
Examination of the stomach FGS

Disease of the digestive system requires a thorough examination, including fibrogastroscopy. It is a modern method of diagnosis using a special medical device. Such a study is not difficult, but requires careful preparation and implementation of all recommendations of the doctor. During the inspection of the internal organs there is also a possibility of biopsy to check for the presence of pathological formations.

Features of methodology

The procedure is in the special handling office. The patient may be sitting or lying on the couch.

The study consists of the following processes:

  1. 1. FGS of the stomach is performed using endoscope which is an instrument with a long flexible hose, consisting of fibrovolokno and equipped with a video camera and lights.
  2. 2. Optics allows you to carefully inspect the mucosa and take pictures. Through the plastic mouthpiece located in a patient’s mouth, the hose is introduced into the esophagus and advance slowly into the stomach.
  3. 3. Next, turning the device around its axis, carry out the survey in the four planes, moving in the region of the duodenum.
  4. 4. If you notice signs of ulcers or cancer manifestations, the doctor leads through the tube of the endoscope forceps which pinch off a piece of diseased tissue. The resulting material is sent for histological examination.
  5. 5. During FGS of a stomach carry out therapeutic manipulation – remove polyps and stop bleeding in case of detection of its source.
  6. 6. After diagnosis the doctor gently and quickly removes the hose. The patient should lie down for a few minutes to get rid of the discomfort of a foreign body in the body. An hour later, the patient sent home. Immediately after the examination, FGS may experience nausea and slight sore throat which passes quickly.
What to do before the procedure?

One of the important components of a successful survey is accurate to the recommendation of a doctor. Preparation for EGD or FGS implies:

  1. 1. Manipulation is carried out on an empty stomach, so the last meal should take place the night before, no later than 18 hours. Do not eat oily and heavy foods. The presence of food in the stomach will prevent the specialist to study mucosa.
  2. 2. Dr. it is important to warn in advance about existing medical conditions or serious illnesses that were previously. It is necessary to inform about the medication. Most of them don’t need to take at FGS.
  3. 3. On the day of the gastrofibroscopy can’t smoke and it is better to cancel a chewing gum as it promotes the development gastric juice, which makes it difficult to study.
  4. 4. Before intubation, the physician irrigates the throat with an anesthetic spray, so it is important to tell him about allergies, if any.
  5. 5. Patients with weak nerves and unstable to stresses administered intramuscular anti-anxiety medications.
  6. 6. The patient is recommended to loosen the belt and his tie, remove his jacket during the FGS.
  7. 7. After finishing the survey, you can drink water only after 30 minutes to eat food two hours later.

Training children

Diagnosis of FGS is not very pleasant for adults, so the child needs a special approach:

  1. 1. Children it is important to explain the need for analysis, parents need to talk to the baby calmly and confidently, so as not to scare.
  2. 2. Child up to three years FGS doing transnasal, that is, a tube inserted through the nose. The hose has a diameter of only 4 mm, the gag reflex is absent.
  3. 3. For young patients also trained: a doctor says that you can eat the day before manipulation. In extreme cases the kids are allowed to drink a little water before the procedure.
  4. 4. As the result of stress in children may appear red veins on the eyelids. There is nothing wrong, can be applied to the eyes swabs with chamomile infusion. Through the day, such symptoms will disappear.
  5. 5. In addition to the moral preparation for conducting FGS will need to have a change of clothes as the child may vomit. Bring clean wipes and a toy.


Deterioration after the procedure are rare, they occur only in some cases:

  1. 1. Careless insertion of tube can result in personal injury abdominalna pharynx and esophagus and stomach.
  2. 2. Perforation occurs as a result of damage of a large tumor, in such a situation requires immediate surgical intervention.
  3. 3. The elderly may suffer from pathological bone growths – osteophytes that prevent the passage of the probe.
  4. 4. Sometimes when the FPS of the stomach there are micro-scratches of the esophagus, which is treated with a solution of silver nitrate and diet.
  5. 5. The only permanent complication for all patients feel discomfort in the throat and nausea, but they are held for a maximum of two hours.

Who can have FGS?

The need analysis with the help of an endoscope occurs in the following cases:

  • Pain in the upper abdomen often indicate the occurrence of gastritis or ulcers.
  • Inflammation of the lining of the esophagus and stomach.
  • Detection of bleeding.
  • Detection and removal of polyps.
  • At pathologies of the biliary tract.
  • Before preparation for surgery.
  • In case of violation of appetite and weight loss in young children with frequent regurgitation.
  • The suspicion of cancer.
  • To identify the effectiveness of the prescribed treatment.

Contraindications to the diagnosis of stomach FGS are the following diseases:

  • A serious mental disorder.
  • Acute inflammation of the mouth and throat.
  • Stroke and heart attack.
  • Poor blood clotting.
  • High blood pressure.

The doctor has successfully coped with its task, it is important to know how to prepare for the exam EGD. This diagnosis is the best method of examination of the stomach, it very rarely leads to complications, gives a qualitative result in the case of correct behavior of the patient. This technology helps to detect the disease and prescribe effective treatment.

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