There are different types of the disease depending on its cause. Symptoms they are similar, so the doctor will prescribe special tests to determine the causative agent. Sometimes gastroenteritis in children is formed as a result of poor nutrition, as well as radiation and toxic factors.
Almost all of these types are formed as a result of an injury infections of various nature. The incubation period differs depending on the microorganism that caused the disease. Parasitic gastroenteritis occurs as one of the signs of the activity of worms and worming.
Unfortunately, children don’t always think about the need to keep clean. Adults, too, are guilty, as has not often wash their hands, bad vegetables and fruits.
Most often in the youngest patients are diagnosed such its types:
- bacterial;
- virus;
- alimentary;
- parasitic.
Gastroenteritis is a disease that occurs in acute or chronic form. While involved in the inflammatory process of the stomach and small intestine. Diagnosed only by a doctor based on the patient’s complaints, and survey data. The greatest attention the acute form of the disease. Depending on the severity of the condition may require hospitalization. Small children usually suffer worse than the disease.
Sometimes undercooked meat or fish dishes can cause inflammation in the stomach and small intestine. It is the alimentary form, and otherwise provided for her treatment, but it is not linked to infection. The digestive tract of infants can’t deal with certain types of food, the adult organism can safely digest undercooked foods, while kids and Teens in response to the occur vomiting and diarrhea.
Often you experience the following symptoms:
- diarrhea;
- nausea and vomiting;
- abdominal pain;
- weakness and fatigue;
- the decrease in muscle turgor (elasticity).
Often added coating on the tongue, it is white or yellowish, no treatment is needed. As you recover he disappears. A child who develops disease, becomes lethargic, stops playing. The growth characteristics join all the other symptoms. He lost appetite, he refuses even his favorite food. Vomiting or diarrhea can be repeated a number of times. Well-being is assessed as mild, moderate or severe, depending on the frequency of manifestations the leading symptoms.
If the key the signs of gastroenteritis was repeated 3-4 times, talking about mild, the patient recover quickly and without complications. The specified amount does not exceed 10 times? In this case is the average degree. When watery stools and vomiting observed more than 10 times, it indicates a serious condition. Similar symptoms of illness in infants require urgent medical care.
It is necessary to confirm the diagnosis, in the presence of mild can be treated at home. Call the doctor, he will ask you a series of questions regarding symptoms of the disease. The information obtained will help professionals in the correct diagnosis. He also asked parents whether the child has contact with sick children. Regardless of the circumstances, the doctor will prescribe you a General blood and urine tests. If he suspects a bacterial or viral nature of the gastroenteritis, you will be assigned to an appropriate survey.
A physical exam is part of the diagnosis and involves palpation of the abdomen, listening to the breathing and other standard procedures. In accordance with the frequency of diarrhoea or vomiting, the specialist determines the severity of the dehydration.
Starting to treat this disease, children with acute gastroenteritis appoint the coprogram. On day 5 since onset of the disease, the doctor sends the patient to a special analysis. It is done to check the blood for antibodies. Thus, one can determine the specific microorganism that caused the disease.
Drug therapy of acute gastroenteritis
It should be combined. The doctor includes not only symptomatically, but also measures to eliminate the causes of disease. First and foremost struggling with dehydration. If the status is easy, parents are instructed on how to treat watering.
Work best scheme, which combines:
- saline solutions (Rehydron);
- boiled water of room temperature;
- sweet tea (for infants – glucose).
These types of fluids is necessary to alternate throughout the day. In the acute phase is the most important mission. Feed is not desirable, but if the child asks, you can give food according to the diet in small amounts. If it will not hold water, it is prescribed drip systems for intravenous fluids.
If you suspect an acute gastroenteritis caused by poisoning by low-quality foods or toxic substances, it is recommended gastric lavage. To do this, use clean boiled water at room temperature. It is also necessary to do a cleansing enema. Such treatment, coupled with intravenous infusion rehydration solutions aimed at eliminating toxicity.
Other groups of medicines that are sure it is prescribed for gastroenteritis:
- 1. antibacterial drugs (parenteral – Enterofuril, injection – Amikacin, Ceftriaxone);
- 2. if you suspect a viral nature – antivirals (Anaferon, Viferon);
- 3. chelators (Smectite, Activated charcoal, Pekto);
- 4. enzyme preparations (Pancreatin, Mezim, CREON);
- 5. probiotics (Linex, Bifidumbakterin, Bifiform, Acipol).
Features diet
In the first days of the disease it is not recommended to give food. However, if we are talking about the baby, it is possible to reduce the size of the portions, thus increase the frequency of its acceptance. When the child is on natural feeding, the doctors are allowed to put him to the breast. Hold it less time than usual. “Iskusstvennym” I advise you to give milk mixture. Their volume must also be reduced to a full recovery.
In the acute phase of gastroenteritis not only overfeed the child, but also to give him too much drink.
If you need to get him drunk, do not offer water, whole glasses. For starters just do a couple tablespoons. If this number of child tolerates well, then the parents must after some time give him the same amount. The person who received too much water at one time, there is vomiting.
In 2-3 days the baby is offered food that is prepared at the hospital. Hospital food is fully consistent with the diet. It is aimed at children with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. That’s why parents can easily feed her child. However, this does not mean that you can give immediately and the first and second dish. Return to normal diet should be gradually, watching the reaction of the body.
Prognosis and prevention
The results of treatment depend on how quickly the necessary arrangements. In modern conditions to determine the cause of the disease is not so difficult. On the first day of hospital stay is assigned to a set of procedures. If the child has gastroenteritis, you take blood, urine, feces. They are sometimes found to have bacterial or viral pathogens.
At discharge from hospital, parents are given recommendations for prevention, they explain that it is necessary to conduct heat treatment products. Fresh vegetables, fruits and berries should be carefully washed, the toys also need to keep clean. Physicians remind adults about such a simple procedure like washing hands before eating. From that, observe personal hygiene by their parents or not, can also depend on the health of the baby.
Sometimes the infection gets into children’s dishes from the hands of adults and acts as a cause of the disease. That’s why all the people who live with their children in the same house, are obliged to adhere to appropriate measures for prevention. Adherence of the above tips helps to prevent not only gastroenteritis, but also many other diseases.