
What Bulbit

Bulbit is considered as a type of duodenitis, a feature of which is in the course of the inflammatory process in the proximal duodenum, which is directly adjacent to the stomach.

Treatment depends on the type and stage of the disease. Bulbit can be both chronic and acute disorders affecting the duodenum. Often this pathology is accompanied by gastritis, characterized by similar symptoms.

Bulbit is also a process that developed due to the presence in the bulb over a period of time a foreign body (accidentally or intentionally swallowed) resulting in a compression of the walls and the development of local inflammatory reactions.

Also a possible cause, especially in childhood – or the presence of Giardia helminths, i.e. parasitic infestation, requiring specific treatment.

Which is why there is disease?

We can highlight the following main causes of bulbit:

  1. Penetration of an infection into organism Helicobacter Pilory. In such a situation, precondition for the development of violation becomes Helicobacter pylori gastritis and entering the duodenum the acidic environment of the stomach.
  2. The development of Crohn’s disease.
  3. Poorly organized diet with regular overeating, consumption of fast food, fried, spicy and smoked food, alcohol, too hot food.
  4. Welcome irritate drugs (the main cause are anti-inflammatory drugs).
  5. The ingested chemicals.
A description of the various types of pathology

Based on the characteristics of the flow, the pathology takes a chronic or acute form. Cause of chronic process is an infestation of worms or Crohn’s disease. To acute process often leads alcohol exposure and intoxication due to poisoning or medication, injury foreign body. Matters and the extent of the inflammation, the degree to which state diffuse or focal bulbit.

Separately stands out the classification on the basis of histological examination and gastroduodenoscopy, according to which there are:

  • Erosive-ulcerative form.

Among the symptoms distinguish the presence in the wall of the bulb single or multiple erosions, capable to ulcerate. The lack of timely treatment can cause the development of peptic ulcer disease.

  • The catarrhal form.

In this situation, the prognosis is most favorable. Inflammation is usually manifested acutely, and quickly stopped thanks to effective therapy. The reason this form is considered a violation of the functioning of the duodenum with a subsequent change of acidity inside the bulbs and the failure of all digestive processes. Typical disease symptoms are minor swelling and redness of the mucosa, the presence in the lumen of the follicles of large amounts of mucus.

  • Follicular violation.

The reason for this variant bulbit stomach – too strong reaction of lymphoid tissue, which is an integral part of the duodenum. Infection or other negative changes lead to an increase in the size of lymph follicles, which when examined look like small bubbles or knots with a diameter which is a maximum of 3 mm.

  • Hemorrhagic.

Such a violation is the most adverse as it marked bleeding of the affected areas, which significantly complicates the treatment.

Common symptoms

In addition to the above characteristics distinguishing the specific course of the inflammatory process, it is possible to allocate common symptoms of bulbit:

  1. The appearance in the epigastric region to the left aching (sometimes cramping) pain after an hour or two after eating or during the night.
  2. Pain in the umbilical region and right hypochondrium.
  3. Development simultaneously with the pain nausea. To help alleviate the condition antacids or low-fat milk.
  4. The presence of the mouth, metallic or bitter taste accompanied by the same sensations burp until vomiting. The cause of these symptoms becomes disturbed motility of the duodenum and the associated reflux of its contents back into the stomach.
  5. A feeling of fullness in the abdomen.
  6. Unstable stool or diarrhea.
  7. Changes in the shared state in the form of malaise, headache, excessive fatigue, excessive sweating, disturbances of vegetative character. Against the background of a long food break may be trembling of the body and muscle weakness.

To confirm bulbit, the following techniques are used:

  1. A physical study by abdominal palpation. Of possible diagnosis indicated by the appearance of slight pain in the epigastric region and the state of stress of the anterior abdominal wall.
  2. Fluoroscopy, which allows to identify changes in the structure of the duodenum and stomach, confirming the symptoms. This such features as the presence of carryover in the relaxation of spasm, the variability of motility, increased the size of the bulb.
  3. Duodenoscopy, is able to identify the symptoms in form of swelling and redness of the mucosa, excessive bleeding, erosion sites in the lower part of the stomach and adjacent part of the intestine. If the reason for the disease is atrophy of the mucous membrane, are able to detect her pallor and thinness.
  4. Daily pH-metry to monitor the dynamics of acid in the process of eating, in the fasted state and in other situations.
  5. Electrogastroenterography to detect signs of motor-evacuation abnormalities in the functioning of the stomach and 12 duodenal ulcer.
  6. Antroduodenal manometry to determine the pressure in the reduced stomach in the course of his work (in the antrum, the division placed special sensors).

Treatment with medication

Treatment of bulbit is necessarily complex and takes quite a long period of time. Starting therapy becomes a radical lifestyle change with a complete rejection of the consumption of alcoholic beverages, Smoking. It is also important to minimize emotional overload, to revise the diet.

Drug therapy is assigned based on violations and resulting its causes.

Most often the treatment regimen included the following medications:

  • Antibacterial agents, if the disease is caused by active bacteria Helicobacter Pilory.
  • Antiparasitic medicines that can cure the disease caused by helminths.
  • Sedative medication, effective in the presence of neurasthenic syndrome.
  • Antacids, which are essential tools that normalize the secretion of hydrochloric acid.
  • Prokinetics affecting the motility of the walls of the stomach and duodenum.
  • Medicines that trigger regenerative processes in the affected erosion sites.

Drug treatment is necessary if the pathology occurs in an acute form, with remission specialists recommend supportive therapy herbs. When the result of the diagnosis revealed acute erosive disease, the patient prescribes daily fasting and obligatory bed rest. At the same time carry out gastric lavage with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, then clean the intestines, making an enema with a solution of magnesium sulfate at low concentration. If the disease occurs with severe pain, need for treatment, selecting effective anticholinergics and antispasmodics.

Options the table diet and prevention

As already mentioned, the diet in the stomach bulbit is no less important than properly selected drug therapy. To achieve a therapeutic effect take food in small quantities and often enough to avoid excessive load on the stomach and bulb 12 duodenal ulcer. Absolutely can not eat irritating the mucous spicy, salty, fried and smoked foods, fatty meats and poultry.

Helps diet based on dairy products, dietary rabbit meat, Turkey, lean varieties of fish in the form of pink salmon, hake. If there is an exacerbation, treat the pathology starts, changing a habitual cooking solutions, because the mushy structure of food that can be consumed only in the form of heat.

In the diet allowed to include the following products:

  • Pastas and cereals.
  • Jelly and sweet fruit drinks.
  • Weakly brewed tea.
  • White bread.
  • Fruits and vegetables, not provoking flatulence and easy to digest.

To cure the violation through diet, subject to the above-described principles even without concomitant drug therapy, if the inflammation is superficial. In other situations requires appropriate drug treatment.

The key preventive measure is prompt and effective treatment of gastritis of the stomach (with appropriate diet), personal hygiene and handling of food.

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