
Atrophic gastritis treat folk remedies

Is it possible to cure the disease of the stomach the methods of traditional medicine? No, atrophic gastritis is a serious disease that requires the systematic use of drugs.

Folk remedies can enhance the effectiveness of therapy, reduce the risk of complications, they are indispensable in the prevention of seasonal exacerbations.

In folk medicine there are many effective prescription treatment, which have a directional influence and facilitate the patient’s condition.

Treatment of atrophic gastritis is:
  • in restoring the normal acidity of the stomach;
  • in the suppression of bacterial flora that causes inflammation of the stomach lining;
  • in the correction of immunity.

Gastritis has become one of the symbols of the current busy and dynamic century. Many of us at least once in life faced with the symptoms of this disease, but do not consider it serious. Although the treatment of gastritis by modern medicine holds fast, and usually successful, but if there is degeneration and atrophy of the gastric mucosa, impaired absorption of nutrients, doctors are sounding the alarm.

The patient of atrophic gastritis – a disease characterized by a progressive course and a high probability of cancer. The diagnosis requires long-term intensive treatment with the use of traditional and folk medicine, have proven effective.

Recipes for restoring the normal acidity

The processes of atrophy, occurring in the cells of the gastric mucosa, lead to a decrease in secretory function. The resulting pH of the medium and disturbed digestion. The patient experiences bloating, pain, indigestion and discomfort. To maintain the physiological level of acidity in the stomach to help following a folk remedy against gastritis.

  • The acceptance rates of the mixed fruit and vegetable juices.

It is a recognized method of treatment. For example, it is possible to take in equal proportions juice of leaves of cabbage, tomatoes and lemon to this mixture, add equal amount of boiled water at room temperature, and drink before each meal. Well increases the acidity of the juices of grapefruit, orange, currant, gooseberry, apricot. It is advisable to pick them in season. Drinking juices is one of the methods of prevention of autoimmune complications of the disease.

  • The intake of sea buckthorn oil.

This is an excellent tool for the treatment of the gastric mucosa. 2 teaspoons of sea buckthorn oil to add to 200 ml of milk and drink in the morning on an empty stomach for one month. After the course, be sure to take a break. The recipe is especially relevant in the early stages of development of atrophic gastritis.

Treatment juices and sea buckthorn oil is also a successful method to combat anemia and vitamin deficiency, which is often accompanied by atrophy of the gastric mucosa.

Antibacterial recipes of traditional medicine

Often the disease develops due to the infection of the walls of the stomach with the bacterium Helicobacter pylori. In traditional medicine there is a wide range of antibiotics, successfully destroying the malicious flora. Their action may enhance the intake of herbs and fruits, which contain antimicrobial substances.

  • Herbal for the treatment of diseases of the stomach.

100 g of St. John’s wort should take 50 grams of leaves of plantain, Angelica root, yarrow, pepper mint, cumin seed and 20 g of linseed. 1 teaspoon herb mixture, pour a glass of water and boil. To give the drink to steep for 10 minutes and then strain. Make the fee hot for the hour before meals.

  • Infusion of rose hips.

As raw materials are not only the fruit but also the leaves of the plant. 1 tablespoon of the mixture pour a glass of boiled water, boil on low heat for 10 minutes and strain through a strainer. The resulting infusion divided into 3 doses, taken before meals. After the monthly rate is month break. This method is used for the treatment and prevention of atrophic gastritis of the stomach, deficiency of vitamin C.

The restoration of immune processes

Disease, especially in the later stages, leads to suppression of immunity. Improper secretion of stomach cells can cause anemia, ulceration of the mouth, yellowness of the skin, weakness and headaches. When such complications medical methods used for treatment are often ineffective.

For the prevention of immunodeficiency States you can use the following unconventional methods of treatment:

1. Tea to boost immunity. Take 5 tablespoons of peppermint, lemon balm, flowers of willow-herb and horse chestnut, pour mixture of 1 liter of boiling water and infuse for 2 hours. Then add to the mixture a decoction made from cherry and viburnum, or strawberries, viburnum. Drinking tea every day at 500 ml.

2. Firming blend is a very effective tool to increase the resistance of the organism, weakened by atrophy of the gastric mucosa. The therapeutic properties of the prescription and its beneficial effects have long been known. For making take 200 grams of dried apricots, raisins, honey, walnuts and 1 lemon along with zest. All the ingredients should be scrolled in a meat grinder, mix thoroughly and put in a glass container with a glass lid. Consume 1 tablespoon daily on an empty stomach.

Treatment of atrophic gastritis folk remedies – effective and simple way to improve the quality of life and prevent further atrophy of the stomach wall.

Prevention of the disease

Disease refers to chronic diseases. This means that at some stage the patient ignored the symptoms, time has not treated and failed treatment.

Therefore, all prevention comes to the execution of a few simple rules:

  1. 1. promptly treat acute gastritis of the stomach and prevent its transition into the chronic form;
  2. 2. responsible attitude to the recommendations of a doctor if the diagnosis and treatment of atrophic gastritis;
  3. 3. don’t ignore the first symptoms of the disease, if a family has relatives suffering from atrophy of the stomach wall;
  4. 4. to undergo regular preventive examination by a gastroenterologist with a long reception of medicines and the impact of harmful factors of environment;
  5. 5. correctly and regularly to eat, to consume freshly prepared meals;
  6. 6. to fight stress, to observe the regime of work and rest;
  7. 7. to give up Smoking and alcohol abuse;
  8. 8. to strengthen the body with fresh air and exercise.

With the disease will have to fight the rest of my life, and also experience the stress of being at risk of developing stomach cancer. Follow prevention measures, provide a reliable protection!

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