The procedure is performed using a tube having a flexible fiber in the lumen connected with a light guide and a tunnel for a special forceps. Material makes it soft and elastic, thereby reducing discomfort of the patient. In addition to the inspection process in the FGS have the opportunity to take a piece of tissue of the stomach.
Surely every human being who comes to a specialist with complaints of stomach pain, have heard about such a study as FGS.
The acronym stands for FGS fibrogastroscopy conducted for rapid detection of developing diseases of the stomach. The first human reaction, as a rule, unequivocal failure. And in vain, because this method of examination can detect serious illness at an early stages, thus saving lives.
To accurately examine the mucous membranes and to put the correct diagnosis, a thorough preparation is required to the study of FGS in compliance with all requirements:
- 1. Cancel medicines containing iron and activated charcoal – they interfered with visibility during the inspection. Any other drugs to cancel is not necessary.
- 2. Not to cause an increase in mucous secretion in the stomach, you must give up Smoking and chewing gum before the procedure.
- 3. Be sure to test for the presence of allergic reactions to anesthetics such as Novocaine and Lidocaine.
- 4. Preparation involves taking sedative drugs for people with sensitive nervous system.
To be fibrogastroscopy stomach the last time the patient’s meal 8 hours before the procedure.
Morning FGS requires the following preparation:
- Prohibited a late and heavy supper.
- Can’t drink tea and coffee only water.
- And do not use drugs in any form.
Before gastroscopy scheduled for the evening:
- You can’t eat for 8 hours before the study.
- Water to drink SIPS – no more than 3 at a time.
- To quit Smoking 3 hours prior to FGS.
Training also includes special meals for dinner prior to the procedure. It should be light foods like lean fish with vegetables, boiled chicken breast, and buckwheat. 2 days before the scheduled date of the examination can not eat spicy food and drinking alcohol.
Completely exclude from a diet for 12 hours prior to FGS chocolate, any nuts, seeds and vegetables fresh. For the procedure to have a towel and a change of shoes.
Such a review of the stomach can not be called pleasant, but pain does not. Although it is assumed in the request of the patient the introduction of muscle relaxants that improve anesthesia. It is possible to conduct research and in the dream, but not in all cases shown. But without exception, before the introduction of the instrument is irrigation of the pharynx with local anesthetic to reduce the gag reflex.
What is FGS?
Fibrogastroscopy is shown in cases of suspected changes of the gastric mucosa, which include the following symptoms:
- 1. Pain in the epigastrium (upper abdomen), indicating inflammation in the body, ulcer or erosion of the mucosa.
- 2. Frequent heartburn accompanied by a sour burp, indicating a developing ulcer.
- 3. Unpleasant feeling of nausea.
- 4. Reduced or absent appetite.
- 5. Belching air after a meal. It talks about the possibility of atrophic gastritis.
- 6. Upset swallowing function, indicating a violation in the field of radical sphincter.
- 7. Reduction gemoglobinovyj indicators in the blood. If other reasons exist, appoint FGS to detect the disease.
- 8. This examination of the stomach is indicated for weight reduction in normal food to prevent cancer.
- 9. The procedure is also administered to check the effectiveness of the treatment of gastric ulcer or erosion.
- 10. Suspected cancer formation in the stomach. Also takes a piece of the lining of the body for histological examination.
All these symptoms and list of diseases are indications for FGS.
Description of the procedure
1. The patient is seated on a chair. To start done treatment the mouth spray anesthetic, affecting the tongue and throat. This helps prevent the gag reflex and significantly reduce unpleasant moments.
2. In the next step is fixed a plastic mouthpiece in your mouth, which will be introduced tube. The procedure is very often accompanied by strong involuntary belching because of the air inflating the stomach cavity. But it is necessary for more effective inspection body.
3. During the examination, the person freely and quietly breathing. If there is a pathological change, the doctor makes tissue sampling, summing, via the tunnel device special tweezers.
4. Fibrogastroscopy stomach allows also to remove polyps and stop bleeding. Upon completion of the inspection and any required manipulation of the endoscope is removed from the body.
The next day after the study, you may be feeling sore throat or pain. This is because the procedure is accompanied by mechanical irritation of the mucous membrane on the device.
Are there any contraindications?
There are some pathological conditions that put a ban on the study of the stomach in this way:
- Myocardial infarction in the acute form.
- Hypertension (crisis) with the indicators of pressure 200/100 and more.
- Disturbed blood clotting.
- Stroke – acute period.
- It is impossible to carry out a gastroscopy in the presence of bronchial asthma.
- Contraindicated FGS stomach people with mental disorders.
FGS is a safe diagnostic method. The only complication may be perforation of the esophageal wall of the input device, but such cases are rare.
Decoding results
For a healthy person it is as follows:
- 1. The esophagus pass, the mucosa has a pale pink hue.
- 2. Kardiya closes.
- 3. The stomach the introduction of the air expanded.
- 4. The body has longitudinal folds.
- 5. There is mucus in the lumen of the stomach.
- 6. There is a record of preserved peristalsis.
- 7. Discovered the closure of the pylorus.
If the doctor noticed abnormal changes, then decrypting is a direct reference to them in the conclusion. For effective flow gastrofibroscopy requires absolute adherence to all recommendations and doctor’s prescriptions. And it will only require patience and calm. Experts perfectly understand and know about the discomfort of the patient, the maximum accelerating and facilitating this process.
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