
Colonoscopy Indications and limitations

This method of diagnosis is safe and informative, as it allows you to identify at an early stage of the disease the digestive tract.

Colonoscopy is also used for surgical intervention.

A colonoscopy is an examination, during which a special medical tool is the inspection of the inner surface of the intestine.

Research opportunities:
  1. 1. visual assessment of the mucosa and intestinal motility;
  2. 2. the identification of inflammatory processes;
  3. 3. the diameter of the lumen of the colon and the expansion of the narrowed area;
  4. 4. detection of pathological lesions;
  5. 5. during the examination, make the collection of materials for further analysis;
  6. 6. if found benign, they are removed immediately;
  7. 7. detection of internal bleeding and their removal due to exposure to high temperature;
  8. 8. photo – and videography.
Features of the method

Colonoscopy bowel make by introducing into the colon a flexible tube (colonoscope), which is equipped with a small camera and pliers for fence material. The camera holds the shot in real time, illuminating the areas on the route of the probe. Coloproctologist at the expense of the transmitted video can be seen the mucosa and to see microscopic changes with pathologies. This examination of the intestine has a high information content.

A study using the probe allows the doctor to obtain the full clinical picture of bowel. A colonoscopy done in many medical institutions, both public and private. Experts recommend preventive care to patients over 40 once in 5 years. In chronic diseases of the bowel, or exacerbation of the processes prescribed procedure is mandatory.

Types of colonoscopy

There are three types:

  • normal;
  • virtual;
  • preventive.

Each of the examinations of the intestines to do with the probe, but there are differences.

1. First we need to understand what is virtual colonoscopy. This medical research has recently become widespread. As with the traditional method, is a visual overview of the intestine, where the image is transferred to a monitor.

Preparing for the virtual procedure is identical to a diagnosis of bowel. A study carried out by introducing into the colon of a probe, which fills the air the intestines. Thus, this kind of brings a minimum of discomfort, and the resulting data are informative. The disadvantages are the high price, the inability to take material for biopsy and discomfort. However, after a conventional colonoscopy, the patient may experience pain.

2. Preventive screening can detect cancers in the intestine, which annually in the world die hundreds of people. Cancer, unlike other forms, slow and at an early stage amenable to cure. The risk groups include those people in the clan whom were patients with typical disease. Only colonoscopy can detect the dangerous disease at an early stage, because the cancer at first does not cause symptoms.

Indications and limitations

Experts recommend to do the survey with the following characteristics:

  • black stools;
  • there is blood;
  • systematic diarrhea;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • colitis;
  • pathology of the colon;
  • polyps;
  • chronic pain.

The study is conducted in cases of suspected disease of the colon. Sometimes, specialists prescribe x-rays, but if the initial examination revealed symptoms of the tumor, it is recommended colonoscopy. Despite the fact that it is low-impact and safe, some patients is prohibited, as is the risk of complications or contraindications. However it is done, if there are no other methods in solving the problem.

Contraindications to:
  1. 1. infectious inflammatory processes in the acute phase, accompanied by high fever and toxicity;
  2. 2. diseases of the circulatory system;
  3. 3. low blood pressure;
  4. 4. a pathological condition of the respiratory tract;
  5. 5. ulcerative colitis in the inflammatory phase;
  6. 6. extensive bleeding in the intestine;
  7. 7. pregnancy;
  8. 8. poor blood clotting.

If there are contraindications to colonoscopy, there is a risk of damage to health, so study the inner region of the intestine do other, more gentle methods.

Through examination if contraindications, is the risk of the following complications:

  • the likelihood of perforated ulcers and 1 %;
  • complications after anesthesia – 0,5 %;
  • bleeding during the procedure and after – 0,1 %;
  • rare – infection with hepatitis “C”;
  • when removal of polyps possible pain and high temperature;
  • documented cases of splenic rupture (very rare).

In addition to the above limitations, there are temporary – lack of preparation for the procedure, repeated surgery in the pelvic region and hernias. The study is carried out after elimination of the contraindications of a temporary nature.

The preparatory phase

Preparation is to free the colon from fluid and feces. This stage includes the following recommendations, which the patient must comply strictly.


  • Diet: the rejection of beans, cabbage, yeast products.
  • Cleaning medicines or enema.

When the cleansing of the intestine most often prescribe the taking of Fortrans in the day of diagnosis. Cleaning enema is held in advance according to the schedule specified by the doctor. Often the evening prior to the procedure, do two enemas in the morning and 1-2. In any case, coloproctologist provides recommendations on an individual basis.

Almost every patient asks a question about how the survey is conducted and whether anesthesia. On the Internet you can find various reviews about colonoscopy, but they are one – painful. However, experts say that discomfort is most often caused by emotional tension. In itself, the study does not cause pain.

Colonoscopy under General anesthesia is recommended if there is evidence, for example, adhesions in the pelvis, children under the age of 10 years and more. During the examination, apply sedative painkillers, that is, colonoscopy in a dream. In other cases, a colonoscopy without anesthesia because there is a risk that patients that can not move her.

The cost of the procedure

Fees for examination may depend on the following factors:

  • the level of the institution;
  • legal clinic – public or private;
  • the equipment Cabinet;
  • regional location;
  • the experience of the specialist.

The average cost of colonoscopy is in the range of 4000-6000 rubles. When applying to an elite clinic the cost of research may increase to 20 000. The price range is also affected by the use of anesthesia. Below is a table with approximate prices:

The name of the procedure Cost, rubles
Normal 3 000
Diagnostic x-rays 4 000
Rectosigmoscopy 2 500
Fibrocolonoscope 3 500
Videocolonoscopy 4 500
Fibrocolonoscope 1 300
Videoshome 1 500
Colonoscopy in a dream 3 500
Injectable anesthesia 4 500

To obtain the correct information about the cost of the diagnostic method, you must contact the clinic by phone or to sign up for primary inspection.

In the process of reviewing article you learned what is a colonoscopy of the intestine, to whom it is assigned and is contraindicated. Uncomfortable feeling in my stomach, disorders of stool, chronic diseases are the first reason for entry to the advice of the Cabinet of Coloproctology.

One thought on “Colonoscopy Indications and limitations

  1. Coloproctologist at the expense of the transmitted video can be seen the mucosa and to see microscopic changes with pathologies. This examination of the intestine has a high information content.

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