surgery is recommended for patients diagnosed with third stage of varicose pelvic veins, and in the absence of the effectiveness of drug therapy. Modern specialists to deal with this pathology offer the following types of surgical procedures:
Good effect embolization of the ovarian veins, characterized by minimal levels of trauma and rapid recovery period.
Important! Surgery is set by the specialist individually. The doctor takes into account the course of pathological process, age group, General health status and individual characteristics of the specific patient!
Popular recipes
As a complement to drug therapy in the fight against varicose veins pelvic veins can be used and tools from the Arsenal of folk medicine.
We offer you to familiarize with several popular and effective recipes:
- Chestnut tincture. To prepare the medication a few fruits chestnuts need to carefully grind and pour half a liter of rubbing alcohol (ordinary vodka). Leave for infusion for 2 weeks. For therapeutic purposes, it is recommended to drink 25 drops of tincture, 3 times during the day.
- Carrot cocktail. Large carrots should be crushed with a fine terochke, and then squeeze through cheesecloth vegetable juice. The juice should add a teaspoon of Flaxseed oil. To drink this healthful beverage every day, preferably in the morning.
- Dandelion infusion. Tablespoon of dandelion Cora need to dissolve in a glass of boiling water. After 2 hours you should cool and strain the cure. Make oduvanchikova tincture is a tablespoon, 4 times throughout the day.
Good therapeutic effect is the same method of treatment. Leeches in varicose lesions of the pelvic veins is recommended to set the region of the sacrum and lumbar vertebra.
Please note: practicing methods of treatment of varicose pelvic veins is only permitted after prior consultation with your doctor, especially if we are talking about a pregnant woman!
Preventive measures
For the prevention of varicose veins of the pelvis the fair sex is recommended to follow the following very simple rules:
- to have an active lifestyle, engage in remedial gymnastics;
- regularly do massage the lumbar region and sacrum;
- in a timely manner to treat constipation;
- to include in your daily diet of foods with a high content of fiber;
- constantly take a relaxing bath, contribute to the normalization of venous tone;
- maintain a stable love life.
Adherence to these guidelines will insure you against problems with the pelvic veins 90%!
Varicose veins of small pelvis in women – quite a serious disease that can lead to the development of a number of undesirable complications. Therapeutic course is developed by the specialist, depending on the severity of the condition of the patient and the precipitating factors. When there are concomitant complications, as well as in the later stages of the process recommended surgical intervention.