Hemorrhagic gastritis – a kind of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract characterized by the appearance of a disturbance of microcirculation vessels of the stomach before inflammation. Is the destruction of the mucous membrane of the organ and the formation of bleeding in the upper digestive tract. The disease requires control of the doctor and specific treatment. The consequences are very hazardous to health and even life of the patient.
Hemorrhagic gastritis in the form of medical specialists klassificeret into 2 types:
1. Acute gastritis is characterized by the emergence of a strong, unbearable pain in stomach, vomiting with traces of blood. The symptoms and signs of inflammation occur very bright. Seizures require immediate treatment.
2. Chronic gastritis is indolent inflammation, which is manifested seasonally. If left untreated, the disease infects the epithelium of the stomach deep enough and affect other organs of the digestive system. The appearance of the disease may occur for the following reasons: lack of treatment of acquired gastritis or due to hereditary predisposition.
Usually hemorrhagic gastritis can be caused by multiple pathological factors.
In order to prescribe the most rational treatment, the doctor-gastroenterologist is often required to identify the cause of disease of the stomach:
- 1. Poisoning with poor-quality food or chemicals.
- 2. Chemical or thermal burns of the mucosa.
- 3. The most popular cause is uncontrolled use of certain drugs, e.g., analgesics, negatively acting on the gastric mucosa.
- 4. Bad habits (alcohol, Smoking).
- 5. Internal causes: impaired immunity, the activity of the bacteria Helicobacter pylori, Crohn’s disease.
- 6. Failure to comply with the diet and prescribed diet, especially in cases when there is any disease of the gastrointestinal tract.
- 7. Neurosis, stress.
Signs of the disease
Hemorrhagic gastritis in chronic phase has key symptoms and is characterized by mostly common symptoms:
- Dull pain in the epigastric part.
- Nausea, vomiting.
- Various violations of the chair.
- Lethargy, fatigue, constant drowsiness.
- Tachycardia.
- Headache, dizziness.
- White coating on the tongue.
- Pathological weight loss.
- Sometimes the patient complains of lack of taste during the meal.
During acute gastritis with hemorrhagic component can exhibit the following symptoms:
- 1. A sharp, unbearable pain in the epigastrium.
- 2. Pallor of the skin.
- 3. Cold sweat.
- 4. Shortness of breath.
- 5. The patient takes a forced situation, facilitating his condition.
- 6. Vomiting blood.
At the time of diagnosis the hemorrhagic stage of the disease the doctor will indicate such features as:
- Erosion in the stomach.
- Sharply increased the acidity of its contents.
- Test for Helicobacter is negative.
- The level of hemoglobin in the blood is significantly undervalued.
For the most accurate definition of the disease and the purpose of productive treatment method doctors recommend the patient to undergo the following types of inspections:
- General analyses of urine and blood.
- Analysis of feces for presence of blood.
- Examination of the stomach with the help of EGD.
- A tissue biopsy of the affected organ.
- Ringtoneape.
- Tests for the presence of the bacterium Helicobacter.
- Ultrasound of internal organs in the abdomen.
To treat hemorrhagic gastritis should begin only after accurate diagnosis. Incorrectly administered treatment can significantly worsen the prognosis and lead to severe, intractable consequences.
Treatment of gastritis
Therapy of acute gastritis with hemorrhagic component should be carried out strictly in a hospital setting under the control of the surgeon-gastroenterologist. This measure is required to ensure that in the event of complications, exacerbations, bleeding and other unpleasant consequences was provided with timely qualified help. As soon as it is removed the symptoms of the acute stage, the patient may be sent home for treatment, he prescribed the necessary medicines. In order to successfully eliminate the disease and to remove the likelihood of new acute signs of inflammation, the patient should continue to follow a strict diet, appointed in the hospital.
Drug treatment hemorrhagic form of gastritis would be to use the following medicines, relieving symptoms and correcting the process of digestion:
1. Gastrocystoplasty funds (De-Nol, Venter). Due to its astringent properties, they help to eliminate errosive lesions of the gastric mucosa to heal minor wounds and to get rid of the causes of bleeding.
2. Hemostatic drugs (Etamzilat, Menadione). Are assigned, if you want to rapidly cure one of the most unpleasant symptoms – bleeding in the digestive system.
3. Antisecretory agents (Omeprazole, Ranitidine, Quamatel). Suppress the production and release of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. Irritant effect on the body is reduced gradually undergoes the inflammatory process.
4. Enveloping means (Almagel, Maalox). Create a special mucous barrier on the walls of the affected organ, thus reducing the pathological effects of gastric juice on its lining epithelium. Soft components of these drugs are also coated with a thin layer of content, removing it from the body naturally.
5. For treating disorders of the digestive activities can be assigned enzymatic preparations (Kreon, Mezim). They help to speed up the process of digestion and absorption.
6. Antacids (Rennie, Gastal). When applied inside to reduce the concentration of hydrochloric acid, join her in response, making it a neutral substance. This is necessary in order to reduce the corrosive effect of digestive juice on the inflamed walls of the stomach.
7. To strengthen health and immunity it is recommended to take vitamin-mineral complexes.
8. Antibiotic (Klacid, Klabax). Be appointed strictly physician only in the case if hemorrhagic gastritis was triggered by the activities of the bacterium Helicobacter. Applied course.
Diet and prevention
Food in hemorrhagic gastritis would be of great importance – diet helps to treat unpleasant symptoms and signs of the disease, restores the digestive processes and the motility of the gastrointestinal tract. Adherence and the doctor menu does not appear inflammation and positively influences the prognosis of recovery.
Basis diet consists of the following rules:
1. Preference should be given liquid and semi-liquid dishes. You must enter into the diet more mashed potatoes and pureed cereals.
2. All food should be either boiled, or steamed.
3. Avoid very hot or cold food. The food should be moderately warm.
4. Diet 5-6 times a day, preferably in small portions. It is important to prevent the emergence of “the hunger pains”.
5. Fried, spicy, salty, smoked foods are excluded. Strictly forbidden sweets, soda, fast food – any food, negatively affecting the gastric mucosa.
6. Allowed different types of cereals, wholegrain bread, porridge cooked in a mixture of milk and water, non-acidic vegetables and fruits without skin, lean meat and cheese, dairy products moderate fat.
7. From drinks prefer weaker teas, and mineral water. In remission you can drink a little diluted natural juice without sugar.
Prevention of gastritis will be to perform a few simple rules:
- It is necessary to follow a diet carefully selected menu and avoid foods that trigger inflammation and malfunction of the gastrointestinal tract.
- To observe the regime of work and rest.
- To abandon bad habits.
- To avoid stress, anxiety.
- Upon detection of the chronic diseases of the stomach to closely monitor their condition and prevent exacerbations.